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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. I saw one on the west side of Sukhumvit last week.

    I was in a taxi from Pattaya Nua to Homeworks and did not make a note of its exact location, but it is somewhere in that stretch.

    No idea as to what services are ofered, if any.

    I can talk from experience having been in there to ask them personally

    No banking services whatsoever I can assure you.

    the sole purpose of the office is to push loans to the Thais

  2. Cries of a loser. Touche!

    It's really true. When a side is complaining about moderation, you know that is always the LOSING side.


    Well. That was better, wasn’t it?

    President Obama clearly won tonight’s debate, and that’s judging by more than the look on Ann Romney’s face at the end. Tonight, Obama was aggressive, but not disrespectful, repeatedly scoring points on virtually every question — from taxes to women’s health to immigration.

    They've got their cries of losers. Obama supporters now have got massive sighs of relief that our man has turned his debate performance around. Without forgetting the over the top Biden who set the stage.

    Quoting from your article, "We will soon hear the Republican howls that the questions from the audience were biased against their guy and that Crowley favored Obama. But those are the cries of a loser."

    I think you are jumping the gun a bit. It says we will soon hear not we have heard. So I guess you are predicting the future, yes?

    Some minutes ago I switched on Fox. The prediction was TRUE.

    Then you will be aware of this phenomenon …….?ohmy.png

    Luntz Focus Group Of Mostly Former Obama Voters Switch To Romney

    A Frank Luntz focus group made up mostly of former Obama voters say they now support Mitt Romney.


  3. Press TV is an absolute joke. It is nothing more than a Mad Mullah mouthpiece.

    Watch Nato in Syria after American election for sure France and Germany want it

    i dont think so

    USA can least afford to enter into a conflict with China, on whom it relies majorly for financial cooperation, both for its own finances as well as NATO's.

  4. Personally, I do not want to see any more whining about the moderator (in the debate, not this forum giggle.gif ), by either side. You're in the big leagues now boys, and sh*t happens. You need to be on top of your game like never before is what I say to both Romney & Obama.

    “The stakes are just so high right now that people are looking for every reason to figure out why whatever happens to their candidate happens,” he said “Whether they think they did well, or usually if they think they didn’t do well or didn’t get a fair shake, right away they point — well the moderator was tougher on them with time, or didn’t give them equal time, or interrupted them.”

    I think surprises can happen in this debate, especially with the ad hoc nature of the audience participation. I'm going to be watching closely which candidate can handle the heat.


    But the moderator herself is allowed to say she didn't like Joe Biden's performancegiggle.gif


  5. Hello, Asiantravel, I do hope that my message reaches you in the best of health and spirits.

    I must apologise for my ramblings, but I was lead to believe that this was a public forum, open to all opinion and input from anyone that thought that they might have something constructive to share, from personal experience, to maybe guide, or assist another, pertaining to the topic involved - perhaps I was wrong ?

    Please do bear with me while I explain - you see, I clicked on the original topic at hand, and after reading through the whole thing, from the original context, right through to the detracting posts at the end, I thought I might offer my own two pence worth, in an impartial, good spirited way, with no agenda whatsoever, aside from that of the truth of my own experience. Now, it's all subjective of course, and I am far from saying I didn't enjoy my stay at Leena - but what I wrote about was my true, personal experience, and that is all I offered an insight into. The original room I was shown to actually smelled so strongly of cigarette smoke, that as soon as the door was opened, I politely asked for another one, which in turn, was not as offensive, but still did have an old, lingering, stale odour of cigarette smoke, which in fact, as I said, any non-smoker will pick up on, if they walk into a room that has had a smoker staying in it, especially one that has had the smoke circulating through its' aircon. The room was acceptably clean, and as equally acceptably run down. As for the food in SVK in general, not specific to Leena - most Asian cooks, when they see a Westerner, will automatically tone the food down, (unless you catagorically tell them not to), to allow for a perceived unacclimated palette - this is something I feel I have come to know through experience, after living permanently in Thailand for seventeen Years so far, and predominantly eating 'authentic' Thai food. As far as the food goes at any other establishment (sorry, call me ignorant, but I don't know what 'haupt' cuisine is, with a childish emoticon attached - and to be honest, how ever much you bet me - I really couldn't give too much of a toss what it's like at the casino, unless I happen to stay there) - well I'll be the judge of that for myself, as I would encourage anyone else to do - but please be assured that my judgment is just that - My unbiased judgement. If you want real Laos food - cheap and delicious, eat in the small Laos cubbyholes, or down on the river front, and know what, and how to order. Vietnamese there too. If I experience anything else noteworthy, or potentially helpful to another on my next trip there, I will endeavour to post about it, without prejudice. Like I said, regardless of yours, or anyone elses report, or comments, I will be going for a look at the casino for myself, as I have never been, and if I like it, then I will stay, if that's okay with you ? Actually, I will say, because I just remembered - if you drive upto Mukdahan yourself, like I do, park at the border and walk through, the casino car park will try and charge you 150 baht a day to park, and try to make you believe your car won't be safe otherwise - but if you drive around 30 yards past them, just before immigration, there is a free car park that has a night guard on duty also. My truck was fine, and still there after two weeks - not a scratch.

    If you read through my original post, and comprehended the context that it was written in, then I'm sure you will see, I didn't write it to vilify another, nor as a vindicative lodestone for the precepts of the pedantic. Just trying to write a real post, from real experience. In this case, the bottom line, as it were, is that due to both perception, and preconception - I don't believe your experience is necessarily representative of what I feel, or experienced, and, if you don't mind me asking - how on Earth would you know of any representations, except those of your own, and how and why would you have a knowledge, or clue, or concern about what is representative, or what isn't, pertaining to most guests staying at Leena guesthouse, unless there was, or even if there wasn't an underlying premise ? I will afford you your opinion of Leena from your own perspective of staying there, but that's as far as it goes - it doesn't invalidate anyone elses.

    In somewhat of a contradiction to your non sequitur, the shallow doesn't allow for in depth analysis, and your comments do nothing to belie a certain sense of latent agenda, and ulterior motive, by both your very tone, and, to be quite frank, strange attitude. It almost reminds me of why I came to live in Asia in the first place. You would do well to be more welcoming, and afford others their opinion for what they are - they all have their place, and context, and are just as valid as anyone elses, and must be allowed to be so, and afforded an arena broad and open to interpretation - because isn't the very proposition of a forum to be constructive, and help one another ? I certainly didn't graciously take the time to write a contributive, and conducive post to cause affront, find issue, or preemption with another, or to have my true perception of personal experience subjugated, and so with that, I'll wish you, and everyone else on this forum a pleasant evening, and perhaps, more appropriately, a pleasant stay in Savannakhet, should you find yourself visiting. Laos, in my opinion, is lovely.

    Ackybang I guess my “ strange attitude “ as you put it was partly because of post number 18 by bangkokburning was still resonating with the opening line “Shameless self promotion. “

    Maybe I was also just a little cynical because of the fact you said you've been in Asia for 20 years and you have visited Savannakhet three times already and yet you only joined this forum on 27 September - less than three weeks ago?

    And coincidentally this is just after the “ detracting posts “ as you described them began to appear in this thread?......mmmmermm.gif

    You are of course welcome to stay anywhere you like but I would just point out to other would-be travelers to Savannakhet whether they stay at Leena Guesthouse or any other guest house ( of which there are many to choose from ) I think their stay would be more enjoyable in a local establishment near the city than being taken 10 km out of town to the casino where obviously the staff now will have even less incentive to please their guests if they know the Sword of Damocles is hanging over them?

    • Like 1
  6. It is almost always the case that someone looking for a financial advisor in Thailand is looking for a low-risk investment with a higher return than can be gotten from a bank.

    The FA will of course promise to deliver this, but cannot. The FA's objective is to secure investment in products which will yield him (the FA) upfront commissions which will wipe out any possible returns in the first 2 years of any investment. The investor is unfortunately a willing victim chasing higher returns.

    So you expect the financial advisor to work for nothing?

    And, no, I'm not an FA.

    Why should you pay to be ripped off? Here are some cases of the new type of financial scams by self-proclaimed and registered small investment advisers that state securities enforcement officials are encountering:

  7. If you have a 10 year horizon and nowhere else to invest your money, then Pattaya is an OK option. At least you don't have to pay rent and deal with a landlord.

    Under normal conditions perhaps. But you nor anyone else has any idea how the expat community and indeed demand by overseas buyers would be affected if there was a major Middle East war which is looking increasingly more likely everyday.

    You've missed the point. If you plan to live in your condo for 10 years as lovetotravel said, then you're still living in it safely during the feared Middle East war--so it doesn't matter.

    But have you considered global warming yet or an asteroid hitting the earth?

    You might be living in it comfortably but when oil prices double or triple how can you tell how badly this city will be affected by lack of tourism?

    Yes and I'm not one of those kinds of people to give my money to Bernie Madoff characters either


  8. If one plans to live here...10 years or more, yes, buying a condo would make sense, but most likely will not bring in a profit when re-selling (unless it is right on the sea). The problem with Pattaya (especially) is that the city government is not keeping up with the infrastruture... lack of sewage systems (Example:some of the condo projects on Thapisit Hill have to have the sewage pumped out into trucks due to no sewage system), more and more raw sewage flowing into Pattaya Bay; a serious water crisis in the future just like there was 7 years ago because of not enough water resevoir, and needless to say anything with the lack of enforcing building codes or zoning laws (if there are any). Malaysia would be the place to invest an apartment. The only drawing card of Pattaya compared to other places is its night life and for those who are desperate for a ATM chasing "girlfriend".

    Pattaya, like most other growing cities in SE Asia, has done a horrible job with infrastructure. I read about the water shortage in Sattahip. Lots needs to be done.

    I looked at Malaysia. Just didn't seem fun to me. But that's my personal opinion. I've been married for quite some time now, but still like Pattaya. I wish the beaches were cleaner, and less traffic. But traffic is a problem in any large city. And I prefer larger cities to smaller ones.

    If you have a 10 year horizon and nowhere else to invest your money, then Pattaya is an OK option. At least you don't have to pay rent and deal with a landlord.

    Under normal conditions perhaps. But you nor anyone else has any idea how the expat community and indeed demand by overseas buyers would be affected if there was a major Middle East war which is looking increasingly more likely everyday.

    When the risk of war has dissipated then yes perhaps but a war which could involve not just the Middle East but Russia and China could have very unpredictable consequences even on world travel.

    Buying a property at this point in time particularly when the rest of the world is so subdued economically seems like an unnecessary risk.

    The name of the game at this point in time is as much flexibility as possible and that doesn't include having what could be an albatross around your neck.


  9. and now to add to the complexity we even have Iraq warning NATO not to get involved


    Russia warms up to Iraq with arms deal

    Amid a visit to Russia, Mr. Maliki has warned Turkey not to blow-up its differences with Syria and drag NATO into the conflict.

    The veiled support for the Syrian government came soon after Baghdad revived its military ties with Moscow. Mr. Maliki, a close ally of Iran, asserted that Syria was not threatening Turkey, which should not seek NATO’s intervention.


  10. Syria with only 11,550,588 in its military is much smaller than Turkey which has 41,637,773. But as Russia and China warned again last week about no military intervention one has to remember Russia has military with 69,117,271 and China has a colossal available manpower of 749,610,775 blink.png

    so let's hope cool heads prevail


    The figure you have quoted for Syria looks like the size of the entire population!

    Estimate of population of Syria: 22,530,746 (July 2012 est.) from Index Mundi.

    total population for Syria is listed at 22,517,750

    whereas the figure of 11,550,588 is described as total manpower

    with 9,939,661 fit for active service

  11. Has anyone checked out the size of the Turkish military? They are perfectly capable of flattening Syria without any support whatsoever. The west would do well to keep out of Syria as would Israel as given no outside diversion a large Sunni-Shia religious war looks like breaking out any time now and the sidelines selling arms to whoever is losing looks the wisest option.

    Turkey could flatten Syria in less than a week.

    Syria with only 11,550,588 in its military is much smaller than Turkey which has 41,637,773. But as Russia and China warned again last week about no military intervention one has to remember Russia has military with 69,117,271 and China has a colossal available manpower of 749,610,775


    so let's hope cool heads prevail

  12. I didn't know that, but I was sure there was a military alliance formed by Russia which invloves some of the countries that made up the former USSR.

    Sent from my GT-I9003

    Many of the old soviet bloc countries are now in the European union.

    Just my opinion, but I do not believe that Russia will engage with military force to support the Assad regeime in Syria.

    Estonia, Latvia. Lithuania, Hungary, Czech Republic, Albania, Poland & Croatia (formerly part of Yugoslavia) have all joined NATO and all are former Warsaw Pact countries. As well as the integration of West & East Germany. Georgia is also planning to join NATO.

    oh yes they will and in fact if you looked at any interview with any Russian officials

    just this past weekend regarding this matter they are absolutely adamant against

    any military intervention in Syria.

    And Russia is already angry even about the interception of the cargo plane.

    Russia seeks answers from Turkey over Syria plane intercept

    MOSCOW — Russia furiously demanded answers from Turkey on Thursday after it forced a Syrian passenger plane flying from Moscow to land in Ankara on suspicion of carrying "illegal cargo", reportedly weapons, to Damascus.

  13. One gets the impression this election is not going to be terribly peaceful


    Will there be race riots if Obama loses?

    economist and political theorist Thomas Sowell believes the possibility of riots in the event of an Obama loss are very real. He was interviewed by columnist and talk show host Larry Elder in August. Here is part of the exchange:

  14. You might be joking but that guy has done more to promote fun and harmony ( around the world not just EU )than the bunch of t***ts at the EU could ever do.

    "You only have to open your eyes to see the increasing violence and division within the EU which is caused by the Euro project" he said.

    "Spain is on the verge of a bail-out, with senior military figures warning that the Army may have to intervene in Catalonia. In Greece people are starving and abandoning their children through desperate poverty and never a week goes by that we don't see riots and protests in capital cities against the troika and the economic prison they have imposed.

    "The next stage is to abandon the Nation state: the awarding of this prize to the EU brings it into disrepute."

    Mr Farage added, "The last attempt in Europe to impose a new flag, currency and nationality on separate states was called Yugoslavia. The EU is repeating the same tragic mistake."

    "Rather than bring peace and harmony, the EU will cause insurgency and violence.

    Nigel Farage, the man who never lets the chance for self-promotion and preening pass him by, gets his history wrong again...

    Far from it that imposing a "new flag, currency and nationality on separate states called Yugoslavia" and that this ended in disaster. It was actually the breakup of this handy piece of Balkan " tidying up" that caused the war to break out and while Slovenia escaped the grief, a bloodbath descended on Bosnia, Croatia etc

    While the EU has a multitude of failings one thing has been an obvious success, namely that the idea of a war between member states has become beyond unthinkable. Thus a worthy winner of any peace award.


    But it is not only Nigel Farage who is critical of these warmongers


    Europe is not a person. It has not during the past year — which is the requirement — or even during the past several decades done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations. Ask Libya. Ask Syria. Check with Afghanistan. See what Iraq thinks. Far from doing the best work to abolish or reduce standing armies, Europe has joined with the United States in developing an armed global force aggressively imposing its will on the world.

    • Like 1
  15. I just think it's unnecessarily provocative to wear something like this. It's in a similar category to these idiots who joke with the airport staff prior to boarding a flight which can often result in them being detained.

    In this day and age if you want peaceful existence you just need to use common sense and be sensitive about what you are outwardly express.

    Your thoughts are still your own though….. Well at least for the time being

    Recall Orwell’s Thought Police that can invade even private thoughts? Well here they come in the form of a “mind-reading” helmet machine.

  16. It was a play-off between the EU and that Gangnam Style guy, I guess. sad.png

    You might be joking but that guy has done more to promote fun and harmony ( around the world not just EU )than the bunch of t***ts at the EU could ever do.

    "You only have to open your eyes to see the increasing violence and division within the EU which is caused by the Euro project" he said.

    "Spain is on the verge of a bail-out, with senior military figures warning that the Army may have to intervene in Catalonia. In Greece people are starving and abandoning their children through desperate poverty and never a week goes by that we don't see riots and protests in capital cities against the troika and the economic prison they have imposed.

    "The next stage is to abandon the Nation state: the awarding of this prize to the EU brings it into disrepute."

    Mr Farage added, "The last attempt in Europe to impose a new flag, currency and nationality on separate states was called Yugoslavia. The EU is repeating the same tragic mistake."

    "Rather than bring peace and harmony, the EU will cause insurgency and violence.

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