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Everything posted by actonion

  1. Most older bar ladies have grown kids. preferably daughters, its these kids that are the bar ladies pensions if they have'nt been lucky enough to find a sponsor ..... most Thai's cant or dont plan past midnight
  2. Take away his licence .............what licence !!! ...........Visa run anybody?
  3. Thai's dont plan past Midnight on any given day....
  4. This must have been seen by traffic police a dozen times, a windscreen covered in <deleted>, but as usual they do nothing
  5. Just goes to show how much he's out of touch of reality in his own country... feeling sorry for the police who take care the public, and the roads ........., since when? they will investigate a house burglary if they are paid, and dont need to comment about taking care the traffic, and roads
  6. Thailand, more holidays than Thomas cook
  7. OK we wont be seeing them anymore ..... thank christ
  8. Ugly yes, but it doesnt hurt to give a reminder by leaving the zigzag lines there
  9. Speed up completion? there's only 2 speeds in Thailand, Slow and Stop, unless of course you're driving
  10. You may find those zig zag lines important if you knew the reason they were there, ( in most countries), in the UK they are painted either side of a pedestrian crossing to stop people parking and blocking the drivers view of any pedestrian that attempts to cross, they are painted outside school entrances too, but in Thailand as you say a waste of paint
  11. Why would they ? because their is a Thai highway code, find it on the internet .... i presume you dont have a driving licence
  12. And what drains there are , are usually covered in garbage that has just been thrown, which doesnt help the rain water to drain away
  13. Yes lack of law enforcement simply because they have zero knowledge of the Highway code, let alone knowledge how how to operate any motorised vehicle... Those zig zag lines are there for a purpose, but im wondering if the Highways department knows the reason why they are there, they have obviously copied the idea from other countries ...
  14. Before they can enforce any road law they must first have knowledge of the Highway code etc., which they dont have, ...does any Thai have ??
  15. Its what Thai's do, when customers are few they put the prices up, a local laundry has done it too
  16. If only these Doctors worried more about the local hygiene in Thailand we'd all be a lot more healthier maybe
  17. "Glide" your way through Bangkok on a Motorbike is hardly an appropiate word...
  18. Yes Teacher Clasped is Grasping, as in the Rright hand grasped the Left hand, as seen many times while working for a Japanese company, but this isnt about an English language lesson is it ? Oh by the way, its "Gripping" not "Griping"
  19. I wonder if TAT will use this as another arrival in Thailand ????
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