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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. I only have five blank pages left plus a few odd spaces for stamps in my British passport.

    With the new rules of having to obtain your passport from Hong Kong or it could now even be

    UK, it means you have to send your existing passport out of the country possibly for a lengthy period of time.

    How do people get around staying legal regarding the Thai immigration authorities during that time

    you are essentially without a passport and a valid Visa?

  2. Looks like were headed right back to the Dark Ages where its illegal to criticize religion. I am getting sick and tired of Islam demanding this shroud of respect it is never willing to afford to others. You DO NOT have a right to not be offended in this life and you DO NOT have the right to inflict violence on others because of pictures or YouTube clips a half a world away. It is time the Governments of the world stood up to these murderous thugs and said no instead of cowtowing to them by granting their command for censorship under threat of violence.

    Have you ever lived or work near a mosque? They have speakers blasting 4 times a day with loud prayers but if other neighbors make any noise to disturb their peace, they raise hell and get upset. Is this fair?

    They get quite upset with the nearby temples.

    Just saying....

    With all due respect you do have to look at it in the context that some of these muslim countries are being

    occupied by foreign forces and are being subjected to constant drone attacks some of which kill civilians.

    As one media source said the other day the film was simply the straw that broke the camel's back.

  3. People have written here about their difficulties sometimes in getting back to back tourist visas.

    I have only one double entry tourist Visa in my passport which will expire in October.

    Without asking for any guarantees what would be the chances of me being able to get a second

    tourist Visa back-to-back at the Savannakhet consulate?

  4. I think the bottom part of the article makes a lot of sense.

    thanks a lot for that link

    yes indeed I can see what you mean ! ha ha you have to be very careful about specifying what you want to revoke

    and not revoke

  5. This may be a simplistic answer but from what you have said they should fall under your will as the assets would go to your estate as you were alive when the other person died?

    If they are specific disbursements and not covered yet you need to add a codicil or change the will I would presume.

    If you don't have a will.........

    edited for typo

    thanks very much for your reply toptsmile.png

    yes I have now established that I just need these assets to be covered in a will.

    Since I originally posted this question I have learnt from a lawyer in the UK that it's dangerous to have two Wills in 2 different jurisdictions. so I would just like to clarify if the proceeds of these assets should be attached to my will in Thailand ? also can I rest assured my Thai will would be legally enforceable in the United Kingdom covering assets that are in Britain

    and left under a British will ? Or does the will covering these assets in particular need to be prepared

    and witnessed in the United Kingdom?

    I wrote to the solicitor in England who originally advised me of my inheritance and who is acting for the two executors to ask this question.

    I did this because naturally he would be the person that would naturally be presented with my Thai will if anything happened to me. But he hasn't replied perhaps because he feels is a conflict of interest?

    thanks very much for any advice

    Not sure I understand why "naturally he would be the person that would naturally be presented with my Thai will"?

    Unless you are talking about property then one properly written, witnessed and registered will should be able to cover everything and would leave no room for confusion. If property in more than one country what I have read suggests you may need separate wills as inheritance laws vary more from country to country - I came across this for example - http://www.howto.co....ement_of_wills/

    I think the bottom part of the article makes a lot of sense.

    Not sure I understand why "naturally he would be the person that would naturally be presented with my Thai will"?

    what I mean by this is I am only concerned about the timeframe between now and when the will is finalised and the proceeds are distributed. I understand sometimes it takes a year or more?

    after I receive my share of the proceeds the solicitor acting for the executors of the Will to which I am a beneficiary will be out of the picture entirely because he would have completed his job. But if I died before the proceeds are distributed by him ,he would be the person who would have to redirect these assets to the beneficiary I name in my will whether under a Thai or British will. Is that a bit clearer?

    again I am learning that you are probably right and that I need a British will. I have an old school friend who is a solicitor in North Wales

    and I have just sent an e-mail regarding this matter so hopefully he will be able to provide some assistance.

  6. I am wondering if anyone has any knowledge or experience regarding being a beneficiary to a will

    in the UK?

    in May of this year I was advised I am a beneficiary and after receiving a copy of the will it was quite specific as to what would happen to the assets if I had died before the person who left the will.they would half passed to somebody else.

    But now that I have outlived that person and now all that needs to be done is for properties

    to be sold and the proceeds distributed I would just be interested to know what would happen

    legally to the assets I have inherited should I happened to die before this matter has been finalised

    and the money has been distributed?

    in the event of my death is there any way I could insure those assets could be passed on to somebody else?

    Thanks very much in advance for any comments or advice

    This may be a simplistic answer but from what you have said they should fall under your will as the assets would go to your estate as you were alive when the other person died?

    If they are specific disbursements and not covered yet you need to add a codicil or change the will I would presume.

    If you don't have a will.........

    edited for typo

    thanks very much for your reply toptsmile.png

    yes I have now established that I just need these assets to be covered in a will.

    Since I originally posted this question I have learnt from a lawyer in the UK that it's dangerous to have two Wills in 2 different jurisdictions. so I would just like to clarify if the proceeds of these assets should be attached to my will in Thailand ? also can I rest assured my Thai will would be legally enforceable in the United Kingdom covering assets that are in Britain

    and left under a British will ? Or does the will covering these assets in particular need to be prepared

    and witnessed in the United Kingdom?

    I wrote to the solicitor in England who originally advised me of my inheritance and who is acting for the two executors to ask this question.

    I did this because naturally he would be the person that would naturally be presented with my Thai will if anything happened to me. But he hasn't replied perhaps because he feels is a conflict of interest?

    thanks very much for any advice

  7. why is it that these threads always seem to end up at a personal level, give it a rest guys and just agree to differ

    Two accidnts I have personally observed in Thailand involved both drivers on mobile phones, I observed as I walking to cross a road, I have seen many near misses, I also haven't been on the road any one day here and have not come across the aftermath of an accident

    yes even if you give Thai drivers the benefit of the doubt and say they have reasonable skills

    despite the pathetically poor standard of driver training here, they definitely don't have

    enough skills to drive and speak on the mobile phone at the same time.

  8. I just love the heft of kilo bars in the morning.

    I remember reading a long time ago you thought that gold was going to be subject to

    deflationary pressures. Do you still hold the same view?

    Gold will be subject to whatever happens but yes I think there is a deflationary burst underway and IMO the gold price over the medium term is a reflection of the risks associated with the way the central banks are attempting to reflate it. IMO we have already seen the inflationary episode due to riotous credit creation which served in the economy precisely the same as money printing might have done. The reason it's different this time is that the CBs can only create money but cannot get that money into the economy, helicopter drops notwithstanding, and there is no more capacity to service new debt. Gold (metal not infinitely rehypothecated electromagnetic bits) will hold its global purchasing power well IMO regardless of whether the politicians are able to interrupt the inevitable deflationary bust with a final hyperinflationary blowoff/currency crisis or not.

    In principle this is true. However though the CBs cannot force the money into the economy and yes there is a reluctance currently to take on new debt, the Fed can attempt to create the environment in order to influence economic direction. Unfortunately monetary policy can only do so much. Fiscal policy is the missing player and it is the fiscal uncertainty in the US which hobbles the Fed's initiatives. Gold is still lower than it was one year ago.

    that depends on the currency you are talking about


  9. I just love the heft of kilo bars in the morning.

    I remember reading a long time ago you thought that gold was going to be subject to

    deflationary pressures. Do you still hold the same view?

    Gold will be subject to whatever happens but yes I think there is a deflationary burst underway and IMO the gold price over the medium term is a reflection of the risks associated with the way the central banks are attempting to reflate it. IMO we have already seen the inflationary episode due to riotous credit creation which served in the economy precisely the same as money printing might have done. The reason it's different this time is that the CBs can only create money but cannot get that money into the economy, helicopter drops notwithstanding, and there is no more capacity to service new debt. Gold (metal not infinitely rehypothecated electromagnetic bits) will hold its global purchasing power well IMO regardless of whether the politicians are able to interrupt the inevitable deflationary bust with a final hyperinflationary blowoff/currency crisis or not.

    I just read this article which reminded me about your response above


  10. The BMA can actually deter many bangkok residents from buying cars. Present BMA regulations require all condo projects to have a minimum amount of car parking space. If these regulations are changed to not exceeding a maximum amount of car park space, and that such space has to be sold and bought, and not included into the common area, people will be hit in their pockets and think many times over if they want to buy a car.

    Some new housing projects in London don't allowing parking at all. So if you live there you can't get a permit to park in the street. So these units can only be sold to people that don't have cars. Great idea.

    The problem with Bangkok though is that large parts of it are inaccessible by decent public transport. Taxis at night at not generally safe for women, and buses just get stuck in traffic. The BTS and MRT need to cover much large parts of the city. Lots more trees would also help, as that would help keep people cool when they walk.

    Also, why not do away with one lane of traffic and extend the pavements instead. People would be much more inclined to walk with nice, wide pavements.

    But the fact is that Thais seem to love their cars, and it will be a long-term job getting them to use public transport.

    Finally, BTS is just about at full capacity, so all the car owners wouldn't be able to use it even if they wanted to.

    Personally, I prefer public transport and always have. It's a great way to get around most cities, and you save an absolute fortune on the cost of a car. I just don't understand how most people can actually afford a car. I've lived almost my whole life without one, and as a result I'm massively better off as a consequence. Not enough people take the time to sit down and actually work out the true costs of car ownership.

    Owning cars is mostly about status.

    You remember Joseph Cassano the guy who brought down AIG or some say who crashed the world

    ended up with a net worth of $600 million. But he can be seen emerging from his multi-million pound

    home in a posh suburb of London as he rides his bike to work. I would love to see a Thai

    with even 600 million baht do thatgiggle.gif

  11. The government is making a fool of itself (again) first promoting cars with their first car tax back scheme and now telling people there are too many cars.

    I own a car and i love it, most people who own cars love them.For me it makes perfect sense as i live a little outside the city center. I think many Thaivisa posters cant afford a car and look down on it, call it envy.

    Using a car is so much better as taxi's for shopping trips and such or going out of bangkok. Day to day transportation in the city i would really do by BTS to avoid traffic. As i don't commute to work and can decide when i want to use the car its ok. Often when its busy i just drive the car/motorcycle to mochit and take the bts from there. Its all about planning. Its stupid to use it when you know its going to be congested.

    I have had some very nice cars when I was working but I still couldn't fall in love with a piece of metal?

    I could fall in love with a puppy dog -but then again we are all different!

    It's not always to do with envy - it could be to do with practicality?

    When I had my own company my car was obviously one of my perks but I still chose to

    carry out an experiment one year by selling it and with the money I was previously paying for

    car insurance, parking fees etc etc I applied the money in a variety of ways. i.e. using taxis

    around the city centre which I admit was made easier through a special charge card for taxis,

    rental cars at weekend when I wanted to go out of the city and chauffeur driven limousines

    if I wanted to go somewhere special.

    my real motivation was that in my country we have very strict drink-driving laws so if you wanted to go

    out anywhere at night and feel free about drinking you couldn't possibly think about driving your own car.

    In the daytime it became a tedious hassle to look for a parking space were as jumping in and out of a taxi

    gave fantastic flexibility.

    conclusion there was no way I would have my own car after that experience simply because

    my movements were not in the slightest bit curtailed and on the contrary I had much more flexibility

    and less hassle. Of course there was the added benefit that you save considerable money

    on insurance payments, depreciation, car repairs etc.

    I have often thought Bangkok should be the ideal place for car sharing companies such as

    zip car if they could only get over this stupid attitude about showing off and so called prestigerolleyes.gif

    You made your choice and based on your needs. I don't fall in love with a car, i just like the freedom it gives me.

    If i want to go fishing with a big load of gear its much easier to go because i dont have to flag down a taxi and get it to go to my home. Then when i want to go back i dont have to wait and look for a taxi again.

    Shopping same thing, i have a big freezer live a bit out of the center so i stock up. Taxi's nice if you do a bit of shopping not when you got loads.

    But it all depends on when you use the car i would not dream of going with the car in the middle of rush hour. Besides taxi's get stuck in traffic too and so do buses. Only thing then is the bts and that is not good at all for bringing your groceries on.

    I agree taxis are not always convenient. but not owning a car gives you so much more flexibility

    depending on the situation and the time of day and where you want to go.

    you can even rent SUV's no problem in Bangkok some companies will actually deliver to your door and

    come to collect it from your home afterwards? this also allows you to try a variety of different vehicles.

    some companies even provide a driver for part or all of the rental period depending on your needs.

    • Like 1
  12. The government is making a fool of itself (again) first promoting cars with their first car tax back scheme and now telling people there are too many cars.

    I own a car and i love it, most people who own cars love them.For me it makes perfect sense as i live a little outside the city center. I think many Thaivisa posters cant afford a car and look down on it, call it envy.

    Using a car is so much better as taxi's for shopping trips and such or going out of bangkok. Day to day transportation in the city i would really do by BTS to avoid traffic. As i don't commute to work and can decide when i want to use the car its ok. Often when its busy i just drive the car/motorcycle to mochit and take the bts from there. Its all about planning. Its stupid to use it when you know its going to be congested.

    I have had some very nice cars when I was working but I still couldn't fall in love with a piece of metal?

    I could fall in love with a puppy dog -but then again we are all different!

    It's not always to do with envy - it could be to do with practicality?

    When I had my own company my car was obviously one of my perks but I still chose to

    carry out an experiment one year by selling it and with the money I was previously paying for

    car insurance, parking fees etc etc I applied the money in a variety of ways. i.e. using taxis

    around the city centre which I admit was made easier through a special charge card for taxis,

    rental cars at weekend when I wanted to go out of the city and chauffeur driven limousines

    if I wanted to go somewhere special.

    my real motivation was that in my country we have very strict drink-driving laws so if you wanted to go

    out anywhere at night and feel free about drinking you couldn't possibly think about driving your own car.

    In the daytime it became a tedious hassle to look for a parking space were as jumping in and out of a taxi

    gave fantastic flexibility.

    conclusion there was no way I would have my own car after that experience simply because

    my movements were not in the slightest bit curtailed and on the contrary I had much more flexibility

    and less hassle. Of course there was the added benefit that you save considerable money

    on insurance payments, depreciation, car repairs etc.

    I have often thought Bangkok should be the ideal place for car sharing companies such as

    zip car if they could only get over this stupid attitude about showing off and so called prestigerolleyes.gif

    • Like 2
  13. The BMA can actually deter many bangkok residents from buying cars. Present BMA regulations require all condo projects to have a minimum amount of car parking space. If these regulations are changed to not exceeding a maximum amount of car park space, and that such space has to be sold and bought, and not included into the common area, people will be hit in their pockets and think many times over if they want to buy a car.

    You think developers are giving away free parking spaces?

    but what about street parking? I have never understood why in Thailand there is no system of

    charging people to park on the side of the road? If we can have armies of security guards in condos

    why can't they have an army of parking enforcement officers? they would fund their own salaries

    through issuing parking tickets.

    A considerable amount of traffic congestion is caused by double parking and in some cases triple parking.

    It's like you can park wherever you like!

    • Like 2
  14. Aboslutely disgusting. If they want Pattaya to become a world famous beach resort like they say,they really need to do something about hygiene. We will all be getting cholera.

    I rode alongside all that yesterday morning on my bicycle and the smell was revolting bah.gif

    but thenthe again it goes on everywhere. I went to the Maldives a few years ago

    and I can assure you that is a far nicer tropical paradise but even they have problems


  15. Several year ago I was involved in a road rage incident in Pattaya that ended with the other driver in hot pursuit of me and I just drove to soi 9 station with him in toe. Even at the police station the BIB wanted nothing to do with it and it was clear to all the other driver had been drinking. After the police kicked us out of the station the Thai guy and I had a little chat, shook hands and then went and had a meal together. I fear that it could have ended much worse. I'm from California so road rage and gun toting drivers is nothing new to me. I guess it's nothing new to Pattaya now as well.

    Keep a cool head out there as it's clear now that many around here have very little respect for safety or human life.

    I remember bumper stickers on cars in California during the 1980s that said “ don't shoot, I’ll pullover “laugh.png

  16. so why would you choose here?

    One could have have asked David Caradine the same thing, and he ended up hanging in wardrode in BKK....wink.png

    i didnt say Thailand....i said Pattaya. I could understand if he was seen in Bangkok.......... but in walking street cheesy.gif

  17. the i am not bashing Pattaya but I think he has good taste and enough income

    to go to any tropical paradise in the world so why would you choose here?

    and with regards to the photo of the rewards card, show me a

    picture of an American express Black card bearing his name

    and I might be more inclined to believe you giggle.gif

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