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Posts posted by Asiantravel

  1. It was a rather obvious attempt to weaken the yen and it achieved that goal – for about 27 minutes.

    i am banking since years with UBS and therefore know that some of ther "anals" need glasses tongue.png fact remains it lasted for several hours.

    I would call that splitting hairstongue.png

    if you deal in forex denominated assets and happened to have an order pending in JP¥, value several hundred thousand dollars, you wouldn't talk about splitting hairs and neither would a professional trader in bank who's trades are each several millions dry.png

    Even if you are one of those traders do you know I couldn't be less interested and I don't think there would be that

    many other people on this forum that would be interested within that context either.

    As the world and stock market rejoices at QE3 a in USA s if just one more time will make all the

    difference in the world the Japanese experience exposes just to what extent this whole exercise of

    quantitative easing is a complete farce and is setting up the next generations for an

    unimaginable debt burden just so people like you can continue to play the market.bah.gif

  2. How can they accept a Copy from a money sucking institution (bank)?

    You know I have to admit while I was sitting in the bank yesterday waiting to speak to someone I was thinking the same thing myself

    laugh.png . Three of four decades ago bank manager was considered as a leading figure in society. But as you say, look at them as institutions today. bah.gif Very sad state of affairs

  3. Bank of Japan, just launched QE 8. - JPY10 trillion ...the effect

    of which lasted.................... less than 9 hours ermm.gif

    without mentioning "what" the effect was this comment might lead to wrong assumptions. for the record: Japan's "QE" weakened the ¥en and boosted the Nikkei day before yesterday only for a short time.

    From UBS Financial Services

    Japan's Eighth Version of Quantitative Easing Has Brief Influence – The Bank of Japan, which first began Quantitative Easing back in the year 2000, reached back in the closest and brought out version number eight.

    It was a rather obvious attempt to weaken the yen and it achieved that goal – for about 27 minutes.

    Europe and the U.S. awakened to find Asian markets rallying in response to the BOJ initiative. They decided to join the party. Before they could get fully started, the glow started to wear off.

    Is there anything to suggest that any amount of QE’s in USA will have a more sustained result?

  4. Obama had time to go on the Letterman show but apparently no time in his schedule to meet Binyamin Netanyahu to discuss what to do about the existential threat a U.S ally faces from a genocidal and insane Iranian regime who are very close to obtaining a nuclear bomb.

    Obama's perspective and evaluation of certain situations might be differ from yours. what's there to discuss anyway? Obama knows what "Bibi" wants coffee1.gif

    I'm sure Obama's perspective does indeed differ from mine.


    It's abundantly clear that members of this administration couldn't even lie straight in bedbah.gif

    Al-Qaeda Attack Harms Claims of Libya War 'Victory'


    • Like 1
  5. After reading through this thread it is apparent to me this film was highly successful in it's intended purpose of further dividing the world's population. Muslims seem to hate non-muslims even more and non-muslims seem to hate muslims even more. Interesting to see so much hatred displayed here towards an entire group of ppl.

    would you care to be more precise as to exactly what is your definition of a non-muslim?

    I am a non-muslim but I don't hate muslims by a long way.

    you are a non-muslim and the divide between non-muslims and muslims is growing ever greater. Do agree with that?

    No I most certainly don't agree!

    As Dr Mahathir Mohamad the former Prime Minister of Malaysia correctly reminded people as

    far back as 1994 there was no reason for muslims and and non-muslims to be enemies at all.

    It just required tolerance towards the customs and practice of each religion. By allowing that piece

    of garbage to remain on you tube did nothing to cultivate such tolerance.

  6. After reading through this thread it is apparent to me this film was highly successful in it's intended purpose of further dividing the world's population. Muslims seem to hate non-muslims even more and non-muslims seem to hate muslims even more. Interesting to see so much hatred displayed here towards an entire group of ppl.

    would you care to be more precise as to exactly what is your definition of a non-muslim?

    I am a non-muslim but I don't hate muslims by a long way.

  7. never.bah.gif

    I'm the same but when you think about it whenever we eat at restaurants

    or purchase any kind of pre-prepared food, I hardly think the Thai people

    would have used bottled water to cook with so one way or the other

    eventually we will be exposed?

  8. You could check as to whether your Thai bank manager may be acceptable. I did so with regards to a UK pension transfer 4 years ago and was allowed to have my local Kasikorn Bank manager certify my passport. I provided the wording and she signed it and applied the bank stamp. No cost.

    that's interestingsmile.png

    Last night I sent an e-mail to my UK solicitor and asked who exactly qualifies to certify my copy.

    It would be great if my bank manager could do the same.

  9. I need to prepare a will to cover some property assets in the United Kingdom.

    Apparently the rules regarding identification have changedin that now the UK Law Society requires its

    members to ask for various identification from their clients before the will can be prepared including “ a certified copy of my passport “.

    Can anyone advise who would be a suitable person in Thailand to certify a copy of my passport and what wording they write on the copy?

    • Like 1
  10. Leena guesthouse is very good, a ways from the consulate, but there is usually a tuk tuk parked there. Only thing I did not like was no refrigerator, but they have a restruant.

    or you can rent one of their own bicycles for next to nothingsmile.png

    Savannakhet has to be one of the nicest cities in which to ride a bicycle. Everything is so leisurely

    no road rage and the motorists are respectful

  11. If blowing stuff up or bombing citys half to death was a way to fix economys the world would blow up their own citys rather than wait for a hurrican or earthquake to do it for them , if it was really that simple we would clear out Detriot and other craphole citys in America and bomb them and all would be well.

    What made the economy's better was not blowing up half the world in WW2 it was the industrial revolution that it created.

    but let's get real ?the powers that be realise that beyond digging holes and filling them up again this time there is nothing to manufacture on a widescale basis?

  12. The Savannakhet consulate is probably the best however have you activated your double entry yet that can get you another 60 days + 30?

    Even if you have I don't see any problems however one just cannot say for sure although as mentioned the Savannakhet office is your best bet.

    Yes I have activated the second entry but it would suit me just to get one more

    Double entry and after that I would be moving on anyway. I'm not interested in going beyond a second Visa if I can get one

    I just spotted this Post in another section of this forum


    the original poster in that thread talks about having 5 previous tourist visas in his passport and still not being knocked back so surely I can get the second one I would have thought?

  13. The Savannakhet consulate is probably the best however have you activated your double entry yet that can get you another 60 days + 30?

    Even if you have I don't see any problems however one just cannot say for sure although as mentioned the Savannakhet office is your best bet.

    Yes I have activated the second entry but it would suit me just to get one more

    Double entry and after that I would be moving on anyway. I'm not interested in going beyond a second Visa if I can get one

  14. You do not send your Passport.

    You send copies.

    Thanks a lot for that!

    I never imagined for 1 min they would accept copies but now I see on their website

    ' Thailand is an exception to the main guidance '

    I have just renewed my passport through the new HK method and it was returned to me within 14 days, although on the web site they say to allow 1 month for processing. I went to Thai immigration and they transferred the stamps into my new passport and I picked it up the next day. There was no charge for transferring the current stamps.

    Good information to know. Thanks a lot!

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