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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. Fascinating, the current events in Bangkok. If I'm not misinformed, the Thai elite represented by people dressed in yellow, suggest that the poor Thais are too stupid for their own good. Therefore they should not have the right to vote.

    This creates an interesting paradox; a number of Thais are exercising their right to demonstrate AGAINST democracy and free public elections.

    There's a first time for everything...

    Yes if they keep this up, perhaps the next thing the Bangkok elite will propose is a real-life version of the hunger gamesbah.gif

    • Like 1
  2. Will Thaksin surrender at the same time. Accept his responsibility for rebellion and treason for 2010? because if Suthep is really guilty of these charges, then what charges could be layed on Thaksin for 2010?

    But the circumstances were nowhere near the same were they?blink.png

    In 2010 the Democrats had wormed their way into power and were only representing the elite in Bangkok. They had not been elected into power and certainly were not expressing or representing the interests of Thai citizens in the north and north-east and they were continually procrastinating regarding demands to hold a proper general election. Their demands for a general election culminated in violence.

    This current round of violence was an attempt to overthrow a properly elected government and as such was treason.

    • Like 2
  3. Very clever move by the "reds" .

    Ball in your court Suthep, he is now in a tough spot with a big rug pulled from under him.Needs to man up and admit he has lost again and let the country get back to Thai normal.

    He can now join the amnesty crowd as he must have broken a boatload of laws.

    Actually, nothing has changed from Suthep's point of view. Suthep wasn't protesting against the red shirts. The red shirts going home doesn't change the fact that the PTP government is still in power.

    PTP is in power as they were elected, dems never will be elected

    There are Democrats elected now.

    Sent from my phone ...

    Yet, but the north and north-east of Thailand will never give them enough votes to form a majoritytongue.png

  4. "Fight to topple the elected government"

    All in the name of democracy. Is Suthep the biggest hypocrit to ever walk the earth? I think so.

    All in the name of getting rid of a very corrupt regime who's only purpose is to wipe out checks and balances in order to gain more power, control and money.

    I really thought you knew that.

    All in the name of installing a "People's Council" a power grab by the desperate PAD, don't you know that?

    A People's Council, comprising Bangkok elite-and by the way, no need to involve all those pesky rural folk in the north-east of the country – <deleted> ?

    • Like 2
  5. Perhaps I am colour blind, but ... I have been reviewing a lot of press photographs of the past few days purporting to show anti-government protesters.

    Here on these forums, we are told by the red shirt apologists that the anti-government protestors are evil "yellow shirts".

    What I see is a lot of Thai flags, and very few yellow shirts. Methinks there is a concerted effort by some red apologists to misrepresent the facts on the ground.

    The only misrepresentation around here is denying a political party that was legitimately voted in by the majority the right to govern until the end of its termrolleyes.gif

    They are being denied the right to cheat at will.

    Big difference

    But do the majority feel they are being cheated?

  6. Perhaps I am colour blind, but ... I have been reviewing a lot of press photographs of the past few days purporting to show anti-government protesters.

    Here on these forums, we are told by the red shirt apologists that the anti-government protestors are evil "yellow shirts".

    What I see is a lot of Thai flags, and very few yellow shirts. Methinks there is a concerted effort by some red apologists to misrepresent the facts on the ground.

    The only misrepresentation around here is denying a political party that was legitimately voted in by the majority the right to govern until the end of its termrolleyes.gif

    • Like 1
  7. Certainly time for water cannons and tear gas to clear this rabble. Overdue. People's committee? More like a gang of four

    Oh don't worry. I am sure that those whom you glorify have all sorts of agendas that should satisfy your blood lust. Last night was a start for you, the police and reds have done you proud.

    Unfortunately for you, the students proved to be a worthy match. Thus leaving no other option than for the red shirts to descend back to their normal ways of looting and indiscriminate violence against everything that moves and anyone's shop or home is a target. But hey, I suppose when you have the police aiding you and government backing for it.... why not.

    I would love to ask the yellow shirt supporters what are they fighting for in such a violent action? I mean, what is so vital that it deserves the death of some of their fellow citizens

    and deny the existing government the right to finish its term instead of campaigning in a general election as most countries around the world seemed to be able to do it effectively?

    Hypothetically if the Democrats got into power now how would this change the lives of some of these protesters in any dramatic way in the short term or even the medium term compared to now? blink.png


    They are fighting for the end of government corruption and the Thaksin influence in Thai politics. Corruption and influence that put this rabble of a government in power in the first place. They would be welcomed to finish their term had they not been so damned aligned and loyal to Thaksin.

    Hypothetically, can not exist in politics, and short term solutions do not exist, only in the minds of the Thaksin government that have made zero impact on their voters apart from cause danger to the economy and pushed the poor into more debt than they can afford.

    Real stable politics always are long term. Things have to be worked on for a minimum period, all quick fixes are unworkable.

    It takes a long time to get everything working correctly, and needs to start with eradication of corruption. Also the stupid rice scheme needs to go and a more leveled approach to assist all farmers of all types.

    That is a ridiculous statement. giggle.gif There's always something that influences voters anywhere in the world

    how are you going to deal with the north-eastern citizenry? Ban them from voting .................unless they support the Democrat party? rolleyes.gif

    • Like 1
  8. OK, so don't keep us in suspense, which shop in Pattaya has the cheapest Christmas puddings?


    Thanks, but I've already bought a Wilkins 454 g pudding in Friendship. It's one of the best brands around so well worth the extra money.

    But that's exactly the brand I referred to in my original post . It's not worth the money when you have to pay an extra 40% in one location compared to another?

  9. Certainly time for water cannons and tear gas to clear this rabble. Overdue. People's committee? More like a gang of four

    Oh don't worry. I am sure that those whom you glorify have all sorts of agendas that should satisfy your blood lust. Last night was a start for you, the police and reds have done you proud.

    Unfortunately for you, the students proved to be a worthy match. Thus leaving no other option than for the red shirts to descend back to their normal ways of looting and indiscriminate violence against everything that moves and anyone's shop or home is a target. But hey, I suppose when you have the police aiding you and government backing for it.... why not.

    I would love to ask the yellow shirt supporters what are they fighting for in such a violent action? I mean, what is so vital that it deserves the death of some of their fellow citizens

    and deny the existing government the right to finish its term instead of campaigning in a general election as most countries around the world seemed to be able to do it effectively?

    Hypothetically if the Democrats got into power now how would this change the lives of some of these protesters in any dramatic way in the short term or even the medium term compared to now? blink.png


    At what point does this become insurrection and a treasonable offence?


    When your side loses, if it wins, you are a hero of the revolution.

    “ sides “? blink.png One side is a properly elected government ( which will most probably win yet again there is another election right now rolleyes.gif ) and on the other side a political party that lost at the last election that are now acting like hooligans.

    I would say the treasonable offence has already occurred?


  11. I would say a good spot to watch from would be the rooftop bar at the Hilton, but good luck with getting in there!

    I think the official website mentions that they will 'close' Beach Road from 3PM onwards so with all the traffic forced onto Second and Third and the subsequent double-parking and the hundreds of tour buses that ferry the real tourists between hotels, restaurants and ladyboy shows....

    The journey from Pattaya Nua to Jomtien last afternoon took 1 hour 15 minutes. Stop start all the way. Nobody around me switched their engines off when coming to a halt. The waste of fuel must have been enormous.

    Would some Mastermind in City Hall or wherever connected brain and stage these extravaganzas out of town so that everybody is not inconvenienced or the air polluted with petrol and diesel fumes? The Thai response was as one might expect. everybody pushing and jostling with total disregard for other road users. It seems that Thainess includes the inability to exercise any forethought.

    You could argue though that it doesn't show much forethought to even think of bringing a vehicle to an event like thisgiggle.gif

    would it have been so difficult to slum it for once and get public transport?.rolleyes.gif

  12. YOU ANTI THAKSIN supporters have to admit now that the agressors are the demonstrators YOU cant blame the red shirts for this since its clear they were the ones attacked and if it turns out they shot the kid dead then it was obviosuly in self defense while being attacked by a MOB. there is also a video just posted of these so called peaceful protesters attacking a taxi and the driver

    figured I would post the video to show who the aggressors are


    Come on Yingluck stop pussyfooting with these scumbags and enforce the law

    Shall we compare track records of the reds and yellows re: mindless violence, chucking buckets of human blood over buildings ( that was soooo gross ) inciting crowds to burn Bangkok, invading hospitals...... you feel ok with that?

    Surely isn't that because the yellows grabbed power from the red’s who at the time had just won an election…… and now the same thing is happening all over again……….bah.gif

    Nothing very democratic about that

    yesterday a yellow spokesman exclaimed the PTP was a " dictatorship by majority " give me a break-giggle.gif

    • Like 2
  13. I think some though not all could be miserable because they haven't achieved everything they would have liked to in their lives and are probably feeling extreme frustration. This could be for a whole host of reasons, such as wasting opportunities, living their lives according to other peoples standards, etc.

    I think people who aren't miserable are more at peace with themselves and can look back at their lives and feel a sense of achievement and contentment.

  14. All that has happened is the government has made some noise about enforcing existing tariffs (as opposed to the old "system" whereby a bribe was negotiated).

    And the official tariffs are nowhere near the percentages stated in the OP. Somethings (e.g. medicines, books) =0, and then for those that are taxed it ranges 7 to maximum 35%.

    As far as the "stopped all imports and things piling up', I'm just back from the Aran-Poipet border where things looked quite normal to me....

    Since then, importers have been complaining that goods have been stuck on the Vietnam and Thai sides of the borders as the new, more stringent procedures have been applied. Previously, customs officers would usually undercut the legal tax rate and pocket a portion for themselves.


  15. Food-price hike hits workers

    The price of food spiked this month, and Cambodia’s low-paid garment workers are feeling the effects.

    Meat, vegetables, toothbrushes, beauty accessories and even the plastic bags they get packed in have all seen a sharp bump up in price this month, some items by as much as 30 per cent, workers and traders said yesterday.


  16. It's funny to read all this excitement regarding the anti-government protesters storming ministries and city halls... Thaivisa members seem to love it and draw the conclusion that the whole country is against Yingluck.

    But the view of the Thaivisa members, and so many farangs in general, is unfortunately based exclusively on what they are served by the biased English speaking media. It may be the only media they can understand... but, thank God, not the only news sources available for the rest of the people.

    There is not a single word in these biased English language news sources about the people who support the government and are against the criminal actions advocated by Suthep. There are millions of such people in the north, of course, but also in the south, as far as Yala...

    People criticizing the storming of city halls in the Deep South? In the turf of the Dems? In Yala?

    Impossible, will reply all the naive Thaivisa members.

    Apart from the (insert the usual insult here) red shirts, everyone else is revolting !


    Not the ones on these pictures... smile.png

    If you can't read Thai, ask me, I will translate smile.png

    attachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1385645791.008254.jpgattachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1385645828.956995.jpgattachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1385645883.157754.jpgattachicon.gifImageUploadedByThaivisa Connect Thailand1385645931.757261.jpg

    Sent from my iPhone...

    This is exactly what I've been wondering about.

    People seem to have forgotten so quickly the huge support that swept her into power, originally, and where that power base was geographically located.

    I could never believe all these people would have turned against her so quickly

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