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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. Mityon is no different to any other shop/restaurant in Thailand. Customer service is crap everywhere so don't be offended.

    I have had exactly the same kind of experiences at Power Buy, home pro ( as opposed to home works who give excellent service always ) and even Big C .

  2. I think this would be a civil offense anywhere in the west and not a criminal one.

    Can you please backup such a ridiculous statement with hard evidence?


    In most countries failure to return rental property is most certainly a criminal offense

    Regardless, seems very unfair to label somebody a criminal for forgetting/failing to return their stuff. You certainly don't go to jail for failing to pay back debts in most western countries. With cases like this nobody is going to rent anything.

    I once rented a motorbike here and forgot to return it on the exact day. The next day a lone cop comes in and the owners make me out to be a criminal. Totally unfair. I will never rent anything here again.

    Are you for real or are you just trolling ?


    Erm…… I think you cross the line when your ' forgetfulness' to return the rented items becomes a permanent state of affairs. If you rented it for a week and keep it you can't turn round a month later and hope to get away with saying " I forgot "


  3. At this stage I am totally astonished that Obama is even able to proceed to the election as if it is business as usual and that there are still so many people even willing to consider voting for the President given the seriousness of the fast and furious scandal and the absolutely stunning information which is coming out now (although only drip fed) regarding the debacle in Libya.

    As a non-American but nevertheless an interested observer in what happens in USA I can't help wondering why Richard Nixon was facing impeachment over a single scandal which on the face of it look much less serious than the two major scandals facing the Obama administration which looks much more like deliberate lying to the people?

    How is it that Obama isn't at the very least being put through similar proceedings in the Congress that culminated in Richard Nixon facing impeachment for what seemed to me to be a less serious transgression?

    You're trying to make a mountain out of a molehill. If you want to blow it sky high as a big deal, you can do so. The Libya things was tragic in that several Americans died for no good reason. Some lower downs in the administration admitted there was some obfuscating (there was no concurrent riot). Perhaps someone should get reprimanded for allowing that consulate's security to be more lax than it should have been. the US State Dept is a large beast, and it's part of a much larger gov't. Trying to get poop to stick to Obama over a relatively isolated incident is grasping. If you want to research it further, while looking for someone to blame, you could blame the Republicans for often wanting to lessen the State Dept's budget, which affects security.

    I've seen the Republican attack machine take relatively insignificant things like the 'swift boat backlash' (or even non-existant things) and try to blow them up to gargantuan proportions. It's not pretty, and it probably turns off a lot more people than it impresses. If you want to look at a scandal, look at Reagan giving his personal blessing to the plan to clandestinely ship weapons to the Nicaraguan Contras -weapons which were bought from Iran, and secretly shipped to the Contras. At least there was a direct link to the president, who was underhandedly defying congress, and lying about it.

    Oh I don't think so.


    Anyway we could both argue as to the gravity of the events surrounding the death of the US ambassador in Libya till the cows come home. But at the end of the day you have to admit that to have not one but three major scandals affecting the Obama administration on the go simultaneously is simply astonishing.

    There are those that say that what Richard Nixon did wasn't so bad either and yet he was hounded out of office.

    Doesn't seem particularly fair or balanced does it?

  4. To which two "scandals" are you referring?

    Actually I forgot about the third one! This is truly amazing and if he gets back into office despite these matters hanging over him, think of what he will get away with over the next four years?

    3. Obama's Debacle in Denver and the Global Campaign Funding Scandal

    I don't think American elections should be bankrolled by America's most powerful interests, and worse, by foreign entities. ~Barack H. Obama, 2010 State of the Union address

  5. The only solutions are unworkable, that is to either charge vehicles a daily rate in Bangkok or introduce a tax or fee on vehicle ownership.

    Fiddling with the traffic lights, telling people to share cars and other such ideas are not going to cut the mustard I'm afraid.

    Both aforementioned schemes have had limited success in Singapore, noting that it costs S$90,000 to buy a licence to own a car (valid for 10 years) and cars are also very expensive but Singapore is still facing major traffic problems.

    Such a scheme would be contrary to Thailand's image as the Detroit of Asia and you can be sure it would be opposed by the major manufacturers.

    The daily charge would require major investment but is probably the only solution IMHO.

    What about a congestion charge ? these are imposed in Singapore, London, San Diego, Stokhlom and Milan and Beijing has just announced a congestion charge.

  6. At this stage I am totally astonished that Obama is even able to proceed to the election as if it is business as usual and that there are still so many people even willing to consider voting for the President given the seriousness of the fast and furious scandal and the absolutely stunning information which is coming out now (although only drip fed) regarding the debacle in Libya.

    As a non-American but nevertheless an interested observer in what happens in USA I can't help wondering why Richard Nixon was facing impeachment over a single scandal which on the face of it look much less serious than the two major scandals facing the Obama administration which looks much more like deliberate lying to the people?

    How is it that Obama isn't at the very least being put through similar proceedings in the Congress that culminated in Richard Nixon facing impeachment for what seemed to me to be a less serious transgression?

    To which two "scandals" are you referring?

    1. The Fast and Furious scandal is turning into President Obama's Watergate

    Be patient, conservatives. It took nearly eight months for the Watergate break in to become a national news story. But when it finally did, it toppled a President.

    mmmm..... maybe the elections should be postponed.....?blink.png


    2. Benghazi Terrorist Attack Turning into a Full-Blown Scandal for Barack Obama

    The dam is starting to break on Barack Obama and his adminstration regarding the growing scandal of what happened in the terrorist attack on the U.S. Consulate in Benghazi, Libya – the attack that Obama and his people have repeatedly claimed was only a spontaneous riot over a video.


  7. At this stage I am totally astonished that Obama is even able to proceed to the election as if it is business as usual and that there are still so many people even willing to consider voting for the President given the seriousness of the fast and furious scandal and the absolutely stunning information which is coming out now (although only drip fed) regarding the debacle in Libya.

    As a non-American but nevertheless an interested observer in what happens in USA I can't help wondering why Richard Nixon was facing impeachment over a single scandal which on the face of it look much less serious than the two major scandals facing the Obama administration which looks much more like deliberate lying to the people?

    How is it that Obama isn't at the very least being put through similar proceedings in the Congress that culminated in Richard Nixon facing impeachment for what seemed to me to be a less serious transgression?

    • Like 1
  8. If you carried out a poll of all the animals I think you'll find none of them asked for motorbikes and cars to be introduced into their environment


    One woof for yes, two for no.

    I hit a wombat once (not in Thailand smile.png) ... they are truly solid little critters.

    Don't be silly some dogs are way beyond this woof stuff?!laugh.png

    • Like 1
  9. Thailand with nuclear energy would be like Homer Simpson running a nuke plant, hell they can't even lay a decent pavement or install safe electrical systems.

    They are already running a nuclear reactor..rolleyes.gif and manage to run chemical plants, oil refineries, car manufacturing plants, natural gas etc without too many problems,,,but I understand what your saying Thai's are only good for picking rice in the paddies...whistling.gif

    Oh come down from your high horse Soutpeel

    rolleyes.gif . I think what SMS is implying is that there is no room for error regarding running nuclear plants. You have to be extremely disciplined which lets face it the Thais are not!

    just Google the words ' Accidents at chemical plants in Thailand ' and the same with oil refineries and you will see quite an extensive list of accidents in these kinds of facilities in the past

    here is commentary regarding a gas pipeline at Rojana Industrial Park in Uthai district in Ayutthaya leaked in August, prompting the evacuation of people in the vicinity.

    • Like 1
  10. I would like to recommend this group based on my personal experience of buying bullion through them.

    The main advantage is that they don't charge any premium to buy or sell


    They have very helpful staff and the office is opposite SCB Thappae Gate branch

    And these pictures show the different sized gold bars you can buy from them


  11. I have one FB account I use for family and close friends and about 15 FB accounts for pure BS. My wife wanted me to play Farmville with her so I have that FB app. Farmville wants you to spend real money to get things for your farm, now that is serious crazy, spend real money on a regular basis for a stupid game. Or you can have your friends give you the things you need in Farmville, ya that's something I want to do, annoy my real friends and family with requests to send me FV crap. Or I can set up 15 fake FB accounts and send myself FV crap. But in the end FB and FV loose their luster quickly. I haven't been on FB in quite a while. If it closed down tomorrow I wouldn't loose any sleep over it.

    Maybe your wife wants you be like Lim Yo-Hwan ?


    Lim has a record with 548 wins and 416 losses (56.80%)[2] in his professional career. He is one of the highest-paid professional computer gamers, with annual earnings that exceed $400,000 US Dollars and endorsement contracts that bring in an additional $90,000 per year

  12. Let's simply cut to the chase and say that when a Thai at this level of authority gets put in the spotlight and begins to utter, and a foreigner makes the mistake of taking them too seriously, then the bullshit flies. These events are nothing but cannon fodder in the campaign for lunacy and self-indulgence. The elite make me want to vomit, with their over-indulgent airs, impotence, ass-kissing and rubbing elbows for self-gain and rampant ineffectiveness at getting the correct things accomplished. I cannot dismiss these views every time I read such reports as this over my lifetime and look at the history of worsening affairs.

    Wow ! Way to go cup-O-coffee!


  13. Recently I discovered that Facebook has posted all of my private messages for the last 5 years on my timeline for all to to see. I don't have anything interesting in my messages as I hardly use the site, but I imagine for some people this would ruin their lives. How the heck is their not some massive backlash to this. What has happened to our sense of privacy.

    Your Facebook Data File: Everything You Never Wanted Anyone to Knowsad.png


  14. Was Obama rattled by developing donor scandal story?

    President Obama reelection campaign, rattled by his Wednesday night debate performance, could be in for even worse news. According to knowlegable sources, a national magazine and a national web site are preparing a blockbuster donor scandal story.


    is it against US law to make a campaign donation using a credit card? The article mentioned "small dollar donations" so that further dilutes whatever tempests they're trying to formulate in a teapot.

    Is the Washington Examiner the paper that's owned by the Korean Moon (self-professed Christian prophet) family?

    What they should be investigating is the weird law which describes corporations as people, in order to enable corporations (posing as 'individual people') to donate large dollar amounts to election campaigns. Most large corps favor Republicans candidates (money gravitates to money), and Romney himself claimed that

    'corporations are people' in order to justify such donations. It wouldn't surprise anyone if corporations put pressure on their employees to 'donate' (to a fund, for example) to aid particular candidates which were favorable to the corporations .....err, .....people running them.

    well if correct surely this kind of practice doesn't sound right ?

    What the Obama campaign does is not require the use of the credit card verification code on the back side of the card. This allows people to make up names under which to contribute and it also permits foreigners to make illegal campaign donations. I have printed excerpts of email solicitations send to a friend in Eastern Europe who is not a citizenblink.png . He got similar solicitations in 2008. They have been rather brazen about the practice, but the FEC has so far done nothing to my knowledge.


    If this election was based on counting scandals instead of votes Obama would be a clear winner

  15. Do you think it *could* get much worse for the Syrian people?

    No what I meant was worse for the whole world because this could result in a serious escalation.

    the West are desperately trying to find a way to start a war.

    Turkey is an ally of Iran and here they are warning Iran not to support Syria any further. Do you think Iran is likely to listen to this?


    in fact Iran has already warned Turkey about this

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