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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. In Jomtien the new second road sidewalk has a lot of collapsed sections too.

    Has anyone seen the condition of the gazebo type structure right at the end of the beach walk in Jomtien next to Sugar Beach condominium and just around the corner from the new Centara hotel? It has literally half collapsed! I should have taken some photos when I was there the other day but actually I was probably so shocked that the authorities would simply allow this structure to remain in this condition i forgot to do so.

    Admittedly some destitute people seem to sleep there in the night time but it is now in a very dangerous condition and yet people are still sitting inside during the day as they take shelter from the sun. I could see the whole thing just collapsing without any warning. Considering who some of the neighbours are in that area you would think at the very least they would take special pride in this part of Jomtien .

  2. I am noticing how the pavements around pattaya are in a terrible state and that in so many places sinkholes have appeared and there are gaping holes everywhere around the city. Or if there isn't a hole, the concrete bricks have become so unstable that they are a danger in themselves. If the authorities say they haven't got the money to carry out repairs surely charging for street side parking of cars could generate revenue to keep the pavements in better condition. Any thoughts?

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  3. I would like to ask a question regarding technology and this is not meant to evolve or deteriorate into a political discussion which would obviously be off topic in this section.

    I am only asking this question purely from a cost perspective.

    I keep hearing about the Obama care website cost more than $300 million. I have often heard of websites costing tens of thousands of dollars to develop and perhaps occasionally I've heard of websites costing millions.

    I don't think I have ever heard of any website costing hundreds of millions. Even if it ran totally smoothly or not afterwards is not the point.

    I realise of course it is meant to cover many locations and functions but how can the developers justify charging this kind of money? Is it realistic in this day and age given what the website is meant to be achieving?

  4. Good to see that the conspiracy fans don't limit themselves to Thailandwink.png


    I was referring to some of the posts stating that the black box would never be found or it would be "damaged" and rendered unusable. As far as I know, a manufacturer's rep will be on the scene prettty quickly as they have a vested interest in finding out what happened.

    " Investigators say they have picked up signals from the black box of the plane that crashed in southern Laos last week but the raging torrent and murky waters of the Mekong River have prevented them finding it."

  5. It must be very lucrative and low risk coming to Thailand and committing these crimes,

    otherwise why are they keep coming and committing these crime with impunity with

    almost no fear of repercussions? and they said that crime doesn't pay.... I beg to differ.

    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.

  6. only way you will learn is to do it yourself. All the stuff is now free on internet and then you learn by hard knocks. You will win some loose many and in end be wise enough to know no one can teach you what works. One persons risky investment is anothers opportunity. Don't fall for any nonsense courses. Rad do your own research and then do what you think is best. Its a combination of knowledge, luck hard work and most important understanding risk analysis and even if you are good at all those you might not win. On other hand those who stick a pin in the wall do as well as so called experts.

    And they certainly couldn't teach you much in the day! But not only that even the Stock Exchange of Thailand has a wealth of free information and runs free seminars. It beggars belief why anyone would want to pay to hear someone who has already lost a lot of money profess that he has expertise. Now he claims like some kind of born-again Christian that he sees the light and the error of his ways. Hallelujah!

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  7. For those who did not like the price in USD. Also now people can attend the seminar online. Hope you like it.

    I like the dart board, as that is all the seminar is about biggrin.png

    jbrain, now that you've made it perfectly clear

    • that you don't understand investing;
    • that you know nothing about Warren Buffet, don't want to know, and think he's a successful investor only by cheating in ways ordinary investors would find impossible, like buying shares of Coca-Cola and holding them;
    • that you disapprove of the seminar, are not going to attend, and advise everyone not to attend;
    • that you've established your authoritative role as merely perpetual alarm bell, then

    why not buzz off now to stop wasting webspace and come back when your alarm bell stops ringing, if ever?

    Those investors who wish to follow the highly lucrative and profitable "jbrain alarm bell indicator" can then jump into the market, but until then stay out, all-or-nothing.

    And all those ignorants who wish to invest according to some other principle, like Benjamin Graham/Warren Buffet value investing or William O'Neill momentum, now KNOW, definitely, beyond ALL doubt, that they are merely ignorant, because you've told them repeatedly--and you are just going to continue repeating the same thing. Now, at the seminar, you can walk outside carrying a DOOM sign if you wish.


    Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    He wont go as we will give you that doom sign and you can leave

    all the dissenters can wear one of these outside


  8. Finally some sensible news regarding the controlling of traffic in the Capital.

    Yes, but that's not nearly enough? Up to 500 baht ? That's a joke and peanuts for those driving a Mercedes. The opportunity cost of their time is probably considerably more than that for the convenience of being able to leave your car " anywhere ".rolleyes.gif

    In London it costs up to £130 fine and towing away costs an extra £200blink.png

    they have to make it a real deterrent not an alternative to undercover parking

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  9. Anyone know if Thailand is on the list of the 40 countries? Or when it will actually come into effect?

    My wife and I have flights booked to India for late December. I picked up a 10 year multi-entry visa in the US a few years ago, but it would be great if she didn't have to deal with getting a visa.

    I hope you have a couple of Armed Guards to accompany you and protect your wife.

    I've been to India several times in years gone by to write and produce Travel stories for newspapers, radio and t.v. I enjoyed some parts of it, although nearly "died" on a bloody awful trekking expedition and despite my love of Indian Food, I came home with a very bad case of Delhi Belly.

    In light of numerous recent events involving rape and murder and the lack of any serious action by the Indian Authorities, I think INDIA is, at the moment, one of the Last Places on Earth to take your wife.

    A retired Brigadier in India once told me that it's not usually the food that causes that. It is more likely to be in contamination of water that you drank. You have to almost paranoid about drinking water safety.

  10. Thailand has an extradition treaty with Cambodia (but with a get out clause if it is considered political) and because this isn't a political case may be, they would eventually bring him back this way?

    But I definitely don't understand the attitude of the Norwegian Police Directorate who seem to want to give him another passport which would surely guarantee his ability to escape?

  11. I don't understand why there seem to be so many of these incidents at that particular building?


    Something in the air?

    Have you been there? It's kind of depressing.

    Yes indeed Jingthing but I'm sure they could do something to make the place feel less depressing because it's a fairly convenient location. I talked to a couple of ladies that worked in Bualuang securities office that was on the mezzanine level . They closed the office down but the girls were not happy to work there because of that very reason-their fear of ghosts in the building.

  12. jbrain your son should definitely be vaccinated immediately against rabies. This is the most important vaccination of all and I have to tell you that usually this is always administered in the bum, not in the arm. You should really need to clarify that he has definitely received this vaccination.

  13. SERIOUS WARNING: If you live in Navanakorn or Phatumthani, please prepare to move things up stairs, and be prepared to take them up quickly.!

    I have it on "very good authority" (Governor assistant of Khlong Luang) that Par Sak Dam in Lopburi is going to be opened up!!!!

    The decision was made in a meeting today.

    Khlong Luang will receive the water first, as it has all attributaries and canals that run from that dam, via Ayuthayya and Wang Noi.

    However, Khlong Luang is at higher land level than Navanakorn, and lower areas of Phatum, so the water will drain down to the western side of Payonyothin Rd.

    Please take heed.

    K, Sunisa.

    So it is really groundhog day after all. Unbelievablesad.png

    from 2011 article


  14. Umm... this may be a bit of a stretch and hard for some to comprehend, but reckon the PHONE is the primary form of contact in pretty much any business dealing? Email is convenient but it isn't guaranteed to be received, acknowledged or responded to. Using a phone is a very fast way of sussing out if you are barking up the wrong tree.

    I avoid using the phone wherever possible. It is an ultimately pointless tool as it leaves behind no record of the information communicated.

    And its owner can't remember anything said and is too lazy to take any notes.

    KittenKong is completely correct on this issue. There is absolutely no comparison regarding the clarity and certainty in writing of e-mail, compared to verbal discussions. Anyone that has a serious business mind should never even consider not having things in writing because it confirms what is being discussed based on a clear chronological timeline. Any disagreement in phone calls then becomes a huge job of trying to sort out who is telling the truth when it's a contest between " I said " versus " she or he said ". The Thai’s hate using e-mails because it doesn't give them any wiggle room later.

  15. Not surprising when most of the Thai are looking the sea as a trash bin, most of them do not have respect for nature anyway.

    The locals really don't seem to respect their own country one little bit.

    Even when you go up country to the villages you see flytipping a pretty big scale.

    I used to think it was only around Pattaya or Bangkok as a fair amount of the people are not from the area & intend to move on so have no real feeling of responsibility or care for the area but I have learnt that this is the case over the whole country.

    India is much the same.

    It wasn't a problem when everything was wrapped in banana leaves etc as they were bio degradeable but plastic bags & polysterene are long lasting problems.

    Fresh fish are fast being a health risk because of all the toxins they ingest in the seas

    upon my first visit to Juhu Beach, north of Mumbai City years ago, I couldn't believe when I saw hundreds of people crouching on the beach in the early hours of the morning totally out in the open and then later it became apparent what they were doing.sick.gif

    Now the product of that joint human " ritual ", you would not want to encounter later in the day as you stroll along the beach closedeyes.gif

  16. I too would hire a baht bus if I were you. May be more expensive than hiring a car but they should be more able than you to find your destinations.

    A blind man has got more chance of finding a destination in Pattaya than a baht bus driver. It's the same old story - they won't know where you mean until you get there, and only after you tell them to take every specific turn. The same goes for motorbike taxi drivers. Normally you have to tell them to head for a specific landmark (i.e Big C Pattaya Klang, cnr Suk and Tai, Beach Road Jomtien, Walking Street etc.) and give directions from there to your final destination.

    The OP is travelling in unfamiliar territory so can't do that. Also he'll be going to places (moo baan's etc) that the drivers will never have heard of. Best bet is to arm himself with a google map and hire a scooter. Familiarise yourself with where the moo baans are before you set off. Don't go looking for a specific house you've seen advertised in an agents window or on the web as you'll pass 500 other suitable houses getting there.

    Just cruise around looking for moo baan's and go in for a gander. The guards always let you in for a look and often they'll direct you to the caretaker who will have all the keys to the vacant houses and will show you around and tell you the rent. Then you can call the owner and negotiate etc.

    Done this 4 times now and works like a charm.

    EDIT: Take a car if you want but it will take you 4 times as long to cover the same territory.

    I've never understood this. What would stop them from having minimum standards of knowledge of the streets and soi’s before they are eligible to be taxi drivers or riders? I mean its not like the place is that complicated?

    When you think of what the London cabbie has to go through to get their licence-sheesh !

    And they have plenty of time on their hands to hone their skills when you see them sitting at taxi ranks staring into oblivion or sleeping rolleyes.gif

  17. its called bait and switch. used by scammers and conmen all over the world. you don't get much slimier than real estate agents, more than half are conmen and scammers so why does this kind of thing surprise anyone?

    It is only a scam if you pay for something and did not receive what you thought you had paid for, false advertising perhaps but not a scam, too many people use the word scam without knowing it's meaning.

    What ever you want to call it the bottom line is that it's deceitful and dishonest conduct

  18. Hello OP

    it is tragic that it evolved from a 2000 baht differential in the price of the computer into eventually paying substantially greater fines and more than money all the time that has being wasted with all these other parties.

    It's hard to imagine things being derailed so quickly and so seriously between yourself and someone you haven't even met in person.

    Life is too short. When you saw all this starting to happen why didn't you offer to meet this German guy for a beer and split the difference? Agree to sell it to him for 7000?

  19. So advertising a property that is no longer on the market is going to get them your money?? Not sure how that would work.

    You really don't understand? Wow.

    It's very simple. You advertise a property that doesnt actually exist at a very attractive price. People contact you about the property. You say "Oh that one's just sold/rented/gone off the market/fallen down but there's another place that's just come onto our books that is really good. Let me tell you about it".

    Here this technique is often used to sell off-plan units (big commission) to the unwary buyer who was really interested in a resale old unit. They only need to make one sale in a hundred attempts for it to pay off.

    I know how it works fella, a 10 year old would, but it still is NOT a scam. If a supermarket advertises they sell coke on a board outside but when you get in there they don't have any so you buy some sprite instead? Does that mean you have been scammed??

    Also, has it not occured to you that the property company may not have updated their site, etc. It's possible. Either way, still not a scam.

    You are not even worth talking too.

    But as the OP pointed out

    “which they won't remove from their website even after pointing them out that it's still displayed as "Available" on their website despite being not available.”

    Enough saidcoffee1.gif

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