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Everything posted by actonion

  1. Harsh words from the court just to please the demonstrators, & others, nothing more, carry on as usual i think
  2. I recently posted a Registered letter containing my soon to expire UK Driving Licence, an A4 piece of paper, & a folded envelope, cost was exactly 300b.. or 95b if unregistered the girl said... Thai address on the back, plus a phone number was needed !!..this was done at one of these small sub post offices, i not sure if its cheaper going to the main post office I tracked it, within 2 days it was at the Airport, 15 days later still at Bangkok Airport, i got in touch with" contact us" Thai Postal Services, and within 48 hours it had arrived in the uk,
  3. Thailand only take sides with the country thats winning
  4. He's a foreigner he's in Thailand.... that in my experiences makes him in the wrong...
  5. Knowing this bloke all foreigners are discouraged going to Thailand, does'nt have to be a reason
  6. AS already mentioned, Bumrungrad Hospital ,they l have many Vascular doctors with many years experience ( I questioned them), unlike Pattaya where there is just on,, with very minimal experience
  7. "Operators and Authorities have a casual attitude towards compliance".? ... dont all Thai's have a casual attitude towards compliance ?, a casual attitude towards life itself 1; Look at the state of this city,....2; look at the lack of road safety...3; the law, or lack of it, the list goes on,, so when will they do something about compliance .....if ever
  8. Yes you are lucky. i was at Bangkok Pattaya Hospital just yesterday, & about to have minor surgery, in a weeks time and was told i will have to pay in advance, maybe you have an more honest face than me lol
  9. I think its a Thai government excuse (again) blaming foeigners for running up debts in the hospitals, i have had overnight stays in three Thai hospitals over a 20 year period, each one demanded payment in full at least one day before treatment began, and an escort to the cashier on discharge incase there was more money to pay or to be refunded
  10. Hi Sheryl, Yes tried so many Medications, but never the Medications that shrink the prostate, an ...operation has been suggested because of recurring Urine infections, my worry with an operation is being on blood thinning medication.. and clots etc, so looking at laser treatment ...i will talk to him today re the medications that help shrink the prostate
  11. Thai's can't lead, they are followers... too many Indians, (Red ones), and not enough Chiefs ( with any brains)
  12. Re; Urology Department in Pattaya ...I think i am heading towards an Englarged Prostate Operation, just wondering has anyone had anything like this done with Doctor Kongcharoen, otherwise known as "Doctor Jimmy" at Bangkok Pattaya hospital, if so , prices, and procedures used would be helpful to know TIA
  13. Nothing untoward was found?.......Did they know what they were looking for /at ? Is anyone in Thailand got Health and safety education? very much doubtful
  14. No such thing as safety exists in Thailand Slighty off topic but to do with safety... my Wife worked in the Admin dept of one of the Theatres in Pattaya....... in pre covid times when there were many tourists, and all the seats were sold out, they filled all of central aisles with more seats. leaving only the two outter aisles to get in and out, its all about money and nothing else ...
  15. i married 3 times, friends say its because i like wedding cake
  16. Thank you for that. i had'nt seen that before
  17. I'm sure he'd change his mind if he saw what it was fried in
  18. I remember years back wwhen that UK couple were murdered in Koh Tao, this Prime minister saying that any female in a bikini is asking fo trouble, (in Thailand), the murdered girl was wearing a bikini and had been raped
  19. How about, ... high percentage of India tourists get robbed of their gold chains by Pattaya Ladyboys on late night walkabouts...........or did they !!!
  20. Thats something they have in common with Thai's, showing off their Gold/Cars etc
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