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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. VCT, but NOT for mains voltage!!!
  2. If those panels are using the increasingly popular micro-inverters they would likely still be capable of generating if the grid was on. I posted an image a while back of a Ukrainian solar farm that had been hit by a Russian missile, it was apparently back online at reduced capacity within hours. Put a missile into a conventional power plant and it may take rather longer to come back.
  3. For your CT (low voltage, low current) regular insulated and sheathed (flex) would be fine. The issue with THW is that it's only single-insulated and PVC isn't totally waterproof. Underground conduit WILL fill with water whatever you do. After an indeterminate period your THW would go leaky and at mains voltages fizzing may occur.
  4. Yeah, good point, no idea how deep the river is at the various locations. But we do seem to see a smaller increase over the same time period (shifted by about an hour due to being further upstream). Really just a thought experiment whilst waiting for the tide to drop so I can get to the shops.
  5. As previously noted, I'm no hydrologist so I'm relying on grammar school physics ("Jack" Roberts our physics master broke his leg during our experiment to measure the velocity of light!). Anyway, the river at our location is 435m wide vs the width at Pak Kret of about 170m. So, if I'm right, our rise should be a bit less than half the rise at Pak Kret for the same increase in flow. Our river. Pak Kret (I'm not sure exactly where the level monitoring camera is).
  6. And the resulting level at the house, pretty similar to the previous night ???? I have no doubt the levels will increase as the next pulse of water arrives, just how much we will see. Madam informs me that "someone high up" has told the Bhumibol Dam to hold further increases until Ayutthaya has drained a bit. We shall see. Found some useful detail of dam levels etc. here http://tiwrmdev.hii.or.th/web/index.php/en.html page even has instructions in English (mostly) ????
  7. Pak Kret high water, almost exactly the same as last night.
  8. Better get my wet-suit out ???? And our ruddy power is out too ???? Running on the solar backup batteries / genset. EDIT Power just returned, was off 16:10 to 17:40 ????
  9. Yeah, all the electronic meters are the same, that one is fine for your 30/100 service. I'm surprised it doesn't show fractional kWh.
  10. Hmmm, the meter's self-use is usually from the unmetered side (so you don't pay for the power). Can you post a photo of the meter clearly showing the display please.
  11. Local low water at Pak Kret, looks pretty similar to yesterday. I'm no hydrologist, but hopefully we can equate that to high water being somewhat similar to yesterday too. I suppose we will find out this evening.
  12. We knew the land was prone to flooding, it's riverside ???? We spent a not inconsiderable sum raising it by nearly 2m. Unfortunately, the gods (and the water management department) decided to raise the river by more than 2m this year ???? We also designed the house with the ground floor above road level, then 2011 happened and the road was raised, so we are now between the flood barrier and the river ???? Such is life!
  13. Still dry inside this morning, our sandbags weren't challenged but there's doubtless more wetness on the way. I bought another sump-pump and Shera board to close up our downstairs room doors, just add silicone and screw in place over the bottom of the opening, shore up behind with a couple of sandbags, safe in the knowledge that having them means we won't actually need them.
  14. I reckon your local metal-bashing chap could knock up a new set of rack mountings and a stand to jack up the power unit. Move the whole shebang 300mm up, extend the cables if necessary (use adhesive lined heat shrink to keep the damp out) and you're gold. Cost? Minimal compared to a new power unit.
  15. Very much so, taking it night by night. We have a backup plan for if the ground floor is breached which "should" see us good (but not comfortable) to 2011 levels. If we were actually to achieve that level then the sandbags on the road would have been overtopped. We shall just have to wait and see ????
  16. Local high at Pak Kret. Slightly higher than last night, that said we have a fair bit of extra dampness compared with yesterday night at the equivalent time. Watching carefully but I suspect we will be OK tonight. Of course the geese are happy ...
  17. Have you checked it does actually output 240V ish? If so just use L1 and L2 to feed your load. If you adjust the speed to 3,000 RPM you will get 50Hz too (and a slightly lower voltage as a bonus). Should be a good backup unit. You should be able to re-wire the output connectors to give 240V. It may be better (easier) to just make an adaptor lead for the actual 240V outlet particularly as it has a dual-voltage switch (there will be spaghetti inside). EDIT If you get a suitable plug and a local style outlet connect L1 of the L14-30 to L of the local outlet and L2 of the L14-30 to N of the local outlet (it doesn't actually matter) and ignore the neutral in the L14-30. Use a separate earth rod for your local outlet not the ground of the L14-30.
  18. The garden at low-tide ???? I had to remove the pump from the pool to keep it dry, hence the lovely green colour ????
  19. There is one actually, but it's controlled by a (closed) sluice.
  20. OK, we survived the night, had to move the car out onto the road as the sandbagging was closing off our gateway. Our (non) entrance, we are between the flood defences and the river ???? The less than professional section was where we removed the bags to get the car out, like getting something back into the box you just removed it from putting sandbags back neatly is impossible.
  21. Yeah, sorry. We are on the northern edge of BKK so we expect the imminent arrival of your water ????
  22. Were the platitudes particularly delicious ones? The problem with all the flood mitigation (I won't say "prevention") schemes is that thare's no really integrated plan. The piecemeal implementation of "fix the tall tree areas first" (tall-tree = richest) just moves the flooding to the next vulnerable area. Here in northern BKK it's the worst it's been since 2011 but "this year isn't as bad as last time". Hmmm, I wonder what's caused that?
  23. I just logged on to my BKK Bank account from my PC here in Thailand and got the same screen. Looks like they have updated something in the Terms and Conditions (who ever actually reads these?). You have to put a check in this box. before the Accept button will work. I don't have the App but I assume it will work the same way.
  24. 2011 all over again! ???? Only worse for some because the "protection" that's been implemented since just funnels the water to the next weak point ????
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