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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Madam won't let me on our car-port (where the solar lives) even with our walkway, for that matter our 2.5m step-ladder is frowned upon. This is despite the fact that she knows just how much $$$ she will get if I should die "accidentally".
  2. Guys, it's a "meter", "metre" is a unit of length. Echoes here of the "parking nazis" in the UK (again private contractors) who go after little old ladies who overstay their parking ticket by a few moments.
  3. Yeah, I think that came out in later posts. The market for Thailand vlogs must be approaching saturation by now (I've never watched even one). Unless he has an unusual angle, he's going to join the also-rans!
  4. OK people, let's try to play nicely shall we. @Pouatchee measure your power supply voltage with nothing connected. Then connect it to your electrolysis cell (put the batteries in the bin) and measure again. If the voltage has collapsed to zero then the current being drawn is too great and the power supply is protecting itself. Time for a bigger supply or a more dilute solution in the jar. Doesn't colloidal silver make your skin turn blue? Auditioning for a bit part in the next Avatar movie perhaps?
  5. Walkways are always a good investment. Ours is Shera plank floor boards same as the pool deck.
  6. It could have been worse, you could have landed on the car and damaged it as well as the roof! Although that might have reduced the damage to you.
  7. @007 RED didn't realise you'd managed to damage your roof! Is the new ventilation hole now fixed?
  8. A truck driver would amuse himself by running over lawyers. Whenever he saw a lawyer walking down the side of the road he would swerve to hit him, enjoy the load, satisfying "THUMP", and then swerve back onto the road. (at this point some of you are probably wondering how the trucker could distinguish the lawyers from the humans. Obviously he saw the trail of slime they left!) One day, as the truck driver was driving along he saw a priest hitchhiking. He thought he would do a good turn and pulled the truck over. He asked the priest, "Where are you going, Father?" "I'm going to the church 5 miles down the road," replied the priest. "No problem, Father! I'll give you a lift. Climb in the truck." The happy priest climbed into the passenger seat and the truck driver continued down the road. Suddenly the truck driver saw a lawyer walking down the road and instinctively he swerved to hit him. But then he remembered there was a priest in the truck with him, so at the last minute he swerved back away, narrowly missing the lawyer. However even though he was certain he missed the lawyer, he still heard a loud "THUD". Not understanding where the noise came from he glanced in his mirrors and when he didn't see anything, he turned to the priest and said, "I'm sorry Father. I almost hit that lawyer." "That's okay", replied the priest. "I got him with the door!"
  9. Those bolts appear to be intended to hold in wooden beams from the thread form. If not really worried about leaks, then drill in the valleys. Your dobies won't complain about leaks?? Wanna try that with our chihuahuas?? Death by chihuahua!!!
  10. Any country will do, except Thailand Immigration themselves rarely, if ever, ask, it's the check-in person at your departure point that you have to convince. There are many "ticket rental" sites that will provide a verifiable booking to get you past check-in for a nominal fee.
  11. The problem is FATCA and the associated paperwork, many banks just can't be bothered. I'm with the Purple Bank and, despite handing over a UK passport, still have to fill out a FATCA form every time I want to change anything "just to be safe". Unfortunately, FATCA and its brethren seem to be infecting other country's banking systems too
  12. Whilst this is most definitely the case, we have a fair bit of steel stock that got a very cursory lick of red-lead (I know it's not lead now but old habits die hard) that's been sitting in in the car-port out of the rain that's only showing rust where the primer was damaged. Some of it is approaching 2 years old. Hence my asking how long he intends delaying. For a few months the primer alone will likely be "ok".
  13. Go for it Riyan. If it all goes pear-shaped you are still young enough to re-boot somewhere else, even back home. But, how do you plan to support yourself and later your parents?
  14. The regular "red-lead" primers applied with a small roller actually do a pretty good job. Keep them off the ground and under cover (but make sure air can circulate) and you're good for a fair time. How long do you expect to be delayed?
  15. The lost, unscreened episode: - `Hello children. It s a quarter to six. Time today. for Magic Roundabout...` `I wonder where Florence is?` ,said Dougal. `I m over here.` ,said Florence. `Hello, Florence.` ,said Dougal. `Hello, Dougal.` ,said Florence. `Boing!` `Hello, Florence and Dougal.` ,said Zebadee. `Hello, Zebadee.` ,said Dougal and Florence. `Hello, Zebadee, Florence and Dougal.` ,said Dillon. `Hello, Dillon.` ,said Zebadee, Florence and Dougal. `I say,` ,said Dillon. `What?` ,said Dougal. `Booinngg!` `Pardon?` ,said Zebadee. `Nothing.` ,Said Dougal. `I wasn't talking to you.` ,said Zebadee. `Oh.` ,Said Dougal. `Dillon.` ,said Dougal. `Yes.` ,said Dillon. `I wonder if Florence is a virgin?` `Drops 'em for certain.` ,said Dillon. `Booinngg!` `That s right enough.` ,said Zebadee. `How do you know?` ,said Dillon. `Booinngg!` `To my knowledge half of Toytown knows of her hori- zontal pleasures. Let s face it, Noddy's the biggest ram round here and he reckons he's scored.` ,said Zebadee. `I can hear you.` ,said Florence. `It s not true. Noddy and I are just good friends.` `Rubbish` ,said Dougal. `It s all over the canteen. Anyone knows about you, you brazen hussy.` `You lousy old flea-bag` ,said Florence. `Call yourself a dog? I've seen better hair on a lavatory brush!.` `Booinngg!!` `Now look here` ,said Zebadee. `Things are getting out of hand. Let's get back to the story-line!.` `It's a crummy story anyway` ,said Dillon stubbornly. `Booinngg!` `No, it's not` ,said Zebadee commandingly. `Who cares?` ,said Dillon dejectedly. `Well, I like it` ,said Florence, hopefully. `Ihat's obvious!` ,said everybody, cockily. `Booinngg!` `Now look` ,said Zebadee, `let's try and get it together.` `Well, I'm not working for that fat-bat any more` ,said Dougal. `I'm off to join the Flowerpot men.` `Good riddance` ,said Florence. `Knickers!` ,said Dougal. `Ihat's no way to talk to a lady` ,said Dillon (knowing he's on to a good thing). `Some lady!` ,said Dougal. `Oh, piss off` ,said Dillon. And Dougal did so, all over Florence. `Thank you for sticking up for me` ,said Florence. `Oh, it's nothing, really` ,said Dillon. `You know I've fancied you for a long time` ,said Florence. `I've fancied you too` ,said Dillon. `Where do we go from here?` ,said Florence. `Booinngg!!!`
  16. I think it's dead Jim! Take the beast apart, check all the soldered joints, if feeling enthusiastic replace any electrolytic capacitors. Alternatively buy a new one.
  17. Would it be an idea for someone to make an actual on-topic post?
  18. And The Clangers, don't forget The Clangers. Told to "tone down the language" after the pilot episode (which didn't have the narration, just the slide-whistle intonation) ...
  19. Yup, and Secret Service (with Stanley Unwin), TerraHawks (Windsor Davies as Sgt. Major Zero) and a bunch of other stuff. Don't forget Lady Penelope (and her dicey chauffeur "Parker"), modelled on and voiced by Sylvia Anderson, she got in a couple of tie-up situations with The Hood (he of the glowing eyes), and this was all intended for kids (and their daddies) 😛
  20. He had a thing for Asian ladies, was that where my love of the almond-eyed sweeties came from? ... Marina - Stingray. Tin-Tin (no, not that one!) - Thunderbirds Harmony Angel - Captain Scarlet. Venus - Fireball XL-5, was definitely a blue-eyed blonde, just like my first wife. It's a conspiracy I tell you ...
  21. That's not a fireball!! This, is a Fireball (yes, I still remember the lyrics of the closing credits including the "lost" verse), scary innit? ...
  22. Have read of Sold - For a Spaceship by Philip E. High published in 1973. https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/6062965
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