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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Meanwhile, Madam has declared that I have to build a permanent flood barrier at the house. I'd actually planned it from day one but never got one of those "round-tuit" things. So once the water retreats, we will be building. Of course, this will guarantee that we never flood ever again
  2. Pak Kret local high. A little up on last night. We are getting some water in the house, have to fire up the pumps in a bit. Some interesting flotsam.
  3. Yeah, Pak Kret is already at last night's peak level and still 2 hours to high water ????
  4. We only got a little water in the downstairs, the sandbags did their job of reducing the flow so one of the pumps could manage. However, this is the latest low at Pak Kret, and it's still raining ???? High at Pak Kret is at about 10:15AM and it's a pretty high, high ????
  5. Pak Kret local high. Looks very similar to yesterday, but we already have wet in the house.
  6. It's the governor you need to adjust, it operates the throttle itself. You should certainly be able to find the adjustment method. There are many plug-in energy monitors which also measure frequency. Check out Lazada.
  7. That linked lead would do the trick ???? Yes, you are creating an IT network so L and N are interchangeable. Most small generators are like this.
  8. Here we are at the Pak Kret "between humps" low water. Next Pak Kret high is at around 9:30PM tonight.
  9. We do actually have a moat, ok khlong, which is on 3.5 sides (security really isn't a problem ???? ), unfortunately it's connected to the river ???? Solar is doing its job very nicely now the replacement inverter is operating (that arrived just in time ????) battery backup works great if the mains goes off (which it has twice since Friday). The only negative, if you could really call it that, is that you can't tell that the mains has gone off until the batteries are exhausted or the load goes over 3kW at which point the genset starts.
  10. There is actually a pedestrian gate, but the water is still pretty deep there, I like to take the car right to the sandbags (in reverse so I can load shopping directly into the bed). This flooding is the worst we've seen since we moved in in 2012. The 2011 mega-flood put about 600mm of water in the downstairs of the house (under construction at the time).
  11. We have plenty of food, but we can get out if we have to. We have a 4x4 pickup in the car port which I can use as a ferry to the road where the Mu-X is parked on the other side of the sandbags. There's one road out available at present, others are closed off with flood measures ???? The only issue is there's a load of floating detritus outside, which comes in when the gates are opened.
  12. House (lack of) access, note the sandbag wall visible outside the gates.
  13. Local high at the house is definitely lower than last night. The second hump is about 10cm higher than the first at the coast, we shall see how that translates 50km upstream.
  14. Pak Kret local high, this is the first of the "double hump" tide today. Just how much humping there will be this far upstream is unknown.
  15. At least we get it as a slow-motion train wreck, not the flash floods like some of the poor souls up north ????
  16. Why do these videos always have inane music?
  17. It would appear that drawing a line on a bit of masking tape is effective flood prevention. The level stopped just short of my "Panic" marker. Sadly, I suspect there will be a continuing upwards trend ????
  18. High water at Pak Kret, 10cm up on last night ???? Waiting to see how high it gets here in an hour or so.
  19. Is there any information on which waterways they will use for the diversions?
  20. Looks like the rim has some minor damage, did you hit a kerb or something? Doesn't look too bad, IMHO not bad enough for the bead to pop out. A decent wheel chap should be able to tap that straight, if not he could replace the rim. It could prove cheaper to buy a complete wheel.
  21. Not really much to report, peak level last night was pretty similar to previous highs. Several days of high tides coming ???? I've also added a "Panic" indicator that I can see with the CCTV whilst in bed ???? The black line is level with our downstairs floor (there are sandbags on top too). There's only a couple of inches of freeboard but with no wash from passing traffic even a few mm is sufficient.
  22. Another high of similar level to previous ones. Hopefully the expected surge doesn't arrive in the middle of the night.
  23. House is on 16m driven piles into Bangkok clay, I doubt it's going anywhere. Mozzies are a worry but there are a lot of fish of various sizes in there which should help.
  24. At least some of our pets are happy with the water situation. Chooks, guinea fowl, dogs are rather less happy. 95f76526-30db-451f-b18c-6831edbead15.mp4
  25. VCT, but NOT for mains voltage!!!
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