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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Only if you ask for it. Thailand LV distribution is 3-phase 4-wire, a normal single-phase supply (which >90% of us have) comes from one phase plus the neutral. Of course, if you have a big place and can't get enough energy from a single-phase supply then request a 3-phase meter and supply. But once past your main breaker still treat it as if its 3 x single-phase supplies. @carlyai What are you actually trying to do?
  2. As above somebody needs to do a factory reset, if it's not already on the way back call Samsung and tell them to do that. It will allow them to do whatever "tests" they intend doing without compromising your personal data.
  3. U mean 3-phase inverters etc? When it comes to 3-phase in Thailand my advice is always "treat it as 3 x single-phase installations" be it automatic voltage regulators or solar inverters. The single most common failure on the 3-phase network here is loss of one phase. A 3-phase AVR or GTI will trip out and you will get zero, if it's 3 x single-phase units two of them will continue to operate.
  4. I would definitely avoid changing meters, but a 15/45 will power an awful lot, it won't just explode at 46A ???? With the solar helping it along I'd expect it to be just fine.
  5. It doesn't go anywhere it just never gets generated, if anything the energy just goes into warming up the panels as it would if they were just the roof.
  6. Yours too?? There's a new place going up opposite us, I will be watching closely what kind of meter they get.
  7. Here you can see our PEA weening process. Overall usage is the red graph, peaks in May 2020 and May 2021 when it was hot and I was WFH (with the A/C blasting), nothing this year as I wasn't. Green line is PEA usage, steady downwards trend. The difference between May 2020 (1,704 kWh) and May 2022 (140 kWh) doesn't seem to have raised any flags. Yet. Our total daily usage seems to have stabilised at around 30-35kWh so we could add a bit more solar (I have space for 6 more panels).
  8. We "weened" PEA on to lower meter readings over some time (actually by gradually installing more solar). Whether I really needed to I don't know, but a sudden reduction in usage could raise eyebrows. My records don't go back to before we had solar but our bills were regularly 5-6k Baht per month. Now we are around 1k or less. The critical point (as informed by the PEA supervisor) is not to let your meter reader actually see the meter running backwards.
  9. We survived the 2011 flood on the 10th floor of a Bangkadi condo surrounded by flooding, baby genset on the balcony. There were 4 condos that remained occupied throughout. The lady next door moaned about the noise of the genset, she was silenced with an electric cord It was actually more than 6 months before we got permanent power back due to both the transformer and the diesel being located in the basement and got totally destroyed.
  10. Just measured at 50cm below "worry", access to my usual measurement point is somewhat "boggy" and parts of the garden are flooded. Sandbags are supposed to arrive today. Tidal effects are becoming significant, we are about 6-7 hours behind the Bangkok tide table. https://www.tide-forecast.com/locations/Bangkok-Thailand/tides/latest Luckily no particularly high tides over the next couple of weeks although there's a period of "less-low" lows which will limit the drain rate. Our peak today will be around 4PM. Fingers are crossed.
  11. Yeah, we really need to know what passport you travel on, you could get from zero to 60 days.
  12. Here we go with the September numbers, a pretty crumby month overall, not helped by the hybrid being out of service from the 22nd leaving us at about 6kWP of active panels.
  13. The problem is it's coming our way down several rivers ????
  14. Tesla's are certainly ok, "almost amphibious" according to Mr Musk. Others ... A mate has a hybrid Panamera which does quite well in the floods but apparently "a lot of lights come on" but go off again after exiting the wet.
  15. Yeah, a work colleague mentioned a 66cm rise, but she wasn't clear if it was 66cm above normal (which we would survive) or 66cm over current (break out the submarine).
  16. Why not show and tell on your system, others may send business in the direction of your installer?
  17. There's a khlong on the other side that is directly linked to the Chao Praya ????
  18. Considerable rise since yesterday. When Pak Kret gets to the top of the concrete we need to get the sandbags ordered.
  19. But I hope the driver has a boat or a submarine:-
  20. DHL have a guide here https://preferredship.com/kc/repair-replacement-warranty-returns/ it's for warranty items but return for service should be similar.
  21. Agree. From my (ongoing) experience with getting a warranty unit through customs the paperwork has to be absolutely spot on or a customs officer's head explodes.
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