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Everything posted by actonion

  1. As anyone who has lived in Thailand long enough knows, Thai's ( in their opinion only), are superior in any, & everything they do , the road traffic accidents, and the recently published graph showing that they are one of the most dangerous countries in the world for driving and road accidents with the poorest driving knowledge
  2. Well done to the young girl, but its not a difficult thing to achieve in a country where English language is taught by Teachers who can hardly manage to speak English themselves, I wonder who the judges were
  3. Jack of all trades....... Master of none
  4. LOL Slighty off topic , a Farang Friend was washing his car on his driveway when approached by his angry (Thai) wife, who said 'the Neighbours will think we we are poor people because you are washing the car, and not using a car wash
  5. Thailand the hub of brake failures, or is it failure to brake, better is brain failures more like , count the police in on this too they believe all this stupidity
  6. Gives them something to do ,meeting after meeting after meeting, still S.F.A. gets done
  7. Good to hear he's safe and sound, but how about the pannicking passengers health too
  8. We can expect to have more problems on the road now then, Dirty Farangs will always be guilty of any road traffic accident now, even if there were not before this
  9. I, like you, bought a new Suzuki Swift 2 years ago, and have regretted it.. it was bought for my Wife as a town car to and from work etc, but do you find it a hard ride ? a lot like riding a skateboard, the feeling of a broken or non existant suspension,.... googleing the problem reveals many complaints of this nature
  10. Reimbursed Thai style with a basket of fruit as usual
  11. You forgot, Lack of driver /rider training
  12. Just like my Mrs too lazy to get out of the car, handing over the money for the fuel through a 1 inch open window , too lazy to check she has bought the correct amount of fuel that she's paid for
  13. Just like the women who wear Minskirts etc, while wearing them, they spend their time trying to pull them down to cover their assets..
  14. Re; your last paragraph, Men in Asia, Thai and Philippino I know do, for sure
  15. From his ex; Mrs.. who just maybe has custody of his 5 kids
  16. Usually the Divorce Court puts your plans for your kids on hold for a few years is my guess
  17. Sounds like same so called Mechanic who took the front wheel off my Wife's Honda Wave, and for got to tighten the wheel nuts, 30 minutes later her wheel took off, while she fell on to the road
  18. Handing out face masks ? ......its cheaper then addressing the real problem.. if it gets any worse why no hand out gas masks to every arriving tourist
  19. Yes, your English is good ( so far) for a Minibus driver
  20. Unbearable in most parts ...walking my Dogs in East Pattaya at Mabrachan lake their used to be a bit of greenery there lots of bushes, trees, etc; used as a Bicycle trail, now its a Black mess of burnt tree stumps mixed in with heaps of plastic garbage and a bad after burn smell, that must have been a huge fire/ smoke recently
  21. I did exactly that, ..told him to slow the **** down, he stopped the minibus, and announced to the 9 of us passengers " Farang scared to die, Thai not scared to die.. you no like it, u get off bus"..........6 of us left the bus
  22. Late last year the Thai Prime Minister attended a Gobal warming meeting in Scotland promising the world he will do something about the bad air quality in Thailand.....just wonder when he will start ..
  23. More hospitals needed in Thailand for the Mentally sick people here...
  24. So this is the start, and the end of this story, I'm sure we will hear no more.. Breathalyser not available, what a load of B.S........All these stories last year of penalty points for this, jail terms for that, ...;.Thai law is a joke
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