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Everything posted by actonion

  1. Like he said last year "there will be no going back" (into lockdown), but the country did go back into lockdown
  2. She's ok as long as she washes her hands ...after
  3. Issue these HI-VIZ vests to incoming tourists so they can wear them when they use pedestrian crossings.. that will save lives
  4. It just goes to show you how little the Chonburi Governor know about road safety..and how to keep the people of his province safe
  5. The steam treatment known as Rezum is available only in Bangkok Pattaya hospital, & Bumrungrad in Bangkok as far as i know, Bangkok Pattaya have just raised their price to match that of Bumrungrad 250.000b, for day Surgery.....I have'nt had it done (yet)...
  6. Up to you , as they say ... get out more and see for yourself
  7. Covid on the rise in tourist areas? maybe its due to Thais coming to tourist areas working, many un- vaccinated elderly Thais in the villages, plus thousands of Thais returning to the villages for New year, lets see if there is another rise early 2023...
  8. You need to get out more, much more, i know many many guys 80 and over, living quiet healthily in Thailand
  9. Crossing any road in Thailand poses more of a risk than any disease, and it seems contagious too, it happens more and more, but nothing is done about it
  10. Hundreds and thousands of these dogs would'nt be on the streets if hundreds and thousands of owners didnt throw them on the streets, because they became too old, too sick, and not a cuddly toy anymore
  11. Lets have a crackdown on those carrying guns / knives ... those who kill due to drunken driving etc.. but i guess thats too dangerous
  12. Of the many Thai's that i know that drive, "not one" of them admits to having any insurance, and some, no road tax, means no compusory insurance too ... when i ask them what you will do if u cause an accident, they agreed on a popular answer that was Plead....... " no have money ......" to the victim, and to the courts
  13. Someone, somewhere, is getting the Brown envelopes ready
  14. Electric company in Thailad are a disaster.. After fixing some problem up a pole in our village they left a thick live copper wire just hanging loose, , my wife called to complain, and to come and fix it, they demanded 500b to come to fix the problem
  15. And no doubt a lot more to come over this new year period, stay safe everyone
  16. I'm no doctor but i do feel Personal Hygiene has a lot to do with who catches covid , in my experience local Thai's are not so Hygienic
  17. I use "only" the Pattaya forum and thats where i found it .. look again
  18. t was also posted in the Pattaya forum, hence my question how many Soi 3's ? Hundreds along the longest rd ...in Thailand, depending on which city or town you're referring to
  19. Yes it mentions Soi 3 there is a soi 3 Sukhumvit in Pattaya, one more in Sriracha, , It says nothing about Nana
  20. Shop around, you with find much much cheaper pharmacies
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