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Everything posted by actonion

  1. I had a UK bank card sent registered mail .. uk to pattaya .it went missing for 4 weeks then mysteriously appeared after an investigation was launched, the envelope very ripped,.......but no more problems since then (4 years ago), i still have registered mail sent, but my postman never requires a signature like they are suposed to do
  2. The law enforcers here drive the same as the rest of these nutters, & they see no wrong in the way they drive, and u surely cannot tell them because being Thai they know it all already
  3. As said before here, disconnected from the realities of danger....... look at the way they (try) to operate a road vehicle, or any vehicle come to think of it
  4. Obviously the healthcare system must be under strain as so many of these vehicles on the road have no compulsory , or voluntary insurance, or even road tax..
  5. yes i know that, but who pays for the at fault driver (who lives), and so many that do have that insurance or road tax
  6. With many Thai's struggling with finances, and vehicle road accidents ongoing, i wonder who pays the hospital bills for these people.? It has been suggested by this government that rising costs in hospitals are because of foreigners running away from their hospital bills, not any hospital i have ever attended, where i have had to pay in advance for any overnight stays
  7. Take a walk around any of these Bus stations and have a look at the Bus tyres, i noticed it because of the Creamy colour sticking out on a particular tyre, the canvas was showing through where the rubber had worn away ..a death trap ........ then i remembered, Thai's dont do maintenance Ekami bus station, i have seen regular daytime breath tests for bus drivers who maybe had a few beers before driving
  8. Backpackers return? Surely thats not good news as far as TAT are concerned, they were looking fofor the HI-SO kind of tourists..
  9. Ruled out suicide because it takes too much paperwork
  10. Non existant, .. but i dont (get paid to_) teach Thai.........they get paid to (try) to teach english...
  11. Many years ago while living in Central Thailand my (Thai) wife introduced me to her friend who is the head of foreign language department in a local High School, when the friend found out i was from England she asked me to speak to a very large group of Thai 'wanna be' English Teachers. I was asked to recite a short sentence, & they were to repeat it paying attention to rising, and falling tones, after 40 minutes of trying, they couldnt grasp the idea ....
  12. Of course it will continue.... the Authorities are Thai, they drive / ride in the same way,. they see no wrong in it .I have heard Thai's say of these accidents .."it's fate, it was meant to happen" with this type of brainpower (or lack of) nothing will ever change !!
  13. Any vehicle in the hands of any Thai can be classed as a Weapon.. Soi Dogs have more road sense
  14. Looks like Emulsion paint, it will fade in a few weeks, and Thais dont do maintenance
  15. A Neighbour was told the same thing when he discovered his house had been burgled, "how much u will pay for investigation"
  16. Usually with the aid of a calculator, she could'nt add 15 baht & 10 baht without a calculator yesterday
  17. I had a minor sleep problem... i joined a Gym, the exercise helps me sleep better now
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