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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. I had a pretty scary experience afternoon involving the infamous hot water shower units you get in bathrooms here. We can all remember the Swedish couple that were killed in the shower of their hotel on Krabi a couple of years ago


    I have often thought being electrocuted in the shower would be one of the worst ways to die. I am curious as to how close I came to catastrophe based on the information below.

    This afternoon as I was taking a hot shower I could start to smell something strange. It was almost like the smell of burning oil ( as opposed to any kind of burning rubber smell ) . I just happened to look up at the shower unit and there was smoke coming from the side of the unit. xohmy.png.pagespeed.ic.shABmucp9T.png

    I immediately rushed out of the shower and turned off all the electricity in the room and then found the switch in the power box specifically for the shower and have kept that switched off.

    I immediately went downstairs to the the managers of the apartment. They firstly assured me that all the shower units are earthed and everything is to a high standard.

    Until after it has been repaired I will just use the shower without the electricity switched on and I trust that it is safe to do?

    Has anyone here ever had prior experience of this happening and what is likely to have caused like a burning oil smell?

    I don't know if it's related but I noticed recently when I turned the knob to switch off the shower unit if I wanted a cold shower the red light remained on and the water was still hot, even after I had turned the knob all the way around and it had clicked indicating off.

  2. I had a pretty scary experience afternoon involving the infamous hot water shower units you get in bathrooms here. We can all remember the Swedish couple that were killed in the shower of their hotel on Krabi a couple of years ago


    I have often thought being electrocuted in the shower would be one of the worst ways to die. I am curious as to how close I came to catastrophe based on the information below.

    This afternoon as I was taking a hot shower I could start to smell something strange. It was almost like the smell of burning oil ( as opposed to any kind of burning rubber smell ) . I just happened to look up at the shower unit and there was smoke coming from the side of the unit. ohmy.png

    I immediately rushed out of the shower and turned off all the electricity in the room and then found the switch in the power box specifically for the shower and have kept that switched off.

    I immediately went downstairs to the the managers of the apartment. They firstly assured me that all the shower units are ground and everything is to a high standard.

    Until after it has been repaired I will just use the shower without the electricity switched on and I trust that it is safe to do?

    Has anyone here ever had prior experience of this happening and what is likely to have caused like a burning oil smell?

    I don't know if it's related but I noticed recently when I turned the knob to switch off the shower unit if I wanted a cold shower the red light remained on and the water was still hot, even after I had turned the knob all the way around and it had clicked indicating off.

  3. If it was the road between sa kaew and the border its by far the most dangerous I've ever driven on.

    A year or 2 ago I was heading towards the border. Whilst driving along a single carriageway straight there were 3x vehicles side by side coming towards me. A truck on the inside, another truck overtaking that. And then a double decker bus overtaking them. And here's what I saw next.......

    Out pops a mini van to overtake the other 3x vehicles so there were now 4x vehicles across taking up the entire road. I pretty much had to pull off the road to avoid hitting it, he could see me coming but refused to move back in and just started flashing his lights. blink.png

    I encounter a similar " phenomenon " almost daily near where I live in as they cross over a double yellow line to rush like hell towards a traffic light to catch the right green arrow . I can't even count the number of times I have literally needed to pull over and stop to allow some f**kwit to race down the wrong side of the double yellow line.

    What difference would it make to wait a few minutes if they miss the green arrow?

  4. And here we go again, why not poison yourself to stop wasting oxygen

    So it's preferable to let wild animals who attack humans roam freely? How would you feel if those same dogs ripped the face off of a child? I love dogs as much as the next man but a freely roaming vicious dog is a dangerous animal, a threat and should be dealt with.

    And poisoning is your solution?

    This has also become a huge problem on Koh Chang and they are attributing it there to people having left the island now it's the low season and allowing the dogs to fend for themselves regarding food. There have been several reports of tourists being attacked by fierce packs of dogs.

    I was preparing to go there so I was looking around for some form of defence. I was reading about pepper spray but I'm also reluctant to harm them.

    So I sent away to is Amazon UK for this device, which has just arrived .


    Please don't use pepper spray. No need because of this device I bought is brilliant! I was waiting for many days before I encountered some aggressive dogs and when the moment came the dazer really worked. First, they stop in their tracks when you press the button and the red light comes on and point it at them and then they start backing away.

  5. For many Thailand is their new home. If they can invest here why not? They may be making money in Thailand and do not want to send it to another country to buy Thai funds etc. They may have children here and might want to invest for their future. Not all are treating Thailand as a temporary residence. I for my part am not going anywhere, I like it here and I will keep investing here. If you do not feel like investing in Thailand than fine. If you sold in 2012 then you have lost a lot of upward move. Chart attached.

    what a strange response and inappropriate chart, just going back to 2009. im well aware of what the chart looks like. do you not know when SARS was...well, go and look it up, but it was a long time before 2009. i made over 400% from my thailand investment, not including over a decade of dividends. here is a lesson for you...buy low when the idiots are panicking and sell high when the idiots are buying....i don't care about missing some of the froth at the top, i am happy to have made over 400% and to have moved on to better value choices. and by the way, those choices may not be available at these local brokers.

    and obviously if someone is fully "localised" then they may want a local account, but most of the posters on thaivisa will have funds in their home countries and for these people it will not really make much sense to bring extra cash in when there are superior brokerage and investment choices available at home or in other countries. i don't live in my country of birth, but i keep money in several currencies and in several countries and invest where the best investment choices are, not where i happen to live.

    really, this is like debating with a 12 year old.


  6. Marakot, lost of materials available on investing. How about learning Thai from books without a teacher? For some people it works but for most it does not. We can also learn to play golf by watching videos of Tiger Woods. For those who would like contact with a teacher, someone who will help them to understand things better, maybe someone who is looking for a mentor as well. If replacing teachers with videos and books was so effective there would be no more schools but it does not seem to have happened yet.

    Recognizing the importance of promoting financial and investment knowledge and skills among the Thai public, Thailand Securities Institute (TSI) is established to function as a center for continuous and innovative education, providing knowledge of finance and investment for target groups that range from youth in elementary, secondary, and university educational levels to industrial practitioners and the general public. Different types of activities, as such, are continuously arranged with an aim to provide knowledge suitable for the needs, characteristics and requirements of each target group.

    Course Summary

    • Understanding Personal Finance

      Knowledge of financial planning, investment goal setting, nature of investment, investment motivations, types of investors, and investment conditions

    • Investment Risks and Yields

      Yields from investment, factors influencing yields, investment risks, and relationship between risks and yields

    • Alternative Investment for Low-Interest Rate Economy

      Nature of financial market and financial instruments, yields and risks of each type of investment and related taxes

    • Portfolio Management for Beginners

      Introduction to portfolio management and risk management

    • Basic Securities Analysis

      Fundamental analysis methods, overview economic analysis, as well as industrial, company, technical, and resources analysis

    • Steps to Profit Earning

      Basic financial statement analysis and investment laws and regulations

    • Get Ready to Invest

      Characteristics of and differences between self-investment and investment through specialists/professional practitioners, as well as related rights and laws

    • Investor’s Rights

      Case studies, inspection of injustice, places to file complaints and related laws and regulations


    And? Did you hear about this course in Pattaya? I certainly have not heard about it in Bangkok. Is it taught in English? If there is such a course it means there cannot be another that explains how things work? Do you know many Thai people that invest in set or even in managed funds? If not then do you think there is still room for promoting investment knowledge that not only rich benefit but a small guy can also buy shares of PTT for example and get dividends? I could go on and on.


    If it is your aspiration to teach members of the public about financial matters, you should at least know TSI is part of the stock exchange itself. At least they provide a reference regarding the topics that are covered wheras you have provided zilch.

    Why should people pay you one satang, when you are not even or approved or licensed by SEC? You also propose to ask people to sign a contract even though you have never answered my question as to whether attendees will be allowed to see the document before they show up. If people are being asked to sign a contract, it is perfectly reasonable for them to see the document in advance as well is being able to keep a copy of what they will be asked to sign.

    • Like 2
  7. Marakot, lost of materials available on investing. How about learning Thai from books without a teacher? For some people it works but for most it does not. We can also learn to play golf by watching videos of Tiger Woods. For those who would like contact with a teacher, someone who will help them to understand things better, maybe someone who is looking for a mentor as well. If replacing teachers with videos and books was so effective there would be no more schools but it does not seem to have happened yet.

    Recognizing the importance of promoting financial and investment knowledge and skills among the Thai public, Thailand Securities Institute (TSI) is established to function as a center for continuous and innovative education, providing knowledge of finance and investment for target groups that range from youth in elementary, secondary, and university educational levels to industrial practitioners and the general public. Different types of activities, as such, are continuously arranged with an aim to provide knowledge suitable for the needs, characteristics and requirements of each target group.

    Course Summary

    • Understanding Personal Finance

      Knowledge of financial planning, investment goal setting, nature of investment, investment motivations, types of investors, and investment conditions

    • Investment Risks and Yields

      Yields from investment, factors influencing yields, investment risks, and relationship between risks and yields

    • Alternative Investment for Low-Interest Rate Economy

      Nature of financial market and financial instruments, yields and risks of each type of investment and related taxes

    • Portfolio Management for Beginners

      Introduction to portfolio management and risk management

    • Basic Securities Analysis

      Fundamental analysis methods, overview economic analysis, as well as industrial, company, technical, and resources analysis

    • Steps to Profit Earning

      Basic financial statement analysis and investment laws and regulations

    • Get Ready to Invest

      Characteristics of and differences between self-investment and investment through specialists/professional practitioners, as well as related rights and laws

    • Investor’s Rights

      Case studies, inspection of injustice, places to file complaints and related laws and regulations


    • Like 1
  8. Got that covered. You will sign a contract in which you acknowledge that all investment decisions you would ever make as a result of this seminar are yours alone. That no investment advice was given other than general rules of investing were explained etc.

    You brough out an interesting point. Appreciate it.

    Sent from my GT-I9190 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Where can people get a copy of this before the seminar itself because if people don't have a basic knowledge of investing they are also unlikely to have much legal knowledge either and they may not be used to reading contracts.

    Theymay wish to get someone that does have legal knowledge to check on the document they are being asked to sign?

    And will you be seeking the approval of the SEC regarding the wording and conditions of this contract as to the exclusions and conditions that you are seeking to impose in this document ?

    • Like 1
  9. The SEC might see it differently, no?

    Securities and Exchange Act, B. E. 2535 (1992)

    "Investment advisory service" means giving advice in the normal course of business to the public whether directly or indirectly concerning the value of securities or the suitability of investing in those securities or the purchase of sale of any securities in consideration of a fee or other remuneration.

    If someone loses their money after relying on the advice they learn at this seminar I think there will be many lawyers in Thailand who would never miss the opportunity to find some legal avenue in which to claim restitution because he is guaranteeing his advice

    • Like 1
  10. For those who are skeptical that they will gain anything of real value from your seminar, are you prepared to offer to subscribers a " moneyback guarantee " if they are not satisfied at the end of the seminar ?

    You also said in post number 69 you would guarantee that subscribers would not lose their collateral if they followed your advice? Can you please provide more specific information as to how this guarantee would be applied?

    • Like 2
  11. lack of affordable longterm accommodation and that break-ins are very common

    I have a number of friends who moved there from Thailand some 5-6 years back, they have never mentioned problems with accommodation but they have about crime. When I go away for a couple of months I just lock my door and head off but they put all their goods into storage. That says it all to me.

    The latest crimewave in Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville involves a group of young people on motorbikes that target older foreigners also on motorbikes and they will come up to you ans try to grab your bag, even if it is a small backpack with 2 straps. It doesn't matter what the result is even if the foreigner loses control of the bike in the process and ends up on the ground. This, in my view is shocking.bah.gif And no one seems to come to the assistance of the foreigners. At least in Thailand some Thais would come to help you.

  12. Make sure you get the "3G" option. This allows you to purchase and download books over the cellular network. Convenient if you do not have wifi or internet access.

    How would you download anything without a Wi-Fi or internet option? Obviously you want to re-read what you wrote.

    On the Amazon website if you don't take up " special offers " the basic device would be $89. The 3G version is $179.

    Is it worth paying the extra ?

    It depends, if you got Wi-Fi in your home and you are not spending a lot of time "on the road" a Wi-Fi model is enough.

    My key board Kindle is 3G which is handy when I am overseas working so I can buy books from Amazon anywhere in the world and have them 5 min later.

    My paperwhite only got Wi-Fi but I uses it only at home, dark bedroom and out on the patio in the evenings, a very good devise I must say.

    Check Kindle Thailand, I bought my paperwhite there and they shipped to Pattaya free of charge. If you buy from Amazon US/UK you will likely be hit with import taxes (I got hit for about 2000 baht + shipping).


    I looked at the website you provided and maybe I'm missing something here but the prices on Kindle, Thailand seem much higher than on Amazon even after paying the taxes and shipping charges are you said would be most likely levied?

    For example, on Amazon a basic Kindle is quoted at $69 (2100 baht ), whereas on the website for Thailand. its 5490 baht ?

    A Kindle Paperwhite 3G on Amazon is $179 ( 5370 baht ) but on Kindle Thailand is 9,990 Baht ?

  13. Make sure you get the "3G" option. This allows you to purchase and download books over the cellular network. Convenient if you do not have wifi or internet access.

    How would you download anything without a Wi-Fi or internet option? Obviously you want to re-read what you wrote.

    On the Amazon website if you don't take up " special offers " the basic device would be $89. The 3G version is $179.

    Is it worth paying the extra ?

    It depends, if you got Wi-Fi in your home and you are not spending a lot of time "on the road" a Wi-Fi model is enough.

    My key board Kindle is 3G which is handy when I am overseas working so I can buy books from Amazon anywhere in the world and have them 5 min later.

    My paperwhite only got Wi-Fi but I uses it only at home, dark bedroom and out on the patio in the evenings, a very good devise I must say.

    Check Kindle Thailand, I bought my paperwhite there and they shipped to Pattaya free of charge. If you buy from Amazon US/UK you will likely be hit with import taxes (I got hit for about 2000 baht + shipping).


    Thanks very much wai.gif

    on balance, I think, based on my lifestyle, there is no need for me to get the 3G and I think I will go for the paperwhite. And thanks for the link smile.png

    And thank you everybody else for your useful suggestions and advice.thumbsup.gif

  14. Make sure you get the "3G" option. This allows you to purchase and download books over the cellular network. Convenient if you do not have wifi or internet access.

    How would you download anything without a Wi-Fi or internet option? Obviously you want to re-read what you wrote.

    On the Amazon website if you don't take up " special offers " the basic device would be $89. The 3G version is $179.

    Is it worth paying the extra ?

  15. I was just wondering if anyone here who owns an Amazon (or similar) kindle is able to provide feedback on whether the purchase met their expectations and continues to do so?

    I often see people in coffee shops reading small tablets that appear to be kindles and I think it would be a great way of keeping up with reading various new books.

    But what has prevented me from buying one so far is that downloading the digital form of book seems to be more expensive than the printed version, which to me seems totally illogical and if true, is something that would deter me from proceeding.

    If this is the case would someone in the know, be able to comment as to whether this price differential is only temporary, or whether it is more likely to remain more expensive in digital format? Also, whether anyone is prepared to comment on any other hardware as an alternative to the Amazon Kindle.

    Thanks a lot.smile.png

  16. I get very close to speaking out when a driver of these vans speeds, tailgates and starts dialling numbers on his mobile telephone all simultaneously. But when the van is full and I'm the only foreigner I look at other passengers and they usually seem totally nonchalant.

    Under the circumstances I really feel I want to tell the driver to concentrate on his responsibility of getting us to our destination safely but you never know what kind of reaction you would get.

  17. It's the rutting season and so male dogs may be more aggressive.

    The answer to the problem is a nice chicken dinner with something added to quieten them permanently.

    And here we go again, why not poison yourself to stop wasting oxygen

    So it's preferable to let wild animals who attack humans roam freely? How would you feel if those same dogs ripped the face off of a child? I love dogs as much as the next man but a freely roaming vicious dog is a dangerous animal, a threat and should be dealt with.

    And poisoning is your solution?

    This has also become a huge problem on Koh Chang and they are attributing it there to people having left the island now it's the low season and allowing the dogs to fend for themselves regarding food. There have been several reports of tourists being attacked by fierce packs of dogs.

    I was preparing to go there so I was looking around for some form of defence. I was reading about pepper spray but I'm also reluctant to harm them.

    So I sent away to is Amazon UK for this device, which has just arrived .


  18. It wont stop further whistleblowers coming forward

    And the world can decide what is morally worse. Leaking information about the way in which 2 innocent journalists were killed from a helicopter ............or trying to cover up a crime as the US Army tried to do ph34r.png

    No one cares what the world thinks. He broke the oath of his country, and deserves every year he was given.

    Whistle blowing and totally selling out your country are 2 very different matters

    which oath are you referring to? Did Bradley Manning swear an oath not expose the killing of civilians ?

    The one taken when he decided to enlist in the militaryrolleyes.gif

    IF he wanted to save the world as you do, he should have enlisted with Green Peace, NOT US Military

    surely it is about exposing wrondoing ?

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