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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. hmmmmmmmmm……………………...evidently there is something about cheese ermm.gif

    only just yesterday “ the 2012-13 Global Retail Theft Barometer said retailers reported a surge in the theft of high value fresh food – including meat, cheese and fresh coffee – as a result of the economic downturn “


    • Like 1
  2. Give the guy a break, he most likely forgot he even picked it up in the first place.

    Owner suspected he was stealing but could not catch him ? Sorry but a total drivel, not so hard to check someone daily

    How do you " check someone daily "?rolleyes.gif

    The article says “Khun Siriporn claimed Mr. Janalik had been coming to the Supermarket for a long time and she suspected he had been shoplifting on many occasions but he had yet to be caught-in-the-act. “

    Supermarket owners probably get a good sense for what is happening within their own environment. Sounds pretty incriminating to me

    • Like 1
  3. When it comes to buying honey does anyone know which is the best quality? The price is about the same for both options.The one in the shop comes in a large plastic bottle and they tell me it comes from somewhere near Chiang Mai.

    The taste of the ones sold on the street, which is in a glass bottle is not so strong but I wonder if the ones sold in shops has only artificial flavourings.

    Basically I am more concerned about standards of hygiene and whether the ones sold on the street may be bottled in less clean conditions and also whether there are any other disadvantages

  4. The website had a countdown that expired over 3 weeks and also the login area is out!!!!,

    I send last month an email but unfortunately any reply yet and also pretty impossible to make a call to the call center from Europe!

    At least more probably that we can book online with the international credit card but we must to have a local one!


    They must have used the Obamacare website developers rolleyes.gif

  5. ...... Shin Clan have now fulfilled their deal to Cambodia and their Oil and Gas companies will get a large slice of greenback pie. ...

    What are you smoking? Cambodia's oil and gas companies?

    In recoverable reserves, Cambodia is as prospective as a pensioners Friday night balloon chase on Walking Street.

    The nation of 14 million people, sandwiched between Thailand and Vietnam, is flush with natural resources. Veins of iron and gold run beneath its soil. Natural forests offer a wealth of timber. Most promising of all are Cambodia's deposits of oil and gas, believed to snake offshore all the way through the kingdom's lush interior.


  6. So would this judgement help the Cambodian soldiers families as well as the Cambodian tourist was killed during hostilities in 2011 to lodge monetary claims against the Thai government? Now we know that the Thai Foreign Ministry at that time was incorrect and Cambodias accusation was correct

    “ Thai Foreign Ministry accused Cambodia of engaging in "an act of aggression" in "violation of Thai sovereignty and territorial integrity. Cambodia accuses Thailand of invasion "


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  7. I agree that it is certainly not relaxing.

    The way I drive is to imagine every other driver on the road is going to make a potentially dangerous manoeuvre and to use your imagination as to what that manoeuvre is going to involve and then plan accordingly. That way instead of experiencing a nasty surprise when someone does something stupid you experienced a pleasant surprise momentarily when they don’t and then it's on to the next one and so on and so on.smile.png I drive to survive

    for example, have you ever noticed how many motorists come rushing up to the T-junction as if they're not expecting to slow down or stop because of vehicles travelling from their right? It's like they are almost surprised that they have to stop

    I think the opposite in that when I'm approaching T-junction I fully expect to slow down or need to stop and if there is nothing coming from my right I am pleasantly surprised.

    I guess it's just lack of driver training in this country. What do you expect when their driving test is no more than driving a vehicle round an area no bigger than a mini golf coursesad.png

    • Like 2
  8. Bubble That Everyone Admits is a Bubble
    By EconMatters

    This is one of the few times where the benefactors or professionals who benefit from the bubbles, in this case created by the Federal Reserve, fully and openly acknowledge that stock prices and certain other asset classes are completely divorced from fundamental valuations.

    Fully and openly acknowledge? refs please?

    Completely divorced from fundamental valuations?

    ……..Like price to book?


    price to earnings?


    so, completely divorced from fundamental valuations?

    ……judge for yourself.


    1. Note the levels at which the the P/E reversed

    2. Note carefully what happened to the market price level after each reversal (clue: $$$)

    3. P/E now 19.38

    "Don't rely on further blow-off - but don't be shocked - risk dominates... Hold Tight."


  9. I really feel for these people as I see them almost every day struggling with their wheelchairs along this Soi (also known as Soi Yume ).

    Sometimes the traffic comes to halt as there is an enormous line of vehicles waiting at the traffic lights on the junction with Pattaya Klang

    Crikey it is bad enough to be an able-bodied pedestrian and walk along any part of that area because the motorcyclists who overtake the cars on the LEFTdon't leave any room at all for people to walk and there certainly isnt any room for a wheelchair.

  10. The bust in Ireland was specifically precipitated by the main banks essentially going bust through appallingly loose practices, overjuicy interest rates offered to raise funds by Anglo Irish for one (from which many posters here benefited), and typified by fraudulent self-lending.

    Have we any specific data which predicts this is happening here?or will e.g. house and condo sales merely stagnate for a while until the slack gets taken up again?

    It is no more doom and gloom than if you take the hypodermic syringe away from the heroin addict or you take the dummy out of the baby's mouth. It's reality. The party has to end some time.

    Just like Mephistopheles in end came knocking on the door of Faust to claim the soul he was promised we will need to accept that the lifestyle that we have been enjoying for decades has been an illusion based on borrowed money by governments and individuals that we cant pay back.

    Has Thailand's soul been sold with a GND of GNP/2?

    A Faustian pact? Hardly.

    BTW the party often doesn't end it just cycles up and down as growth and inflation reduce effective debt..the question being are we for some measurable reason going beyond that?

    (ps: Don't think for a moment I'm in favour of recent childishly incompetent "schemes" which have brought about the debt.)

    So the author of the article and the three Thai tycoons are wrong? Let the party continue


    The author isn't necessarily correct and the 3 businessmen disagree with him. So what's your point?

    Aw … I guess my point is that Thailand does not exist within a bubble and there are similar conditions in other parts of the world. If people are now admitting there are even bigger bubbles in some bigger places………. then a number of bubbles bursting simultaneously could lead to an awful messsad.png

    Or is the author of EconMatters also " not necessarily correct " coffee1.gif


  11. Well I dont have much of an opinion about the numbers and terms bandied around in the article. I have lived here for 12 yrs though. In that time I was returning maybe twice a year to Ireland, where I witnessed a changing society similar to time lapse photography. The property bubble boom in Ireland was in full swing, and every time I went home I saw it advance and I must say the place became less enjoyable to visit. Cars changed from bangers to Mercs and BMs, many people were on their second property and had thousands to burn. It seemed 50 euro was the smallest note. Yet my peers were all still earning far less than me. What were they spending?

    I see the same step change in Thailand over the 12 yrs .... my Toyota Sportrider used to be a tasty motor. Now it is but a peasants chariot amongst the Cayennes and Merc clogging up the Phuket roads. The style and mode of marketing for new Condos seems to be on the same level as what was seen by me in Ireland 10-5 yrs ago. "living, dreaming, aspiring" .... and a picture of a chick on a sofa wearing glasses with an apple laptop, as though the laptop is a happiness life support device. Asking prices are sometimes a little eyewatering. And when you go and see what they are building, fark me it is a competition in the corner cutting of bad finishing. All I am saying is it has many of the hallmarks of Ireland only a few years ago.

    The bust in Ireland was specifically precipitated by the main banks essentially going bust through appallingly loose practices, overjuicy interest rates offered to raise funds by Anglo Irish for one (from which many posters here benefited), and typified by fraudulent self-lending.

    Have we any specific data which predicts this is happening here?……or will e.g. house and condo sales merely stagnate for a while until the slack gets taken up again?

    It is no more doom and gloom than if you take the hypodermic syringe away from the heroin addict or you take the dummy out of the baby's mouth. It's reality. The party has to end some time.

    Just like Mephistopheles in end came knocking on the door of Faust to claim the soul he was promised we will need to accept that the lifestyle that we have been enjoying for decades has been an illusion based on borrowed money by governments and individuals that we cant pay back.

    Has Thailand's soul been sold with a GND of GNP/2?

    A Faustian pact? Hardly.

    BTW the party often doesn't end it just cycles up and down as growth and inflation reduce effective debt…..the question being are we for some measurable reason going beyond that?

    (ps: Don't think for a moment I'm in favour of recent childishly incompetent "schemes" which have brought about the debt.)

    So the author of the article and the three Thai tycoons are wrong? Let the party continue


  12. I would be really grateful for some assistance with my problem regarding the nuances of using Wi-Fi on a mobile telephone.sad.png I have only just started to do this for the first time and previously I only used a laptop.

    The browser is called Opera Mini which works okay in the office of True Move and it also works with another provider, which I have access to in my apartment, free of charge.

    But when I go to other supposed True Move hotspots I receive the following message on my screen

    “ go to http://www.operamini.com/help? Version=4.4 with your desktop browser or contact your service provider for Internet settings “ below that is another panel which says “ click here to start the connection test “ and below that is another panel which says “try again”

    Whether it's because of language difficulties or simply that they don't know why ,the staff at True Move have been unable to explain to me why this is happening and I would like to know

    the technical reasons behind this.

  13. I am an economic analyst and anti-economic bubble activist who was recognized by the London Times for predicting the Global Financial Crisis. I am currently warning about growing bubbles in Canada, Australia, Nordic countries, China, emerging markets, Web 2.0 startups, U.S. higher education, and more. I believe that the popping of these bubbles will cause the next financial crisis.

    Jesse Colombo


    anti-economic bubble activist

    It is no more doom and gloom than if you take the hypodermic syringe away from the heroin addict or you take the dummy out of the baby's mouth. It's reality. The party has to end some time.

    Just like Mephistopheles in end came knocking on the door of Faust to claim the soul he was promised we will need to accept that the lifestyle that we have been enjoying for decades has been an illusion based on borrowed money by governments and individuals that we cant pay back.

  14. Amazing Thailandgiggle.gif

    where real estate values only ever go up and where food prices go down (even though in other countries they are increasing )blink.png


    Over the past year inflation has been driven up by food prices. In September alone food prices were at their highest level for the past seven months and it seems that India is now going through the worst financial crisis that it has ever experienced since 1991. Food prices have increased by an annual rate of 18.4% so far according to data released by the Indian government on Monday this week.


    India is not the only one suffering from high inflation today in the world. Other emerging countries have also recently seen highs in their own rates. China had a consumer-inflation rate that hit 3.1% in September. That was also the highest it had been for the past seven months. Food prices in China have increased by 6.1% so far this year. However, in comparison with Indian data, that seems as if it is insignificant.


  15. This is true, and on all land borders for the countries listed:

    USA, Canada, UK, Germany, France, Italy & Japan

    Came into effect some time this week, have had confirmation from customers who crossed the border from Laos by land, the brits got 30 day stamps and the kiwis got 15 days.

    Biggest positive change to visa rules in a long time!

    I can't help wondering why the Australian passports were left out of this revision considering they are part of APEC?

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