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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. Quite apparent that at least 48% of the electorate are simply too immature and lack the mental capacity to participate in an electoral process. Most serious observers agree that a better solution is for a benevolent force to lead the country while education levels and judicial/law enforcement systems are drastically improved. Suthep would be as good as anybody to assume power for the next decade to allow the democratic bedrock to be laid squarely and without the corruption and violence that has become synonymous with regime Shinawat.

    I think if that was imposed on the people of the North and Northeast it would simply invite another convoy of buses bringing hordes of people back to Bangkok and the rerun of 2010blink.png

    Precisely why the end result of this mayhem that started with an asset concealment over 10 years ago will be the division of Thailand into 2 countries. Isaan and the north will be cast off and will forever be run by clan Shinawatra as a feudal state, while the more educated and affluent south will maintain a constitutional monarchy with a fairly liberal mildly socialist democracy. My only concern is that the razor wire fence is sufficiently high and the guards properly armed to ensure the northerners stay exactly where they chose.

    be careful what you wish for. ohmy.png Don't forget, which side of the razor wire fence will be sitting on swamplandgiggle.gif

  2. Quite apparent that at least 48% of the electorate are simply too immature and lack the mental capacity to participate in an electoral process. Most serious observers agree that a better solution is for a benevolent force to lead the country while education levels and judicial/law enforcement systems are drastically improved. Suthep would be as good as anybody to assume power for the next decade to allow the democratic bedrock to be laid squarely and without the corruption and violence that has become synonymous with regime Shinawat.

    I think if that was imposed on the people of the North and Northeast it would simply invite another convoy of buses bringing hordes of people back to Bangkok and the rerun of 2010blink.png

  3. I am sick of the pro-TS here keep only pointing at Suthep. What if today the person is not Suthep who want to overthrow the TS regime? What if he is only a Thai common citizen? What have you got to say?? After questions about the corruptions, problems and responsibilties,trying to above the law. Doesn't YL as the elected PM has any role to play?? SHe need not give any answer??? Dodging here and there. She HERSELF should have feel bloody shamed and volunteer to quit her PM position.

    Some people may say whoever in-charge ,corruption is still around.

    No change, means thing is done. Forever in TS regime, corrupted, citizens having hard life.

    Try to change, may have chances to have a new corrupted free nation. It is very hard but slowly start better than no start.

    I personally believe after this time protest, Suthep himself will aware that power is still belong to the Thai people and they will unite and come out together to kick your ass out if you are doing harm to their country and their beloved Supreme leader (i do not mean Suthep). Suthep is not a dumbass either. He will not want to become same like TS, hated by so many own Thai fellow people. After this Suthep will take the corruption seriously (I personally believe). You may call me naive.

    NO change, everything same same

    Try change, may have something no same.

    Why not give a change?


    " Suthep himself will aware that power is still belong to the Thai people and they will unite and come out together to kick your ass out if you are doing harm to their country "

    We may get an indication if you are correct or not because Suthep is going ahead with the formation of a People's Council anyway. Let's just see the background of some of the people he is proposing and how they will represent those in the North and North East rolleyes.gif

  4. My TV, my computer and my popcorn is ready. Bring it on.

    Hope you've got a lot of popcorn because this could drag on for weeks/months!


    And what if the government falls today or tomorrow or next week? There is no way that will be the end of this.

    Because.. What will the red shirts do then?

    Exciting times ahead.

    More like what will the yellow shirts do when the red shirts win the election again?blink.png

  5. Thailand, a Buddhist country,participates in the Xmas practice of western commercialism and to be in a festive mood for a Christian holiday. Perhaps the decorations seems less festive since the tourist demographic now reflects fewer visitors from Christian countries.

    If just crossed my mind if the same forces that are desperately trying to kill Christmas in USA are creeping in here? Did you hear about the girl last week in USA who was banned from selling mistletoe in the market because it was illegal even though the guy standing next to her was legally allowed to beg and wear a sign saying “ Got Pot “?crazy.gif

  6. Is it just me or does anyone else agree that the Christmas decorations and lights in various shops are a bit sparse and uninteresting this year compared to previous years? Some places like Big C have resorted to using just cardboard cutouts with printed decorations. Exceedingly boring and dull.saai.gif

    Inside the central department store on Beach Road the decorations are okay but there is virtually nothing in the public areas from the ground floor up to the top. I never remember it being so sparse as this before and even the window displays on second road have almost nothing in them

  7. As far as I'm concerned you can all go short and trade whatever you like. If you want to how to make money from investing and gave a peace of mind let me know. Your money in your money. Use it as you see it fit. Oh..., forgot, make sure you use maximum leverage so you have more fun.

    Sent from my GT-I9190 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Why don't you explain the principles of leverage and how it works to us,should be no problem if you're capable of giving investment seminars should it?

    Also,what would you say "maximum leverage" was?

    I bet all my money you will not get a comprehensive reply to that. You have to go along and pay the money to get that kind of information. giggle.gif

  8. License and annual taxes is my experience. Easy cash grab because very few tourists have a license. Requiring proof of Thai drivers license by scooter rental shops would put an end to the infraction but also stop the silly money grab.

    Plus a one-page handout given to the customer every time there is a rental agreement signed explaining how to avoid being nabbed

    • Like 1
  9. No no no no no.

    My dad just came back from there. Still less than 25 cents for a glass of beer and food and hotels much cheaper.

    My friend was there 3 years ago, the long times in Cambodia were cheaper than the bar fines in Thailand. (sorry to lower the tone of the conversation)

    I don't know about the bar fines but, I just took the wife and kids there the other day to Siem Reap for a change of atmosphere. Beer at the supermarket still 15-30 baht, Mexican restaurant by the old market area dirt cheap. Beer there if I recall correctly 25 baht and everything else also a great price. I think Cambodia is a great deal with nice locals with a good grasp of the English language. Sure it is probably even cheaper if you get away from Siem Reap but we went to go see Angkor Wat again.

    I am surprised that a case of cans of LEO beer in Lucky Shopping Mall (and the nearby supermarket) is cheaper than Angkor

    the manager of a prominent wholesaler on Wednesday prices for imported drinks are going up substantially across the board and that they will not come back down. Their policy will be to change the prices on each line as they restock.

  10. True have no desire at all to service and keep their customers happy.

    I call them customer “ no service “ representatives.bah.gif

    When you go to their stores the staff at the computer terminals almost ignore you and are more concerned with what is happening on their screens than dealing with the customers.

    I have never seen such rude people as in this company

  11. Whilst there are no doubt many violent characters in that lovely city, I do not buy the fact that he was just walking along, minding his own business, and suddenly gets attacked out of nowhere.

    Unrelated: I think at age 54 it is time to hang up the wife-beater.

    Well it's been happening in USA for some time now and is referred to as a gameblink.png . Let's hope the Thai teenagers don't get any ideasermm.gif


    A bit different though; the "game" is to punch someone out cold with a single blow. This was obviously not the case here.

    I wasn't referring to the difference in nature of the attack, I was responding to the suggestion that it's impossible to believe that people carry out totally random attacks without any apparent motive?

  12. Whilst there are no doubt many violent characters in that lovely city, I do not buy the fact that he was just walking along, minding his own business, and suddenly gets attacked out of nowhere.

    Unrelated: I think at age 54 it is time to hang up the wife-beater.

    Well it's been happening in USA for some time now and is referred to as a gameblink.png . Let's hope the Thai teenagers don't get any ideasermm.gif


    • Like 2
  13. The investors are looking at the cost more than the political instability. They are targeting cheaper labors, but the problems are the infrastructure and inadequate experiences at the neighboring countries.

    But most other countries not subsidising the public to encourage the purchase of more cars. What's the true benefit of better infrastructure if it's congested ? And if a worker in Burma or Vietnam shows a keen attitude to learn skills and learn a new language, at a lower cost than Thailand, any lack of experience compared to Thai workers will be no more than a temporary blip.

  14. The peoples total victory has yet to materialise since the Yingluck government still unlawfully holds on to power.

    He just gets dafter every time he opens his mouth. I don't see much support from the Dems or have they simply distanced themselves from him?

    And how do they unlawfully hold onto power, I thought they where elected by a majority?

    A government that doesn't accept the constitution and the constitutional court and its ruling is per definition not lawful.

    No matter how it was elected, a government can't brake the constitution.

    But neither can a group of thugs attempt to carry out insurrection and then expect to be taken seriously or to get away with it?

  15. Just last night on ABC Australia television interviewed a Australian Year 10 student Ella Clarke, who is currently studying in central China. Her interview is in the web page below in which she says "The head teacher told the class that high school is about three things: eating, sleeping and learning," I can't imagine that kind of thinking in Thailand

    "In a class of 70 you've got to compete to be number one."

    Ms Clarke says Chinese students do endless hours of homework, in addition to nine hours of school a day.

    "I go to the cafeteria and there’ll be a few kids that sit there and do maths homework while they’re eating their food," she said.

    "They just don't stop; they literally breathe, eat and live education and learning. They honestly put so much effort and hard work into everything they do."


  16. Will Thaksin surrender at the same time. Accept his responsibility for rebellion and treason for 2010? because if Suthep is really guilty of these charges, then what charges could be layed on Thaksin for 2010?

    But the circumstances were nowhere near the same were they?blink.png

    In 2010 the Democrats had wormed their way into power and were only representing the elite in Bangkok. They had not been elected into power and certainly were not expressing or representing the interests of Thai citizens in the north and north-east and they were continually procrastinating regarding demands to hold a proper general election. Their demands for a general election culminated in violence.

    This current round of violence was an attempt to overthrow a properly elected government and as such was treason.

    Oh boy, another poster who should read up on 2010 again.

    The Democrat party formed a government December 2008 when a majority of MP voted for Abhisit as PM. They had a small majority of MPs. Now don't try to tell me all those 'only' represented 'Bangkok elite'.

    As for 'procrastinating regarding demands to hold new general elections', there was no legal obligation to hold new general elections before the expiration of the four year term since the last general election. Abhisit offered to dissolve the House for elections late 2010, but after initial acceptance a phonecall from afar let the UDD reject the offer. The UDD use of violence led to more violence.

    This current round of protests started when the government tried to pass a 'blanket amnesty bill' and even had the gall to say "please wait, there's more procedure to follow'. When if all had stayed home guilty the Senate would have justly thought "no protests, no comments? we vote OK". Most protesters just want the government to step down after all undemocratic actions to just take care of Thaksin and call a new election.

    BTW for your information there's also a bit of Thailand South of Bangkok.

    Oh boy, another poster who is living in the land of unicorns giggle.gif

    A " majority of MPs voting " does not constitute a general election and as we subsequently discovered after the election was eventually held, the north-east and north of Thailand were then able to properly express their wishes as to who exactly should be Prime Minister.rolleyes.gif

    • Like 1
  17. I had some friends just come back from Kanchanaburi and they said many were there. It's not just Thailand, quite a few countries are experiencing this also. I was in Egypt last year and many were there also. I've also read Vietnam has many visiting there.

    Strong presence in Sihanoukville Cambodia with big money that some believe is Russian mafia money

  18. Rubbish. I NEVER said the driver's motivations were not understandable. The Bangkok cabbie that murdered an American with a samurai sword's motivations were understandable. It's not about the fare detaild it's about driver violence.

    Sent from my GT-S5360B using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    But how else could he possibly convey his dissatisfaction with the situation when you walked away?rolleyes.gif

    You didn't give him a chance for a discussion

  19. Because of the numerous blanks or grey areas in the story that you are not prepared to discuss I was thinking about what you wrote in post-53

    “ Normal 10 baht bus ride. I paid 10. He demanded 20. I only said mai chi sip and walked away.”

    Perhaps he interpreted your gesture of walking away as “ take it or leave it “ whereas if you had just spent a few extra seconds explaining where you had got on and why he was asking you to pay more now than what you normally pay he may have backed off? There must have been something in the attitude you conveyed to him that set him off.

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