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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. Attention potential responders: - Please read and abide by the forum rules. We are already very near the line.
  2. I would say something about a certain religion, but I'd get baaaaa'd The one in the pink tutu is pretty hot! Fetching my coat
  3. Sounds like it's time to change your US banking arrangements. I'm a Brit so no personal recommendations, but Charles Schwab seems to be popular with other members. Then you have to fun of opening a new account remotely
  4. I'm a bit confused as to what transactions you are making at a local ATM. Can you do anything other than get cash out? I assume you have on-line access to your US banking system where you can make your necessary payments to your credit-cards? For your local cash requirements transfer from your US bank to your BKK Bank account and then use card or cardless withdrawal to get your money. I don't recall the last time my UK bank cards went anywhere near a Thai ATM.
  5. I think the panel is too small, fan is 6W you need at least 10-15W of panel with some form of voltage regulator so you don't over-volt the fan. I'd add a small 12V lead-acid battery too and keep the fan running at night.
  6. With the latest Aussie "road-rage" report we Brits will soon be out of the Top-Ten Most Hated Tourists list!
  7. If only he'd controlled his temper, he would still be flying under the radar and all would be right with his world!
  8. Crossy

    Samsonite luggage

    Long, long ago we were working on Chek-lap-kok airport (Hong Kong's "new" airport - did I say it was a while back). Just before opening there was a large stack of luggage which had been used for testing of the baggage handling system with a large sign "FREE - take what you like". The state of some of the bags that were still there after a day was something to see, hard-case stuff (including Samsonite) totally destroyed. I've always travelled with mid-range soft luggage, the baggage mangling system will kill anything. And let's not talk about the bag I saw that had "fallen off" a baggage train and been run over several times (this was after opening when we were heading to K.L.), hopefully it just contained some poor unfortunate's dirty underwear. Best take away from that job was on opening night. We'd just got back to the hotel at "unholy AM", just dozing off when the room phone rang. An extremely bleary-eyed me answered and heard a very excited 15-year-old daughter exclaiming "Dad, we've just seen you on News-at-Ten"!!
  9. Yeah, remember what happened to "HAL-9000" in 2001 a Space Odyssey! "Daisy, Daisy give me you answer do ..."
  10. Coming "soon", Pink Line spur set to be operational mid-late 2025.
  11. PUBLIC NOTICE I've just removed a page and a half of bickering posts. These will cease forthwith!
  12. PUBLIC NOTICE! Once again, I find myself hiding posts from the usual suspects** which are argumentative / bickering and throw insults around. ** they know who they are. This kind of post WILL cease forthwith. This forum is intended as a help forum not an "I'm smarter than you" forum.
  13. I'm not a lawyer, nor do I play one on AN. How about drawing up a proper long-term rental/lease (no idea what the maximum term is in Laos) but with a "peppercorn" rent? That at least give you some legal standing if things sour or situations change. I too would consider a movable / knock-down house.
  14. "Take only photographs, leave only bubbles!". Evidently watching too many old Jacques Cousteau documentaries (I really loved those as a kid) made at a time when it was seen as ok to mess with the ocean life. Times have changed. Incidentally it was Jacques Cousteau who, along with Émile Gagnan, invented the aqualung (forerunner of modern scuba gear) during WWII.
  15. Holding the Start-Stop button "should" behave like the power switch on your PC, a hard power-off (at least that's what our Mu-X is supposed to do).
  16. Check all your connections, including at the meter as above. Check that your supply polarity is correct (L really is L). Check the supply voltage with a proper multimeter (MEA should be 230V, PEA 220V). Check that you have a N-E (MEN) link if your supply is TNC-S. If that's all OK you could try adding a mains noise (EMI) filter to the input to the lighting controller, something like this: - https://www.lazada.co.th//products/i2055106688-s6703392236.html These are really intended to stop noise getting out of switching power supplies, but work equally well stopping noise going in to sensitive circuits.
  17. OK Take note people. <Moderator hat on> This thread has the potential to get venomous, one (mildly) insulting post has been removed. Let's make it the last one, shall we? </Moderator hat on>
  18. If you look up the radiated rat snake, they actually have a different pattern front to back.
  19. Thing is, 99% of snakes (even cobras) just want to go about their business and if given a way out will take it. They can't eat you and really don't want to waste expensive venom biting you.
  20. @dick turpin by the way, it's also a protected species in Thailand, so it's illegal to kill them.
  21. I'm no expert, but I think he was a Radiated Rat Snake (Coelognathus radiatus) [Thai: งูทางมะพร้าว, ngu taang mapao], completely harmless rodent vacuum. It's always wise to treat any snake as venomous and potentially deadly. But unless he was presenting an immediate danger to you or yours one has to ask, why kill it?
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