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Everything posted by daveAustin

  1. Might be an issue if and when you have an accident, dude, when any insurance will be null and void. Issue with licence here is the frequency. It’s one big money spinner and a huge waste of time. Have a proper licensing system, make it tough and make it valid to age 70 or summat.
  2. #5 shaft existing long term traditional visa holders, the people that put untold wealth into the country.
  3. Trillions and trillions. Just be good and look after your people and don't give in to china.
  4. 😞😞 Racists? What an—not untypical—idiotic comment. It’s this kind of damaging, immature rhetoric that has the uk so divided right now… if one doesn’t want local policy written up by unelected EU officials or questions mass illegal immigration, they are automatically racist. Where do you guys come from! School kids have more nous. The pound would not be that high btw, but I’m happy that the screwballs are feeling some pain.
  5. There are many elites in power (and through Thai society) that do not want foreigners here long term. If this tax scares many of them away, I’m sure they’ll be delighted whether it costs the country or not.
  6. Hope you weren't teaching English, dude! Sorry, couldn't help it. 😛 Where did you find her, op? Not a given a bar girl will be a bad 'un, but they're usually there for financial gain. Having said that, a genuine 'good girl' can be a bad 'un. One has to vet them first and try not to be blinded by love, eh wot wot! 🙂
  7. Only issues I've ever had have been non-PTT stations. Don't doubt it happens there, too, but is what it is. Bikes obvious, but when driving, I always get out and look at proceedings (don't act like an entitled snob) and have a chat with the attendants, who are generally good eggs and work hard. Cheats like this should be weeded out but by and large they are good guys.
  8. For such a small place that has had a massive impact on the world today (looking to the positives), the UK has regressed into one of the most depressingly pathetic places on the planet... at the behest of its own people no less. Its future does not look good.
  9. Here's an idea; stop putting people away that express an opinion (ONLY) and clearly don't deserve to be there, as well as those that choose to partake in a certain weed (F a doodle do!), deport criminal illegals and put to sleep murderers! Is that not humane or does that statement offend people?
  10. Troll topic, new member and all that, but it does happen. Some in the medical industry (no, not doctors typically as they can pile cash in and will not dabble with foreigners in this manner) do also supplement earnings with 'other' work. Some girls 'doing the 'books'' also might not dabble but the temptation is massive as are the offers. If folk find theirselves in such a position and need to ask this question about prospective relationships, it is already doomed to fail. They will never find peace. Move on.
  11. Will keep an eye on it vs retirement but the latter is not a biggie and is established. The TM30/report thing is a pain but is what it is...Thais are ott with paperwork but it is the same for them when they do anything. What if they line up with our countries and make it really tough, bung 3M in the bank etc? Reckon it's all getting a bit too easy... people will be complaining when they find theirselves rubbing shoulders with numpties. I know I will. Stay in your own countries, please, numpties. 🙂
  12. Kamala Harris supports the Radical Trans and Homosexual Agenda 😴 Who cares? With the way the western world is going down the pan (largely through the likes of this and other SJ tat), the sooner the rest of society (most people) gets put out of its misery. Asia is where it's at. Accepted and acknowledged, yes, but not tripping over themselves and hamstringing everyone else.
  13. While I agree to an extent that people whinge at anything and we’re lucky to be there, it’s a legit enough question for those on retirement extensions who have a lot of steps to overcome. One does seem a bit trigger happy.
  14. Doesn’t the one hand get jealous of the other? 😋
  15. I’m sure they could squeeze some more adjectives in there if they tried.
  16. Speak for yourself. I would willingly put myself in the line of fire for some of my Thai friends. Absolute diamonds. Some of you guys need to get out more.
  17. Was this before, during or after your mega 5 star trip to elephant island?
  18. Upset the 'wrong' people / not high enough mates.
  19. Indeed, but naive. Reckon you'd be singing a different tune if a loved one of yours were killed. Hear the appeal, but let's not forgive irrefutable murder, eh! Personally don't think a country is backward for having capital punishment. On the contrary, I think mine has gone backward for letting murderers back into society only to kill again, and that is exactly how some of the snowflakes in my once decent country would have it.
  20. Boomer alert! Not this again. Jeez, dude; just buy the F thing and put it down already! Am of the generation that made these things possible (not yours, btw, you guys didn't contribute much bar big pensions and property to enrich yourselves with if truth be told) and see their worth -- contact, location, travel, banking, pictures, reading, breakdowns, Thai immigration matters, Thaivisa, on and on and on -- but also know when to put it down. Life is tougher nowadays without one. Why not have it as back-up? To what end? Again, just get one and set the f'in thing down. Strewth! 🙂
  21. Nice story... had many good experiences like that. Was gonna say the balancing was likely off. Having worked alongside some of them, Thai engineers can be really switched on. Regards machine, all for keeping things going, but would dump it next time. Was a Zanussi lover until had direct drive LGs. Super quiet and reliable. The things have an alarm when finished or you wouldn't know!
  22. You could do all that and still not sleep. It's not that clear cut. Only hard graft and/or exercise gives me a proper night's sleep. Some people also do remarkably well on CBD or CBN oil. 'Forget the drugs' line is rather old and pukeworthy, as is folk telling folk what to do. Whatever works for someone, eh wot wot!
  23. The balanced individuals of the UK feel your pain. There will be more of this around Europe as normal people that didn't ask for it push back against naive left wing policies. Merkel should take a large part of the blame. But, of course, you are labelled as racist for questioning it. Absolutely nothing wrong with normal, means-based migration to this or that country, nothing at all, it's what enriches cultures and builds nations, but you absolutely CANNOT have undocumented people (typically abled males) with no intention of assimilating or contributing piling in and piling in. Genuine refugees, yes, but the majority of these are not refugees. If people cannot see this or think it's wrong to be concerned by it, then sorry you need your head read. If things aren't turned around soon, there will be strife on the streets and the ugly side of the Right will rise up. Who wants that rubbish?
  24. Indeed. Trump has been castigated and called every name under the sun. He's not a murderer, is he? How many wars did he start? It's pretty pathetic how people can't laugh and brush this kind of thing off. We have become a world of thin-skinned, hurt little children.
  25. LG's V20 probably closest to your old one. But rather than spend endless hours asking opinion, just go and get one of the best Samsungs out there... the S range probably. I'm all for saving a couple baht, but when time is ticking by -- toing and froing on here for example -- and for peace of mind and satisfaction, I know I will probably end up regretting going for tat. Look at processors and relevance a few years down the line. Physically go into a shop and plug in your headphones if it's that much of a priority. But I wouldn't discount this or that model because it might not have one since bluetooth headphones are always an option. On that score, it might be that the one you bought has a default volume setting to protect numpty users. Did you drill down into settings>sound (or whatever) and have a play around? Personally an iPhone boy, albeit may defect on the next phone, but won't go cheap... doing banking and pretty much everything else etc, and not worrying about hiding it away for Songkran. I wouldn't want a glitchy POS. Each to their own.
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