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Everything posted by Crossy

  1. It's possibly something to do with this: - https://www.ch-aviation.com/portal/news/133984-thai-smile-to-merge-with-thai-airways-by-early-1q24
  2. OK I'll try and keep this simple. An RCD is sometimes called a differential circuit breaker. In a single-phase application it checks the difference between the L and N currents (effectively it sums the currents) and if the difference is greater than the trip current (say 30mA) the breaker operates cutting off the supply. A 3-phase unit has to sum the currents in all three phases and the neutral and trip if there's an overall mismatch. BUT it has to do a vector-summation because of the phase angle between the phases. It actually achieves this by the simple expedient of passing all 4 wires through the same sense coil and by magic achieves the desired result (it just does OK, I'm not going to try and give course in 3-phase theory - it's been waaaay too long since I did any). If you try to use 3 single-phase units each of them only sees its own phase current and nothing in its neutral. Major differential, trip.
  3. Madam does great Thai (no MSG) of course. She also does passable Italian (ok pasta with a ragu, carbonara or mushroom sauce) and Shepherd's Swineherd's Pie (made with pork). Simple grilled (charcoal grill) chook or pork chops with spuds (boiled or jacket) and veggies are quick and easy. Roasts are my domain!
  4. My bold Rearranging the deck chairs again. Nero would be so proud.
  5. There's actually, at least some logic: - Zebra - Black and white stripes, like that animal. Pelican - A slightly corrupted acronym for Pedestrian Light Controlled Crossing Puffin - A British seabird with a brightly coloured beak - actually an updated Pelican with pedestrian sensors rather than just timers. Toucan - For both pedestrians and cyclists - "Two Can" Pegasus - Has high-level buttons for horse riders, hence it's named after a horse.
  6. The UK also has Pelican and Toucan crossings as well as the classic Zebras EDIT I forgot, there are also Puffin crossings. When I left the UK there were just Zebra and Pelican crossings, if I ever go back to driving there there's a whole batch of new rules to learn. EDIT 2 Argh. Whilst searching for descriptions of the different crossings I discovered there are also Pegasus crossings. I need to go and lie down https://www.tameside.gov.uk/traffic/pedestriancrossings
  7. I discovered a wonderful development whilst working in India (Bengaluru). The hotel bathroom was designed so that you could sit on the lav. and throw-up in the sink at the same time As above ^^^, bang in some Immodium, that should at least stem the flood.
  8. No condemnation here, just noting that different regs for different places. It would be unfortunate to fail an inspection here because one followed Aussie regs. And I agree wholeheartedly with the comment on (some) Thai wiring!
  9. Are your scales certified/calibrated? If so, and you videoed (no edits) the complete weighing process and kept all the product then, maybe, just maybe you have a case. I'm assuming here we're not talking about gold or other high-value products, is it really worth the hassle?? Just don't buy the same product again. Back home you could contact the weights and measures people (or one of the TV channels) with your concerns and they may do their own investigation but TiT.
  10. @Chris Daley what brand of condensed milk do you use on your sandwiches? Just so we can be clear if it's sweetened or not.
  11. You put this on a savoury sandwich?? Sorry, but to a Brit. that's just
  12. As @terryq suggests, first try your RCBO at 30mA, it's no less safe than 5mA is really. Are you really feeding mains through that doorbell push? Those things are surely not IP65 or better which they ought to be when outdoors in the wet. I'd really look to modifying that to a low-voltage doorbell system. Can you show a close-up photo of the RCBO section after a trip so we can see the indicator flags please.
  13. So are The Shirelles. https://www.bandsintown.com/a/40608-the-shirelles And they had a part in a UK TV ad.
  14. At a local coffee bar, a young woman was expounding on her idea of the perfect mate to some of her friends. "The man I marry must be a shining light amongst company. He must be musical. Tell jokes. Sing. Entertain. And stay home at night!" An old granny overheard and spoke up, "Girl, if that's all you want, get a TV!"
  15. Hmmm, I don't see it on their merch. page https://www.pornhubapparel.com/ Custom?? From a stall on KS Road? EDIT Needed to look closer to home https://www.lazada.co.th/products/pornhub-i3388342729-s12519846677.html Not many left, get them whilst in-stock!!
  16. Start a new reply to the thread. Click on "Add Files" at the bottom of the window. Click "My files" Click "images" That should open your Gallery where you can select images to add Click "Done" EDIT Forget to add, you need to "insert" each photo into your post where you want them before submitting the post, if you don't I think it just lumps them all together at the end.
  17. You are correct that there's zero duty plus 7% VAT on computers. The VAT (and duty if there was any) is charged on the CIF (Cost Insurance Freight) value not just the value of the goods, so watch that point. The shipping company may charge a "clearance" or "disbursement" fee. If possible, get it shipped "DDP" (Delivery Duty Paid) and there shouldn't be anything further to pay when it arrives.
  18. My card app also tracks in and out in pseudo real-time (minutes). BUT Lazada refunds don't seem to trigger it or appear on the online statement until the billing cycle completes when there they are in all their glory and showing on the date that I got the "refund complete" message. They say next billing cycle and that's what happens.
  19. You need to talk to the Lazada helpline, once past the Bot you should get an actual human to talk to, explain what happened and they should be able to fix it for you. I've fallen into the return of multiple items trap, luckily it was a 20 baht item so I didn't bother following up.
  20. Minimum age for a WP is, I believe, 15 anyway. Out of public view making the stuff, I would think zero issues. On the stall, maybe just sit and look interested, if you're really worried? On the whole I'm with @Tropicalevo I very much doubt there would be an issue other than the locals fawning over the "pretty young lady" which I'm sure she will like a lot. The first time my UK granddaughters came over (they were 5 and 3), both blue-eyed, blonde-haired, English Roses. We took them to meet madam's family in Pha-Chi. They were both promptly whisked off by Madam's sister to be paraded round the village and spoiled rotten by every woman in sight!
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