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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. Insure it and drop it down the gary glitter.

    I hope you are joking?

    If someone from the insurance company happens to have read this thread or hears about this incident some other way then the OP could be up for insurance fraud

    not a very bright suggestion


    What are the criminal penalties concerning criminal fraud?

    For a person who has committed fraud in Thailand, he/she may be punished with imprisonment from a maximum of three years to seven years depending on the circumstances of the case.

  2. I have his number. I'll shoot him a text and ask when they will be open again.

    It should be interesting to see the response you receive.

    My theory is they have gone to look for a new location not just in Pattaya but even in a different country. I may be wrong and indeed I hope I'm wrong but when I was there there were never more than two other tables occupied and because of that he had time to engage in conversation with me.

    Anyone else that chated with him will know they were not particularly impressed with Pattaya.

    He expressed his disappointment that the customers who did like it there didn't come more often and it was clear that he was certainly not enamoured with the location in terms of getting passing customers.

    I just believe even though there are a few loyal supporters like us posting in this thread there were simply were not enough to sustain his business.

    I don't agree about the hobby versus business either because anyone with those sorts of

    culinary talents wouldn't be wasting them as a hobby.

  3. I liked Romney's line about how his teenage kids kept repeating the same lies over and over again when they got in trouble, but he did not believe them either.

    Why ?

    Because it shows his children are inherently liars as well ?

    Romney has no chance to be president at this point - accept and deal with it.

    Yes but hold on a minute I don't think the sons have quite graduated to the extent that the gravity of their lies deserve their own website


  4. Long term charts .. better whistling.gif


    which currencies have appreciated against gold over the last 10 years ?

    Hello Churchill

    you seem to be the most knowledgeable person on here about gold so I have a question.

    Before we kept seeing the price smashed down as soon as it reached a certain level and this kept happening very regularly. I noticed some people who make comments called it a conspiracy theory to suggest that it was being done deliberately.

    But now that pattern of behaviour seems to have stopped. Or it's certainly not as prevalent.

    Do you happen to know why this kind of up-and-down movement seems to have ceased and if there were forces behind it who wanted to keep the price down what is stopping them from continuing this strategy?


  5. Passed by at 5:43 pm yesterday, double parked in front for a while, and there were no signs of activity in the place.

    They normally would not be there at that time, even if opening.

    But the point is they haven't even taken the sign down saying they will be back on the 30th


    what I've learnt from this is if they do come back I'm going get their phone number and I'm always going to phone before going there from now on! Looking back at the beginning of this thread this pattern of closing for long periods has been happening from the beginning and you can no longer rely on just turning up

  6. just sent an email to bayer in thailand and i quote!

    i have retired to thailand

    and have recently been concerned about the use of pesticides

    there has been a very interesting exchange of information on a website called thai visa about chemical use in food production

    and i quote

    Germany has banned the use of neonicotoids Bayer still manufactures and distributes outside of the country.

    why do u still sell?

    do u supply these chemicals in any format to thai farmers to increase yields?

    carbofuran, dicrotophos, methomyl and EPN

    do u think they will reply? whistling.gif

    No! Thais are notoriously bad at responding to e-mails anyway but one like this will definitely go in the too hard basket in my opinion

  7. How many charities out there are run by atheists?

    For a start the chain of charities spreading from the coffers of secular Gates and Buffett is of course huge.

    Secondly Buddhists have made a big thing of absolute compassion for millennia, and they're atheists, and there are a lot of them.

    As to Romney's charitable credentials, I think it says a lot that he gave $100m to his sons, a $100m which they would be hard pressed to spend if they bought every conceivable luxury, and which, cleverly spent, could have paid for countless unaffordable operations and really changed a large number of lives. Buffett of course decid to give more to his offspring, but only because he was so impressed with how they had given everything previous to charity so efficiently.

    But in a spectacular act of genetic selfishness Romney gave it to his sons......a bit like having a choice what to do with it......then giving it to oneself.


    What you say is simply inaccurate

    • Like 2
  8. I hate to contradict those knowledgeable TV contributors who rented a room in Center Condo

    for one week 8 years ago, BUT...

    About two years ago a new condo committee took over the building and immediately replaced

    management and security with top-notch professionals. Since then, corridors have been upgraded

    (no more loose tiles), lighting has been revamped, three new Otis elevators have been installed,

    the lobby has been remodeled to include a ramp for the disabled, walkways and driveways have

    been resurfaced, parking areas have been improved, security cameras have been installed

    throughout, TV cable and telephone system have been upgraded.

    The committee hasn't done anything about the adjacent crematorium--but that did not stop the

    purchase of three condos by Thai buyers last week within a day of the units hitting the market.

    Notice there are no ads in any of the classified sections (TV, Pattaya Today, Pattaya Mail, etc.)

    There's a reason for that: Units in Center Condo are in high demand--both rental and purchase.

    The committee also hasn't done anything about congestion of Pattaya Tai or the convenient Soi

    Buakhao market, Friendship Supermarket, TukCom, the fresh-market--all within a block or so,

    and front-door vans to Bangkok every 10 minutes for 100 baht or songthaews to everywhere in

    Pattaya. Meanwhile, the building remains two blocks from Walking Street and Beach Road--and

    offers some of the best views of Pattaya and the sea. Did I mention a lovely swimming pool

    replete with bar/restaurant? Did I mention the billiard parlor? Hairdresser? Two restaurants?

    Two laundry shops? Internet shop? All on the premises.

    OK, guys, now get on with your bad-mouthing the place or complaining about something else.

    my experience of center condo is not from 8 years ago it is from less than a year ago, I personally didn't mention corridors lighting lifts or any other general infrastructure, my experience was based on 3 people I know staying there - what they were paying in rent and what they got for that, my opinion remains the same i.e. they were paying too much for what they had, that is not to say that there may be units that have been modernised and refurbished but that was not the case for my friends, they do not rent there now because of this

    BTW what exactly is your interest here, I declared why I have the opinion I do and you didn't, I'll assume you have a vested interest of some sort either an owner or part of the committee or both - that being the case either way you're hardly going to come on here and say anything different, I hove no such interest either way and am posting from a totally neutral point of view

    " three condos by Thai buyers last week within a day of the units hitting the market."

    They were queueing up all the way down south Pattaya Road


    • Like 1
  9. Banks are not all swinging the same way re investment advice and it would be a mistake to take what DB has said as authoritative. And even DB doesn't claim that. DB suggests property in the region if an investor wants exposure to riskier assets. Some guys just read the word 'bank' and a red mist descends.

    And with good reason after Goldman Sachs encouraged their clients to buy instruments from them even though they considered them to be a crock of shit

    Banks = worse than snake oil vendors

    If you think that then no need to follow their advice. But other may want to take a punt. Risky investments can give fantastic returns. Yes, you can lose your money as well, but that's the nature of the game. Stay out of the game if you don't like the rules.

    There is a huge distinction between losing money because the investor simply makes a bad call compared to losing because of misrepresentation and deception by the vendor in a transaction

  10. And with good reason after Goldman Sachs encouraged their clients to buy instruments from them even though they considered them to be a crock of shit

    Banks = worse than snake oil vendors

    That is a misunderstanding (commonly made by some Congress members of the Democratic Party) of how the purchase and sale of derivative instruments are made.

    The example which came up in the hearings (the 'shitty deal') was related at that time to a German bank (and others on other deals, many deals) who wanted to buy into mortgage related debt.

    GS facilitated that which did not preclude them taking the other side of such instruments trading on the book they had created. These were not innocent grannies being hoodwinked.

    A more modern example would be in currency trading. Every trade has another side. I might make a trade buying Euros for dollars. HSBC facilitate that. At the same time HSBC may be selling Euros for dollars. They might even be the buyer of my dollars. Do I know that? No. Should I care? No.

    And what was the ' misunderstanding ' when it called its own clients Muppets?

    None at all. They can think that and quite embarrassing to have those comments made public.

    However, GS were performing the role of market makers and facilitating the creation of that financial instrument.

    They then took the other side. It is as well to remember that at that time (so-called AAA) MB securities were in hot demand.

    GS were one of the first banks to start hedging against exposure and it was this that was/is being thrown back at them.

    Banks = worse than snake oil vendors
  11. The gold bugs only want to show charts where the price appears to be going up, a one-way ticket, but the point (which they don't like to hear) is that it is volatile and as has been pointed out on numerous occasions we have a recent period where holding gold was a disaster for 20 years. Charts are more and sometimes less than a comfort blanket or a warm teddy bear to hold tightly with the other thumb being furiously suckled on.

  12. Banks are not all swinging the same way re investment advice and it would be a mistake to take what DB has said as authoritative. And even DB doesn't claim that. DB suggests property in the region if an investor wants exposure to riskier assets. Some guys just read the word 'bank' and a red mist descends.

    And with good reason after Goldman Sachs encouraged their clients to buy instruments from them even though they considered them to be a crock of shit

    Banks = worse than snake oil vendors

    That is a misunderstanding (commonly made by some Congress members of the Democratic Party) of how the purchase and sale of derivative instruments are made.

    The example which came up in the hearings (the 'shitty deal') was related at that time to a German bank (and others on other deals, many deals) who wanted to buy into mortgage related debt.

    GS facilitated that which did not preclude them taking the other side of such instruments trading on the book they had created. These were not innocent grannies being hoodwinked.

    A more modern example would be in currency trading. Every trade has another side. I might make a trade buying Euros for dollars. HSBC facilitate that. At the same time HSBC may be selling Euros for dollars. They might even be the buyer of my dollars. Do I know that? No. Should I care? No.

    And what was the ' misunderstanding ' when it called its own clients Muppets?

  13. Still down the last 12 months.

    Wow.. you are really talented in chart reading. How anyone could look at that quarterly chart showing the last 9 years and conclude anything but gold has been in an uptrend is beyond me.

    Perhaps you don't know how to read candles? As you can clearly see, the q3 2012 candle closed higher than the q3 2011 candle. That is a 12 month period. So yes, the gold price closed higher now than 12 months ago. If you are trying to compare the peak of the candle wicks as the closing prices then you are making things up as you go along.

    To keep calling you uneducated on this subject would be a waste of time. I think it's quite evident to all here that you know very little of what you speak.

    I think you summed up this person earlier Jayman


    " But any old thing to come and show all how right you are about stuff you don't believe or support :"

  14. Banks are not all swinging the same way re investment advice and it would be a mistake to take what DB has said as authoritative. And even DB doesn't claim that. DB suggests property in the region if an investor wants exposure to riskier assets. Some guys just read the word 'bank' and a red mist descends.

    And with good reason after Goldman Sachs encouraged their clients to buy instruments from them even though they considered them to be a crock of shit

    Banks = worse than snake oil vendors

  15. Fox really shouldn't be called a news channel, particularly not a national or international one. Besides their notoriously biased political agenda, which seems to permeate through most of their programming, the only hard news is US-centric topical news reported by about 3 of their news hour people, and the rest is devoted to in-depth focus on sensationalist stories like the one here.

    I saw an interview between O'Reilly and Ted Koppel (non-Americans can google him). Bill correctly pointed out that Fox is hard news for about 8 hours during the day while MSNBC has zero hard news. Then Ted correctly pointed out that Fox's ratings come AFTER the hard news reporting during the day. Bill said that he still thinks he's providing a valuable service, Ted looked at him, paused, then made a little kissing sound. Hilarious.

    Fox in the evening is certainly biased to the Right, just like every other TV news outlet is biased to the Left. THAT is why it is so obvious that they are biased, because they are the only ones giving the perspective of the Right. That DOES NOT mean they are wrong. Also, at least on their shows they always have someone presenting the other side of the argument. It IS NOT a right wing love fest by a long shot. The left winger might be outnumbered, just like right wingers on other shows.

    All of this doesn't excuse Fox for showing the trashy chases. I hope this makes them re-think doing it in the future.

    Fox in the evening is certainly biased to the Right, just like every other TV news outlet is biased to the Left.
  16. Sort of depends on what you can afford and your proposed lifestyle in the future. A quality beachfront condo or at least w/ a nice seaview, in a convenient location, will probably hold its value and perhaps appreciate. You will surely find a tenant, but you won't make much on rental. Markland comes to mind: location's great, always financially sound from hotel rentals, wonderful views. Northpoint is also a possibility; there are others such. A cheap condo in, say, a View Talay is just rolling the dice. Nice condos behind The Avenue--turned out flooded last year. Real estate agents can't be trusted. You got to have a nice long visit here and look around and ask around. The expats clubs might be a good place to get some info, as long as you don't talk to anyone in the business. smile.png

    good sound advice, be careful what you listen too on these forums as there will be four types of people posting here, existing owners whistling.gif - realestate agents w00t.gif - those that are wanting to buy wai.gif - those that have no interest in buying thumbsup.gif , the type of answers and advice given will be obvious - personal disclosure ... I rent and would never buy unless I was sure of a bargan and I have seen a few over the years but still didn't

    and I have heard the same crap from people trying to sell property over the years - but that's what I paid for it four years ago cheesy.gif


    When it comes to real estate particularly bearing in mind were only here on various kinds of visas anyway I always think of the wise words of Robert De Niro in the movie ' Heat '

    "Don't let yourself get attached to anything you are not willing to walk out on in 30 seconds flat "

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