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Everything posted by daveAustin

  1. Nothing or block her unless you consider her a friend. It’s a stock message and guaranteed it would be sent out regularly to all her customers. You paid for your time and owe her nothing, forget any guilt. These girls working the big ticket areas are not poor, esp if lookers. Very likely earning more than you shaving away in Blighty.
  2. Yes. Very risky. As for the no god thing, and C&P, I wouldn’t count my chickens on that either… not in the way it’s been sold. No Country For Old Men… a classic. Hate that Brolin and wife had to die, but of course they were secondary and the story was all about the sheriff and the changing world.
  3. Hmm. If we weren’t meant to eat meat, we would never have evolved the way we did, esp the brain. As to the sometimes barbaric way we treat cattle, well that’s another matter.
  4. Let’s hope they keep that child, Vance, out of the room this time.
  5. The drone attack on Moscow was good timing > Russia unlikely to agree > Russia looks like the bad boy… but we already knew that.
  6. Gawd 😴 Nothing to do with greatness (dear me), all about self-will and not wanting some non-elected foreigner making policy. How would you feel about some random country that doesn't speak your language making up your rules? Agree with the op, the US is untrustworthy and is losing friends faster than most of you are losing hair.
  7. Exactly. Easy for them to say. Imagine US government willingly giving up the eastern seaboard to Putin, for example, or he will turn the entire country to ash? Alright Ukraine is in a bind, but the Yanks have no real empathy since they have never been invaded (revolutionary wars don't count, where the Brits 'beat' themselves). Getting into bed with Russia on this is sickening. America, you have sold your soul.
  8. Yes at least it drops it down on default mode, although is still using up real estate. I’ll keep it on dark, however to save eyes. Thanks anyway.
  9. Funny, this type of thing never happens to me, or if it has I can't remember and likely got over it fast (people cutting in line etc). There's a time and place for having big balls, but this stuff is best let go, or perhaps leave the ego at home.
  10. Pretty amusing if it went AWOL or grew a conscience and started firing on its maker... Trump Tower would be good.
  11. 2023 At times, Thailand's regression into third world mentality is deeply worrying. Anyone, esp foreigners, can find themselves in trouble real quick. Best not to argue with the natives, even when in the right, though of course if you're getting shafted, what do you do... Hope these guys find justice and can move on.
  12. Carney is switched on and a great speaker, and ANYBODY is an improvement over Trudeau! However, he is still too left. We gotta get more leaders near the middle--preferably somebody that nobody wants--or we'll keep bouncing to the extreme on either side, which just pisses off 50% of the population.
  13. And neither will you ever be as you're identified with your mind, as is 99.9999% of the population. Ditch the past and future... but not McDonalds.
  14. Reckon developers do this kind of thing to keep sites relevant in Google. Fair enough but make additions disable-able... it's not helping, navigation already worked well. Even the orange 'up' arrow is superfluous. 🙂
  15. ‘Keep Russia secure’? Lol. I mean, who was ever going to threaten it? It’s all bs so that ‘strong men’ be relative. Basically he wants them all to be killed. The bloke is a nutter, but there are many in his shyster government that think he’s a wimp.
  16. We all know international tickets since Covid have skyrocketed, but the op seems to regard domestic inflation. It really is getting pricey. They call it ‘demand’. That is just a made up word. What it really is is greed! I’m with otters, if you don’t need to, don’t fly.
  17. Note the bold type. Aussies are hilarious.
  18. Thanks. Messaged them earlier. Just hit top of screen and navigate normally. Seems to be a recent addition, and pretty intrusive on a smaller screen. I’ll never need to use it.
  19. Anyone know how to turn this thing off when viewing on mobile? The bottom orange bar in the pic:
  20. Ask the world population and you might see similar replies. He was hardly Mary Poppins.
  21. Indeed. I was never really on the bandwagon against the guy first time around, but that all changed when he and his little bitch treated a visiting head of state so diabolically--his followers won't get this, but in a grown up diplomatic world, it is all on the host how a meeting goes no matter what is at stake. His whole presidential business philosophy of putting down nations and leaders, like one might do to employees as a new boss in a company--i.e. beat them down to nothing and build them back up--does not wash in the political world against super smart people. He will regret that. What goes around comes around. America could of course flatten us all, or make everybody poor for their benefit, but then what? It is all theatre and negotiation with him, so, regards the op, they will not be buying/taking Greenland; it'll just be more bases and tighter cooperation. Of Canada. F-a-doodle-do! I mean, the supposed most powerful country in the world could not even hold third world Afghanistan! Mess with the Canucks and you'll have everyone on your back. 🙂
  22. Chiang Mai gets it bad of course; all those horrible smoke belchers and the burning. They still do it. Aholes. I don’t think the burning and black smoke vehicles will ever change here. They’re killing themselves and don’t know it… rather they focus on ‘more important’ things like getting more visitors and people working without permits 😴😴😴 The clean air ‘back home’ is great of course; unfortunately one quickly gets used to it and then there’s only the woke drudgery left. 🙂
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