Staff at the Alcazar Ladyboy show theatre in Pattaya report that the majority of its customers are India males, for the last 2 months all seats have been sold, for 3 shows per day 7 days per week .and .the same for the foreseeable future..
These India gentlemen have got something about these Ladyboys, maybe wanting their gold chains back .......????
Not one, but all of the dogs that belong to Thai;'s in the village where we live are kept in secured gardens but on a rope, or a chain, and never walked, one in particular a young Husky kept on a 2 foot piece of rope died recently, the Bear many years ago at the Pattaya Crocodile farm kept sitting on a small length of chain..drugged up to its eyeballs why they keep animals i dont know, so much for the Budda teachings
Stress more the need for personal hygiene, especially the hundreds of food vendors plying the trade in the streets ...i always wonder where they would find a toilet, and more importantly wash their hands after
If they'd get out in the streets instead of in the offices they would have known this years ago...
So hire the many out of work Thai's as road sweepers/ cleaners, or educate the locals on using the garbage bin when u can find one thats not overflowing...
You try getting money from an insurance company for any accident you may be involved in, in racist corrupt Thailand...
A Farang getting money from a Thai, insurance company or not
I often wonder why many Farangs opt to return to their home country for Surgery when Thaiand has so many Leading, Expert, Top doctors available ...!!...