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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Many "chargers" (actually an EVSE - the charge electronics is in the car) have the necessary RCD built in to the wall box. I would certainly be looking carefully what you get.
  2. It's been pretty murky although we are down on the same period last year. Seemingly thin, high cloud makes more difference than one might expect. The good days are pretty much average for our system, so I don't think there's actually anything wrong, the bad days slug it Year on year variations can be rather large. October 2022 was when we lost one inverter for a while due to a software failure. July 2023 was our panic when we thought PEA might have seen our meter going backwards.
  3. February numbers, not particularly wonderful. We just took delivery of 4 more 380W panels which will take us to just over 12kWP on the car port The overall percentage solar/grid was reduced by the presence of family over the long weekend. Having all the A/C running really does hit the bill
  4. There are specific requirements for an EV charger one of which is a Type-B RCD/RCBO which must be a double-pole unit (opens the neutral). All the necessary stuff should be supplied by the installation contactor. Do you already have a 30/100 meter? If not, they will probably require one, or a separate 15/45 dedicated to your EV.
  5. Twisting the wires ensures a good connection, if you don't twist there's a chance it won't connect perfectly (but probably will). If two caps fixes the issue, great, you could use one of double the value if space is an issue. It's probably pure coincidence that the third light popped after you put the cap in You really shouldn't be popping LEDs this often, something else is awry but exactly what beats me at present.
  6. Learning to swim should be high on the list, even basic floating and keeping the right way up would keep them alive long enough for someone to notice. We are lucky in that the Thai grandkids all swim like fish and adore using our small pool, it's actually unclear exactly where they learned to swim but they do live near the river. Sadly, when we have other family visiting the youngsters all need floaters and constant adult supervision, and they don't seem to get any more confident in the water over time. Get them learning whilst in school!!
  7. You're welcome of course. Since you are going contractor try hunting through the other threads, I'm pretty sure that there's at least one with a similar sized system non-DIY. This is pretty close: -
  8. The above is actually going to be the least efficient way of using the beast. You should try setting to a comfortable temperature (probably higher than you think) and just leave it running with your fan to assist in circulation. Ideally, get an actual energy monitor on that A/C to see what you are really using.
  9. If we assume you need it 24/7/365 and have an electronic meter (worst case). Your 12kBTU A/C will consume about 1.2kW when running at full chat. So, at least 3kW of inverter. If it's reasonably correctly sized that would equate to about 0.4kWh per hour of operation. So, for 24 hours of operation, you would need about 10kWh of energy. To generate 10kWh on a reasonable day in Thailand you are looking at about 4kWP of solar (10-11 x 380W panels). To run the A/C for the non-productive 19 hours or so you need about 8kWh of storage (say 200Ah of 48V LiFePO4 battery). Summary: - 5kW inverter (needed to support 4kW of PV) 4kW of panels. 8kWh (200Ah x 48V) of battery. Very do-able, you will likely need to top-up with grid energy on bad generation days. The above is very "back of a cigarette packet" but should be in the correct ball park. DIY install or contractor?
  10. Roughly how long per 24 hours would you run the A/C? What type of meter do you have, electronic or spinning disc?
  11. Not really new, but it made me smile, again. A WIFE Sends a Message to Her HUSBAND WIFE: “Honey, please don't forget to buy bread when you're coming home from work, and lest I forget... Your girlfriend Elizabeth is also here and says hello to you.” HUSBAND: Who is Elizabeth? WIFE: Nobody, I just wanted you to respond, so I can have confirmation that you saw my message. HUSBAND: But I’m with Elizabeth right now, I thought you saw us! WIFE: What! Where are you? HUSBAND: Near the neighbourhood bakery. WIFE: Wait, I’m coming right now! After 5 minutes, his wife sends a message: WIFE: I’m at the bakery, where are you? HUSBAND: I’m at work. Now that you’re at the bakery, please buy the bread and go home!
  12. Unlikely really, I regularly pay that, never had a duff one. You could try two caps on the still glowy one (so 3 wires in each hole).
  13. Bu99er! It doesn't matter which side of the connector the cap goes. You could try swapping the wires at the fixture (swap blue and brown), it probably won't help but desperation is setting in.
  14. For any insurance related stuff, it's worth talking to AAinsurance They have access to all the major providers that operate in Thailand.
  15. Yeah, that was the actual failure, but what triggered it, bad crimp, damp, just not quite plugged?
  16. Have you checked out the DSTV coverage app, it's in the Thai Google Playstore, that should tell you how big an antenna you need and which way to point it, get all the DSTV free-to-air stuff.
  17. Missing Taylor Swift? How about The Heimatdamisch, Conny has a voice, she's just not quite Ms Swift.
  18. @GammaGlobulin we ALL have a writing style, just like we all have an accent and an <insert appropriate slang term for rectum here>. I have a Bolton accent (check out Fred Dibnah on YouTube) and a "techy" writing style (it's what I've done to earn a crust for much longer than I care to remember). It's all part of who we are. NOTE to other members: - Personal attacks on the open forum or by PM will not be tolerated!
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