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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. Buy you are shit scared that you could be rich too, did I get it right?

    I am certain I would not have the money i have had I not exercised prudence in all my business affairssmile.png

    Pardon my directness Asian, but I do not believe you have any money. 2,960 Baht is nothing for a day's seminar. You are magnifying it by the factor of 10, at least, like it would make a real dent in your finances.

    You can be as direct as you like MacWalen.thumbsup.gif

    My wealth has been based on ethical business practices all my life and I can sleep very soundly at night with a good conscience. I don't boast about my money. In fact, quite the opposite and I prefer the approach of the farmers from where I come from, where they look penniless but own half the town.laugh.png

    You, however, are trying to create a diversion here. I don't care if its 200 ,2000 or 20,000.

    The point is, if I am going to give it away and not get value in return I would rather give my money to a more worthy cause.

  2. I have just returned to this thread after about a week. It was becoming so boring then. But wow, almost 500 posts relating to a seminar that would not be allowed in any country that proper financial regulation in place. It still however remains to be one of the most boring and pointless threads presently, or ever, on Thaivisa.

    One thing Mr Walen is aware of for sure : A fool & his money are easily parted.

    Commander I have to disagree with you there .smile.png

    There are more than sufficient laws, rules and regulations even here in Thailand to adequately protect the consumer. - particularly with this kind of topic

    Even for after the event wink.png

    Glad to hear that Asian, but still, I think, lacking the full nanny- state approach that is certainly now in place in Europe and, for that matter, in Singapore. And let's be honest about this; when it comes to what the man in the street should do with regard to investing his money - I have to agree with the nanny-state approach. Do you honestly believe that mr Walen would get permission from the UK's FSA to charge money for the advice he's about to give.

    I don't think anyone can answer that as yet because of insufficient informationblink.png

  3. no mention of the fact that you can lose money ?

    Asian, how can you lose money by learning about investing? Learning about sex is not the same as having sex, maybe this simple example will be easier to understand.

    “ learn how to make money “implies giving false hope or making false promises.

    By now after reading 21 pages anyone with half a brain can see clearly the type of student that you do want to attract. Not only those that are uninitiated in financial matters but those that are uninitiated in other ways as well.ph34r.png

    Are you obsessed with poverty? If you are, and keep thinking about it that is what will happen. Your thought attract reality. I do not make any false promises, also these are not promises. This is reality, people can make money, money makes life easier and more pleasant. If you think everybody wants to cheat you perhaps you are judging others by your standards? That would not be nice.

    And quite the opposite applies. There is nothing wrong with a little bit of prudence. i.e. asking for information and understanding properly what you are signing up for. I get the impression you don't want people to ask too many questions. Pay up and shut up. That would not be nice eithersad.png

  4. no mention of the fact that you can lose money ?

    Asian, how can you lose money by learning about investing? Learning about sex is not the same as having sex, maybe this simple example will be easier to understand.

    “ learn how to make money “implies giving false hope or making false promises.

    By now after reading 21 pages anyone with half a brain can see clearly the type of student that you do want to attract. Not only those that are uninitiated in financial matters but those that are uninitiated in other ways as well.ph34r.png

  5. I have just returned to this thread after about a week. It was becoming so boring then. But wow, almost 500 posts relating to a seminar that would not be allowed in any country that proper financial regulation in place. It still however remains to be one of the most boring and pointless threads presently, or ever, on Thaivisa.

    One thing Mr Walen is aware of for sure : A fool & his money are easily parted.

    Commander I have to disagree with you there .smile.png

    There are more than sufficient laws, rules and regulations even here in Thailand to adequately protect the consumer. - particularly with this kind of topic

    Even for after the event wink.png

  6. Asiantravel, I would actually not want to teach you and I don't want your money. I do not feel you would benefit and it would be unethical to accept you as a student. Also you do not respect me, hard to learn from someone if you do not respect them.

    But I can possibly learn to respect you MacWalen if you put my mind at rest that this is not some kind of scam against those that are easily influenced? smile.png

    The reasons I raised the questions in this thread about the contract is as a potential consumer it is my obligation to ask for this kind of information from you - the service provider -so that I am not disadvantaged later in the eyes of various authorities who are there to protect the interests of the consumer.I am doing now what is required of me.

    You see what I find inconsistent is that on the one hand you are claiming that the revenue from this seminar is not in the slightest bit important to you and that you are only interested in sharing your knowledge with others and yet you seem to be very reluctant to give any information on the seminar other then vague promises " learn how to make money " no mention of the fact that you can lose money ?

  7. if the OP could PM a copy of the proposed contract to me, I will undertake not to

    ( a ) discuss the contents within this forum

    ( b ) make public any subsequent communications or discussions between the OP and myself regarding any variations or deletions that may be agreed regarding the terms and conditions.

    I also agree that by receiving a copy of such contract in advance of the seminar, this is merely for personal reference only.

    And you have a genuine interest in attending the seminar? Somehow after all your posts I fail to believe it. Am I wrong?

    How can I possibly answer your question honestly right now when you have given so little information to potentially interested parties to enable them to make a proper decision?

    Whether I choose to attend will depend a lot on the terms and conditions of the contract, which is why I would like to examine it in advance (bearing in mind this would seem to be the only kind of information you are prepared to provide in written form beforehand).

    Alternatively, if you are not prepared to provide me with the contract in advance ( even after I have offered you a non-disclosure undertaking) then if I do attend will I be required to pay your 3000 baht before being given a copy of the contract ?

    Based on your lack of response on this issue so far it seems the earliest time people will have a chance to read this document is just prior to the beginning of seminar itself. So if I then refused to sign it or i asked for any changes and you didn't agree would I be denied entry to the seminar? And would i get my 3000 baht back ?

  8. if the OP could PM a copy of the proposed contract to me, I will undertake not to

    ( a ) discuss the contents within this forum

    ( b ) make public any subsequent communications or discussions between the OP and myself regarding any variations or deletions that may be agreed regarding the terms and conditions.

    I also agree that by receiving a copy of such contract in advance of the seminar, this is merely for personal reference only.

  9. You're being a bit harsh. The people who would typically sign up for a course such as this may not be too smart, and to an accomplished professional like you they may seem like silly questions when in fact they are genuine.

    Not at all harsh. Nonsensical questions regarding demands for PL statements and requesting data for 'risk assessment'.... <deleted>!

    These are the questions that TV 'experts' ask when they realize they haven't a bloody clue about half the business but won't admit that they are clueless and keep cadging for freebie info from a rather savvy OP.

    Good work.. Nice to have over 80m baht to play with on 1 exchange. Out of interest how long has it taken to be up just over 4% ?

    good luck.

    The above is an example of someone cadging for information just to see if how they compare.

    HI mr walen. just a question do you trade any other markets.

    why do you invest in so many companies. wouldnt it be better to invest in less and get greater return. i think your portfolio is so diversified.

    I did not invest in thailand cause it hit a 15 year high in may and its strange but i would rather invest heavily in the US and japanese. So far ive done really well.

    Also why did you only start investing 2 weeks ago i think your a little late to the party.

    And here is another 'savvy investor' cadging for some 'insight' from the OP because maybe that investor thinks he may have missed something? The blagger doesn't even have a dog in the SET but can't forgive himself the 'ive done really well' pat on the back.... but not so sure if he has done as well as the OP?

    Ah... the insecurities of securities.

    The avarice of the antagonists here is soooo palpable.

    What about those “cadging for “ a copy of the contract?

  10. Having read the op from the beginning and reading the posts.

    I am quite amused by most posts.

    The guy is offering some advise for a small sum of money, good grief, most of us on here spend that on a night out.

    If you don't like it, just ignore it and don't bother to go. I personally give the guy some credit as he is actually trying to do something (call it what you wish, its up to you and not compulsory for all TV members to attend).

    Hats off Mr MW for having a go at progression, I trust your skin is thick Mr Mac.

    At least he is trying to do something open, not an under counter "oh really Matron" kind of thing.

    Really what do you have to lose other than the fee?

    Sad lot you are.

    If 3000 baht is so meaningless to you I think you would have so much more satisfaction to give 100 baht to 30 people you see around the place that look down and out. Why just give it away to MacWalen who has reminded several times he's already got enough?

    And many people have simply requested information which hasn't been forthcoming. What is wrong asking for information ?

  11. Did I miss something, which post were you referring to (apart from mine)?

    Nothing of substance has been said or provided? Other than “ trust me “ermm.gif

    Bitch, bitch, bitch

    Hmmmmmmmmmmmmm, not an intellectual answer for sure rolleyes.gif . Have read this thread with stuff from both sides. Now, l want to see the contract that scholars must sign from the OP. Really simple stuff AND will answer many questions. thumbsup.gif

    " Bitch, bitch, bitch " .......... yes indeed......very " scholarly "

    I wonder if they will say this in the seminar, if someone asks a question that is too hard? Or maybe they will simply be forcefully removed by the bouncers

    • Like 1
  12. I think in all my years as a member I've never seen so much nonsense, irrelevance, venom, and trolling in a thread here at TV. Wish the mods would crack down on these idiots. In fact the thread really should be closed. Everything of substance has been said.

    Did I miss something, which post were you referring to (apart from mine)?

    Nothing of substance has been said or provided? Other than “ trust me “ermm.gif

  13. What I consider is most unfair throughout this thread has been the attempt to belittle or ridicule some posters who have expressed their views or simply raised serious questions regarding the content of the seminar or the cost of the seminar (i.e. exactly what are you getting for your money) or the terms of a contract which people will be asked to sign etc.

    The responses have ranged from an attempt to ridicule people because “ it is only 3000 baht “, to some supporters of the seminar even telling people to “ buzz off “ just for asking questions or even asking the moderator to remove their posts.

    Even if the moderator were to do that, it certainly wouldn't absolve the organisers LEGAL responsibility to provide full and accurate information to all proposed attendees.

    In fact The Consumer Protection Act B.E. 2522 as amended by the Consumer Protection Act (No.2) B.E. 2541 in Thailand requires the consumer to ask these questions for their own satisfaction before paying any money and for the provider of the services to also answer the questions fully and honestly.

    This is clearly outlined on the website of the OCPB :-

    5. The consumer must not easily believe the advertisement of product or service, and will have to study the other conditions and details of the product item or service which may not be shown in the advertisement due to such advertisement by the business operator mostly presenting the advantage and conditions benefiting to the consumer while not specifying the disadvantage. Therefore, the consumer should study and seek for more knowledge by asking the seller or manufacturing company.

    The following statements shall be regarded as those which are unfair to consumers or may cause adverse effect to the society as a whole:

    - Statement which is false or exaggerated;
    - Statement which will cause misunderstanding in the essential elements concerning goods or services, notwithstanding it is based on or refers to any technical report, statistics or anything which is false or exaggerated;
    - Statement which is directly or indirectly encouraging the commission of an unlawful or immoral act or which adversely affects the national culture;
    - Statement which will cause disunity or adversely affects the unity among the public;
    - Other statements as prescribed in the Ministerial Regulation. The business operator must specify the statement fully completed. In case of violation, it shall be subject to the punishment according to the law.


  14. You don't need details.

    Sent from my GT-I9190 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    That about says it all.

    I will teach what you need to know at the seminar. No need to be smart. I just gave a concrete answer. There are things I do not want to talk about in the public forum but will with paying customers.

    Okay but can you at the very least please answer the question I have asked you more than once but which you have failed to even respond to? At what stage are you prepared to provide a copy of the document which you say is a contract that people will be expected to sign ? This presumably will contain exclusion clauses and conditions? What happens if someone reads it that does have legal knowledge and refuses to sign it. Will you deny entry to the seminar ?

    Anyone who just turns up at the door and signs the contract then, without having read it OR properly understanding it (and possibly even first asked for someone with a legal background to check it before the date of the seminar ) first would be very unwise ( i.e. always read the fine print !! )

    If people are not used to reading contracts you could insert all kinds of provisions which would may not be readily apparent if people just quickly sign a document at the door. And people should be given a copy of what they sign.

    Why won't you address this question?

    • Like 1
  15. I'm also intrigued as to why MaWalen himself is often as quiet as a church mouse and simply ignores many questions and requests? And yet another TV member seems to be far more interested in vigourously addressing people's differences of opinion regarding this seminar more than the original poster himself? It just seems very strange?

    I have a recreational interest perhaps not shared by Mac Walen. smile.png He's probably much busier than I am, too. I've a delightfully lazy Saturday after having had a good deal of fun out yesterday.

    You are probably aware, the stock exchange of Thailand runs regular free seminars on investing with follow-up instruction called e-learning on the Internet, which allows you to have video conferencing with some of the teachers. What is your argument for people paying to attend your seminar versus the the free stock exchange seminars which allow you to build your knowledge over a long time versus trying to learn everything within one day and then have to pay money for it as well?

  16. I would like to ask that if people attend this seminar and they have paid their money will they then be allowed to ask questions?

    I hope the audience is not expected to sit there and simply take everything that is being told as gospel?

    And I would hope that questions from the audience are dealt with in a respectful manner by the seminar organisers and not with the hostility that has been shown by supporters of this seminar within this thread?

    • Like 2
  17. It appears abundantly transparent that many, not all, but many of the long term renters all share the same characteristics.

    • Walks everywhere.
    • Only eats from street stalls.
    • Balloon chases.
    • Moans about the exchange rate.
    • Wears an attire that totals no more than 200 Baht.
    • Looks miserable.
    • Dislikes the locals.
    • Complains about over paying a few Baht for something completely ridiculous.
    • Skips buying a round.
    • Leads a mundane existence.

    I could go on and on....

    It's not something that I just made up, it's a fact, the majority of people that tell you buying is a mugs game or buying a car is for mugs because of the traffic or because the prices are much higher than back in never never land are, in actual fact, mugs themselves that don't have a pot to piss in.

    oh I dunno ?

    I rather like the line from the movie “ Heat “ where Robert De Niro says

    “ Don’t let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat around the corner “cool.png

  18. If I were a renter in your position, I would either further damage the unit, so it is beyond repair, or I'd just go out and buy another unit with my own money.

    Why do you say that? I don't think it's that old. Here is a picture of it.


  19. Thank you Tywais and lannarebirth for your replies.

    In one sense you make it sound like it wasn't such a big deal after all.

    But is it likely I came anywhere near the stage of possible electrocution and if there was such a potential danger would the safety trip switch have cut off before there was any danger, while the shower was being used?

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