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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Yeah, that's only about 100Ah's worth, but you do seem to have an iffy cell in that pack which is well worth replacing. With only a passive balancer that cell won't be compensated for ???? Which seller did you use?? Mine were from lifepo4shop on Lazada. We're getting about 11kWh from 200Ah of the CALB cells + 100Ah of "unknown" cells (which we know are only 50Ah)
  2. By far the best type of active balance would be the "flying-capacitor" kind, these can move charge between any pair of cells rather than just dumping it. This can compensate for a "weak" cell at least partially. With used / unknown cells well worth the $$$. I have one of these on my larger pack, seems to work well. https://www.lazada.co.th//products/i2547693090-s9060712387.html
  3. Ah yes, "covid" the universal excuse! But I agree that swapping the main board would be the way to go, but try to get an agreement that if it doesn't fix the issue then no charge (and put the not dead old one back). Good luck! (in the style of The Great Escape)
  4. Yeah, 60 litres which is just about a full tank on the Mu-X (65 litre tank) is 1,797 Baht at today's rate, about 41 Squid for 13 imperial UK real gallons. We shall see how long the oil-fund can keep diesel below 30 Baht as promosed by you know who. Madam is again "strongly" in favour of getting an EV (and more solar to fuel it), of course Muggins here will be shelling for it.
  5. Yup, would be great, then you get some numpty trying the phone the GPS numbers ???? We are in a village, but our gate is set back from the road and isn't really visible behind the greenery, we've had drivers call for directions whilst actually sitting outside I came across one delivery service which had a slot for GPS coordinates (Canaio IIRC), didn't help, driver still couldn't find us ???? Madam tells lost drivers who have found the village to ask for "Baan Farang" or "khun David" the whole village knows us and where we live. Unless you know it's there, dead easy to whizz past, even easier if I've not trimmed the bushes recently. The restaurant is a good landmark, but they put the sign away when not operating.
  6. I now need to get tea out of my keyboard!!
  7. Are you sure it's set to "cool" (usually a snowflake symbol on the display)? If your remote has some sort of master reset button, press it to restore default settings.
  8. The DEA system for our beasts of gates was about 25k installed. BUT. That was in 2012, I doubt things will have gotten cheaper. Swing gate systems seem to be considerably more costly than sliders.
  9. Indeed, and I wish to remain married ???? A mate (sadly now passed) had an "automatic" gate in K.L. He had a wireless doorbell remote in the car, when he pushed it the Burmese maid came running out and opened the gate. She did moan (well I think she moaned, it was in Burmese) if it was raining.
  10. We have a DEA NET230N controller https://www.deasystem.com/en/accessories/control-units as the LOOK actuators we have are 230V. BLT are the local DEA agents in Bangkok https://bltassociates.co.th/
  11. When it's hammering down tropical style, opening manual gates gets old very rapidly, even once a day ????
  12. Actually on-topic ???? Our gates are stainless with wood infill, I'm not sure of anyone is doing aluminium gates, there may be strength issues. Our gates are pretty heavy but the DEA actuators and controller have no problem opening and closing the beasts. The gates, I'll hunt out the specs for the actuators and controller. EDIT We have DEA "LOOK" actuators https://www.deasystem.com/en/product/look-the-automation-for-large-sized-swing-gates
  13. Charlie, can I have some of whatever you've been smoking please, must be some really good herb ????
  14. Terminals are certainly "tight" with the recommended 6mm2 cable, the alternative 10AWG being slightly smaller (5.2mm2) should fit pretty easily. I ended up using 2x2.5mm2 on the panel connections (one per terminal, it has 2 terminals for + and 2 for -) and 4x2.5mm2 on the battery side (two per terminal). Connection from the solar MCB to the MC-4 connector is 6mm2 and from the battery MCB to the battery is 10mm2. All cables are copper VSF which I like because it's reasonably flexible. The SCC is also lifted off the back plate on 12mm stand-offs to allow some air circulation around the back which is where the FETs are mounted, the fan doesn't actually seem to blow air over the heatsink area at all.
  15. Crossy


    We have an Electrolux 4 slot beast, does reasonably well on makro sliced. I'd like a pukka industrial one but we really don't make enough toast.
  16. Meanwhile I also had to fix our tumble dryer which we haven't used since we moved into the house in 2012. Madam says it makes the towels nice and fluffy and since the electric is now "free" ... A massive 88 Baht for a motor capacitor (and a YouTube search to see how to get the ruddy thing apart) and she's happy. I'm sure the logs will show increased local consumption on laundry days, there are only two of us, but every day seems to be a washing, drying, ironing day ???? Love her to bits ????
  17. Soooo, this weekend was a spash of re-configuration. A couple of reasons for these activities:- Our Sofar on-grid hybrid has a maximum charge current of 60A (more like 52A in reality), with my planned additional batteries it may not be able to fully charge them from dead in a day. A less known issue is that when paired with lithium batteries with a BMS that has no inverter communications the Sofar only charges to about 53.2V which is only around 80% full, 54V is 99%. Nice for the cells but not for our overnight usage. It seems from posts in dedicated Sofar forums that the inverter software is optimised for lead-acid, Sofar themselves are not really interested in sorting this, they simply recommend getting a compatible BMS. Anyway, in order to address the lack of charge current I picked up a couple of PowMr 60A MPPT charge controllers, intending to move some panels over to them to bang extra amps into the batteries and, as an extra, top up the packs to 54V when the Sofar had gone to sleep. So I've set up one PowMr on 6 of our panels, we now have something like this:- The PowMr isn't weather resistant so it got a box to live in, it's really a bit small (it was in stock) but the panels are only about 60% of the maximum so with luck we will be OK without box ventilation. Things are spreading sideways, my lack of planning is evident in the somewhat random system evolution Testing has been a bit limited so far but it does seem to be achieving the objectives, the Sofar has stopped charging but the PowMr is still banging 10A (500W) or so into the batteries. The acid test will be when the new cells arrive, pretty well doubling our available storage. Watch this space.
  18. Something worthy of note is that the devices mentioned in 722.411.4.1 iii (at 8:14 => in the 1st video) are in fact now available and an increasing number of EV charge points do now incorporate PEN failure detection.
  19. Your inverter manual will tell you the maximum amount of PV per string input. You should not exceed this. Your inverter will have a maximum PV input voltage. The sum of your series panel open-circuit voltages (Voc) MUST NOT exceed the inverter maximum PV input voltage. Ignore this at your peril!!! The inverter will also have a maximum string current, the sum of your parallel panel short-circuit currents (Isc) should not exceed this value. Whilst most inverters and charge controllers will try to protect themselves against over volt/current they don't always succeed and the exit of the magic-smoke ensues ???? NOTE Over-panelling an inverter or charge controller is permissable under certain circumstances, but generally stick within the numbers in the manual and you won't fry anything.
  20. Crossy

    For Crossy

    Yeah, the site is dead and is not very likely to return any time soon, just way too much real work to do ???? You can use the WayBackMachine to check the archived versions.
  21. Try turning off your modem/router for a few minutes to try and get a new Thai IP address. It's possible your current IP is on one of the blacklists used by CloudFlare.
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