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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. I'm sure a man of your calibre could fabricate a handle extension ????
  2. Yup, Lazada is your friend ^^^. Most pool supply places should have them too. Note that they come in a number of flavours dependant upon just which ports they switch and how they switch them, check you are ordering one that does what you want it to do ???? EDIT The one on Madam's koi filter can block any of the three ports or leave all three open together.
  3. In reality I think we are looking at a "design fact". We have three units which behave in the same way - Unlikely to be a faulty unit. They appear to do the same in a number of locations - Not likely to be a wiring issue. The units are intended to be used 2-wire, so no missing ground. The leakage is very, very small and likely only noticeable in bare feet on a conductive floor. I can just feel the "shock" from my neon screwdriver if I'm downstairs on our tiled concrete floor, it barely manages to light upstairs on the wooden floor or if I wear my ancient sandals. As a "solution" it's the slippers or a less conductive floor covering I'm afraid.
  4. A couple of friends have received emails purportedly from Wise:- All the hallmarks of a fake, not personally addressed, embedded link, etc. etc. the "Login" link goes to "wIseuk" (yes, that's a lower case L). Despite all the warnings people still follow these links and get screwed, so another warning can never hurt.
  5. Sadly no, we're down in BKK, a bit far to come. Try a post in the Chiang Mai forum with a link to this thread, there could be someone who knows a competent sparks, or you could try your local PEA office, the chaps often like a bit of moonlight ????
  6. Thanks ^^^, and the plug at the adaptor end is also 2-pin? It's possible that the adaptor has gone leaky internally for which the solution is a replacement ???? Can you beg or borrow another to try? EDIT Is this occuring in the building in your other thread with the apparently excessive current in the N-E link? Is it the same elsewhere?
  7. You definitely seem to have significant diverted neutral current heading off down your ground IF it is wired as the diagram (I admit I'm still not convinced) you have a problem that needs looking at.
  8. Can you post a photo of the adaptor please, particularly the mains connectors. It is odd that a pukka Sony adaptor is giving tingles.
  9. OK, you win. I do see where you are coming from. As I noted, it's fine for comparison between bills with similar consumption, but trying to use it to compare someone who uses 100 units per month with someone who uses 2,000 is doomed to controversy. I'm quite happy to use Baht/kWh, it's close enough for most of us and easy to calculate.
  10. Not really, it's good enough for a quick comparison but the rate is variable by consumption and the Fuel Tariff changes regularly. If you look on the bill you will find a line marked as Ft followed by a number and a total (the Ft rate x the number of units used). This is the Fuel Tariff and is what they use to easily adjust the rate, I think it can vary every 3 months (could be wrong there). March last year it was -0.1532 Baht per unit, now it's +0.2477 Baht per unit (fixed until August I believe), that adjustment is enough to make a 10% change in the price of a base 4 Baht unit! Ft history is here https://www.pea.co.th/ความรู้เกี่ยวกับไฟฟ้า/ค่าFT
  11. OK, I think I know what's going on here. It's not easily fixed with building wiring I'm afraid. What we are seeing is the leakage via the mains filter in the power supply, the same effect as we see with un-grounded desktop PCs. The actual leakage is very small and not hazardous in itself, but bare feet on a conductive (concrete) floor may lead to annoying tingles. I suspect that the adapter was actually designed for a grounded supply and was cheaply modified for the local market ???? Is the camera / adapter a known brand (Sony etc.)? You could try reversing the plug in the outlet or replacing the adapter with a different brand. If the adapter is of the 90-250V "universal" type try running it off a 220-110V transformer. You might try to find an "isolating transformer" but these are generally less than cheap and may not actually fix the issue. Otherwise, avoid using the camera with the adapter or break out the rubber flip-flops.
  12. Having had assorted wildlife in electronics in the past our Sofar inverters are IP65 and fanless, no creature may enter. If you do have fans and the inverters are in a wildlife preserve, the wire type mozzie screen provides very little resistance to airflow and total resistance to gekkos. You need to cover both the inlet and exhaust ports (not always easy). Or you could build an enclosure with mozzie screened ventilation (maybe extra fans too). One problem we did have was our local Ringed Doves tried to make a nest on top of the grid-tie inverter, I was worried about dove poop and overheating so I made a negative birdcage out of a grill mesh to persuade them to go elsewhere. Oddly enough the other inverter (the hybrid) hasn't proven remotely attractive and thus doesn't have a cage. The mud-dauber wasps are no problem, so are allowed to stay.
  13. Scary innit?? For more memory revival listen to BBC Radio 2 on the BBC Sounds App. Sounds of the Eighties with Gary Davies is on Friday night (I listen whilst shopping on Saturday). The really sad ones listen to Sounds of the Sixties with Tony Blackburn who I first listened to when he was on Radio Caroline pirate radio, he must be at least 900 by now! Check out Deacon Blue "Raintown" album, yes it really was 35 years ago!
  14. Yup. we had driven from Vickers, Barrow-in-Furness down to Pompey (Portsmouth) before being instructed to drive all the way back north to Newcastle upon Tyne ???? Even then communications was good enough that we could have been told where to go next by phone!! But security was everything!! Loose Lips Sink Ships!! A very long Monday!
  15. First time I heard this we were driving up to Swan Hunter's in Newcastle to do some work on HMS Coventry (Type 42 destroyer) before the Argies put a number of bombs into her ????
  16. I've not tried it recently but it has certainly worked in the past. Time for a VPN with a Thai server perhaps?? Could be a handy thing to have anyway. EDIT I just tried it using my UK VPN, it worked just fine so should be no issue.
  17. Another track that bounded back into my conciousness courtesy of Gary Davies' "Sounds of the Eighties".
  18. This one is still doing it's thing. If I was doing it again I'd go with one of the boards with WiFi integrated, much easier. I did design a replacement using a NodeMCU board but not done much with it.
  19. Well another month is over so another graph. A couple of bad days were offset by some very good ones and we broke the 1MWh barrier with 1.036MWh from the solar ???? In the same period we used 0.117 MWh from PEA ???? I've finally got my coulomb-counter doing something sensible so I can better analyse the performance of my used batteries. Watch this space ????
  20. I pretty sure I've posted this in the past but ... Some years ago, probably around 2005/2006 I related the sick-buffalo story to my wife, she thought it was hilarious (and very typically Thai lady). A little while later she was chatting to our local buffalo man (he was grazing his charges on our bit of land), there was much frivolity and smiling. I asked her later what they'd been talking about. Of course it was the sick buffalo (why else would I be posting here). He said that for 10,000 Baht he would deliver a young buffalo to a bar of our choice with the story "This is for <insert name of lady> to replace the one that died." Sadly we never took him up on it and he is long gone (he was about 150 years old back then) but it would make a fun YouTube ????
  21. We are in northern Bangkok, our garden mulcher started in eastern Bangkok then went to Lat Krabang and Swampy before actually making it to us. The start point was actually closer to us than Swampy The mysteries of low-cost logistics.
  22. Yeah, I edited when I realised, it's hot and my brain functioneth not ???? It does seem odd that the line-haul message is later, but these packages often go through several "hubs" on their, often meandering, journey.
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