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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. I'd take it back to where you got it from if it's duff from new.
  2. Simplyduty suggests 20% of CIF (Cost, Insurance, Freight) plus 7% VAT on the total. Yes, you get to pay duty on the freight and insurance ???? It's the same worldwide ???? If that's 4k GBP it might be better to get someone to bring it over, the chances of getting stuffed at the airport with a print is pretty much zero. EDIT The description is everything, calling it a "printed poster" is only 10% duty. It might be best to consult an experienced art shipper.
  3. A couple in their 60s were sitting at the breakfast table when the wife announced that she had just watched her first porn video. “That’s ... interesting. I hope you enjoyed it.” her husband replied. “Yes,” she continued, “I was so young then!”
  4. The problem is, without a bit more detail selecting the correct customs code is impossible. Duty could be anything (literally) from zero to >50% of CIF value plus 7% VAT on the total.
  5. Use simplyduty.com it's safe and (reasonably) accurate, but art can be an "interesting" subject for duty. What are you hoping to import?? And from where?
  6. I made one of the sleeve type thingies from a length of 1" PVC pipe, works well enough that I never got round to buying the proper thing ????
  7. Google Translate is your friend (not that the article makes masses of sense even in Thai).
  8. Ah. The buses are a law unto themselves. Take cash! Just this week I saw an article showing that they were going off down yet another (IMHO dead-end) route. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid02H5zzXhxeaSiM1g3W3wRQGxZPPDtjMpVegvi7bgQwpto1DB1gBtxALKLzcJtiMz6fl&id=326789607435947 Someone will be lining their pockets; it won't be me! As a (foreign) consultant I have two three jobs:- To be ignored. To be blamed when it goes pear shaped because I was ignored. To take the money for fixing it when it's gone wrong due to the above!! TiT.
  9. Good luck with that. TiT. Trust me, we've been trying since before I came to Thailand in 2004! We came within an ace of Rabbit working on the MRT. "Commercial issues" (politics) stopped that and really screwed up my plans for the Purple Line as I had assumed it would go ahead. The original version of Mangmoom was government sponsored. Zero uptake from the operators (costs to implement). The MRTA are trying to push for EMV on all lines, the problem is that the BTS core system isn't under MRTA. There have been other attempts at some form of standardisation too. Part of the issue is that the authorities (BMA, MRTA, OTP) really don't have any teeth (and really don't talk to one another either) unlike the LTA in Singapore. I was nearly ejected from an early meeting of the Mangmoom design team for saying "we have a limited budget, why don't we buy or buy in to Rabbit which is an already working and accepted system". Meanwhile SPAD in K.L. bought the already operational Touch-n-Go system and are doing just fine.
  10. It's the bit that goes on the incoming wire, it usually comes with the unit. It can look like this (clamp or split-core) which doesn't need you to disconnect the wire. Or this which needs you to disconnect to feed through the hole.
  11. If it has a current maximum less than your main breaker it will certainly do the job. It needs to go on the incoming supply, it should go on the L for best accuracy (it will work on the neutral but may miss some diverted neutral current that's going via the ground rod in a TNC-S system). Of course it needs a clamp-type current transformer that can just clip over the wire otherwise you will be messing about with disconnected live wires.
  12. Coming "soon" it's in the planning stage at present, the government are pushing hard (and calling it Mangmoom 4.0) but of course BTS don't want to pay for it. Accepting EMV is a potential digital security nightmare because you have to link exit and entry to the same card and it's not permitted to store real card numbers.
  13. All still pretty static at 109cm below "Worry". All ok for us but pretty bad for the villagers who are still flooded.
  14. I have no doubt there will be VAT but duty "should" be zero on solar inverters. I've never really worked out how customs are supposed to handle replacements for defective items.
  15. The A/C is going to be the killer. Do you have an idea how many BTU it is? 425 units over a month is about 14 units a day, so an average load of just over 1kW. A 12,000 BTU A/C would use that if it's working hard. EDIT To answer the actual question, yes meters do go faulty and yes, they can read high. MEA/PEA will install a check-meter if you ask but if they find no fault they will bill you for doing it. EDIT 2 I note you say "apartment", does this mean you get the bill from your landlord rather than directly from the authority?
  16. Currently BTS only sell the One Day tourist pass. The system is perfectly capable of selling others but they are not enabled. You can however swap Rabbit Points for trips https://rewards.rabbit.co.th/redeem_detail/bts-free-3-trips-for-adult-rabbit-card?locale=en I'm checking what the MRT sell, they've been messing about recently. Of course it's all about the $$$. EDIT MRT (Purple Line only) Passes. Note that the selling period has been extended with no currently defined end date. Still not sure about the Blue Line.
  17. The replacement unit is on the way via DHL ????
  18. The "shipping cost" on the item description is for one off. Buying several together will should will often might net you a cost lower than say 4 times the one-off price. As above, test by going to check-out. Buying another item later will be charged at the one-off rate.
  19. I cheated and got the Thai chap who got me the last ones to search for them
  20. "Support" used to reply promptly but the last few times there's been no response, try service[at]sofarsolar.com
  21. Yeah, the fact that Sofar were:- a. Contactable, b. Tried to help and c. Are shipping a replacement unit takes them up my list of favourite suppliers.
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