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Everything posted by actonion

  1. That's 2 lost fortunes found this week , usually found on the back seat of a Bangkok taxi
  2. actonion

    the wai

    The Wai is also used to say sorry too when the accused has just Murdered someone, or killed them in a road accident, Rape, etc so for me it has no real meaning, like the Thai guy who rear ended me at 45 mph while using his phone, no insurance, but gave me a Wai, he was told to pi$$ off
  3. And they have'nt cleared the street garbage from Loy Kratong festival yet
  4. Looking at a previous TAT post this week where TAT were holding a conference , I think they could save a few Million Baht by down sizing their staff numbers, seeing as how tourist arrivals are down
  5. Funny as it seems...I was rear ended a while back in an emergency braking situation on Sukhumvit Rd. i was told by the Police and my own insurance company exactly that... that i had stopped to quick.... I have since changed my insurance company
  6. That's the Fourth forgetful passenger this year, Seven last year , where do T.A.T find these people....
  7. How about "The public is advised to obey the law, and drive sensibly"
  8. Taking a Thai festival and turning it into a Tourist / Thai water fight just to earn more money, they'd sell their own grandmother for a few extra $$........Does this mean it will also be a 1 month long pubic holiday too........... Thailand the hub of public holidays
  9. More mental hospitals needed for the very much mentally disturbed people in Thailand
  10. Thailand needs more Mental hospitals for the Mentally disturbed people in that country
  11. I believe it's called Tinglish..............My Sister you / Mama me etc
  12. Doubtful is ever any information will be released due to too much paper work involved
  13. Lets have the L.A.P.D and the Met..... police while we're at it...
  14. They tightened the law on running red lights a couple of years ago too !!!
  15. I had a very heated argument with Bike rider & insurance who, like all of them, over take on the left of moving cars, we had a collision, my insurance were called and I was told I was to blame as motorbike riders in Thailand are always told to keep to the left no exception as to overtaking, or not... An unanswered complaint stating the highway code was made to my insurance
  16. Pork bones a big NO if u care about the dog , pork /chicken bones can splinter, tear their stomach linings , there are plenty of beef marrow bones available that don't splinter, uncooked, and Marrow they will enjoy....other than that................ that dog has a very unhealthy diet...
  17. Looks like my kitchen floor a few hours after a so called Thai Plumber had been
  18. At a in Restaurant in Jomtien beach i ordered 2 fried eggs on toast it came on 2 plates, 1 plate had the eggs on, the other plate had 2 unbuttered toast & a dollop of jam, i asked why the jam, the lady said all toast orders come with jam..!!
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