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Everything posted by daveAustin

  1. Not good. Iran is a bad un but what does Israel expect!
  2. Nothing to see here. Money grab, give NOTHING! And am all for that because the Thai state will get as ruined as ours’. Just as long as they don’t expect to own land on OUR turf!
  3. It's all to appeal to the masses. In this monetary system, it is practically IMPOSSIBLE to avoid poverty. Not even the richest countries can do that. Somewhere like Norway is as close as you're gonna get but it took generations of hard work and decent governance, but it probably still has it (immigrants aside). Whereas a developing country with bad governance on top of bad/corrupt governance will never achieve it.
  4. And of course it doesn't matter that she wants to keep them out, she can say that because she is on the left. I guess Obama was also, but some of his policies were also a bit right, and yes he also wanted to build walls.
  5. Immaterial; op asked what is the last day and the last day is the last day as Jack says. If people are worried about requirements, go to the immigration site/LINE account for their immigration or phone them up. But, yes, avoid leaving it till the last day. 🙄
  6. Thought you disappeared to Japan for a stint? Anyway, one minute you're talking about buying made-in-Japan air-cons, the next dying. Make up your mind, dude! It may sound easier here--certainly not for loved ones where temple affairs can go on for days--but they do also try to keep people alive you know. What is perceived to be easier here is the general Buddhist outlook on life, that there will be others until one gets it right and/or one reaches nirvana. However, is that all based on fact or opinion? Best to do one's best in this one methinks in case this is your only shot.
  7. Pattaya is not world class and doesn't haver much of an image. Anyone who's lived here long enough also knows the spiel the authorities put out is bs, and the authorities themselves also know it, but they must be seen to be spewing it. The place isn't even class. It just is what it is and the needy and trying will always flock to suck places to 'earn' a crust.
  8. Two contrasts right there. Things are getting xenophobic among existing populace because of OTT immigration > dilution of culture, while on lack of diversity (certainly not on TV and in every other area of society): would these folk be up to the job? You cannot have any old person in a position of power and influence because their skin colour or religion fits a certain mould, surely? The EU is a failure on many fronts. A common policy on trade, sure, brilliant idea, but shove the rest of it. And identity. What is that? There ain't one. What you have is a melting pot of millennia-old lands being shoved together and expected to see their cultures happily take on all n sundry. Eastern euro nations are rightly wary of the forced immigration thing... they look at our countries and see the utter turmoil it creates, but yes they still receive huge benefits. Britain is well out of it, and without that major net contributor and influence, it makes a difference. Ask the people (not the F politicians) in the other nations that matter -- you know, the ones that put in -- and they would also be out.
  9. Still await the day Apple Pay is allowed to work here, because that trumps them all--two clicks, look at phone, put it on scanner, done!
  10. Almost, but not quite. Perhaps the old dears that try to get the last satang right but, for speed, paying cash is generally streets ahead of any other method of payment here. That is especially reserved for LOTUS, which surely has the slllooowwwest checkout time of any outlet. Not Thai bashing (I love them), but it can be excruciating to hang around for the two or three in front that cannot get it right, together with the checkout girl bumbling through the staff phone, blah blah. Perhaps QR will work for 7, but in observance with other forms of payment, my time at the till with cash is way faster than most.
  11. Lol What's wrong with buying a Mitsu here? Never had a problem with them in the past.
  12. Haven’t seen any change either. It’ll likely never happen. Taxes usually only go one way and Thailand loves its special tariffs on so called luxury items, esp wine and marques. It’s to protect local industry, you know 😂😂😂
  13. A lot of fluff on this subject. At the end of the day--and aside from chasing after a 17y old boy and admonishing him in the most heinous way as if he were a kid himself--a grown man and supposed pillar of the community has paid for images of little kiddies being abused (to which he replied they were 'amazing'), a crime that has seen others sent down. He probably wasn't because of who he is, had top lawyers and won over an admiring courtroom. That his existing life may be in tatters is immaterial, he will receive a MASSIVE pension from a service that is paid for by the public--mostly the kind of people that wouldn't be treated in so leniently a fashion--and can go on to retire better life than 99% of the populace. The system and powers that be have not done themselves any favours by not applying the law fully here. As if things couldn't be more divisive in the UK right now. Utter shambles.
  14. Did you consider going down the medical marijuana route, such as CBD? Some on here swear by it, say, for arthritis where traditional medicines don't touch it.
  15. Doubtful. You'd have to mix it with something to come up with such posts, like a copious amount of alcohol.
  16. Our 20 baht Royal Poinciana sapling grew as high as the house inside 4 years. Stunning red blooms and not overpowering in their shade. If you want superfast though, better off having some big uns transplanted, but even then they'll take a while to get established and will cost big.
  17. Banned anyway, but good luck with that if you are active and perspire a lot, only to bung in a ton of dead RO water which will do practically nothing to hydrate you other than make you lightheaded. We did not evolve by drinking dead water. Anyway, apologies for resurrecting an old thread, but looking for alternatives to the Amtech big bottle deliveries which have tasted off and weird the last few times. I mean, you never get to see the bottle cleaning in action or filter maintenance. Have had own filtration in Chiang mai but where I am now the tap water is so bad that it clogs these systems up fast. Will probably revert to big brand bottled water and use the stuff from Amtech for cooking only.
  18. ... and bogun bread thieves.
  19. Georgina and the Globulator having a conversation with himself again is he? 😛 Anyway, why stop at having hands printed all up about your arse cheeks? Get one around your old man, too. You could change your name to Andy then. Muwahaha!
  20. I think the question you should be asking is, which one kills fewer brain cells, Chang or Leo? Could be wrong, but pretty sure there's not much preservation going on. Although it is all homogenised 5% swill, I really feel the 'afterglow' of a weekend on the Leo! Locals also consider it a bit off a poor man's beer... if there's one of the 'big 3' unavailable in this or not bar, guaranteed it is Leo.
  21. Culture and class in Pattaya? Methinks you'd be better off in Bangkok. Perhaps down Silom in one of the higher end hotels such as the Banyan Tree. Would opt for an afternoon tea as opposed to a heavy high tea in this hot part of the world.
  22. Dumbness? 😀 I would avoid reading too much into it and try to not be triggered... smacks of fragile egos. Do wish folk would stop bandying about that term, faaaaar right, when in fact they're talking about people that are just a bit right of centre because they have a different opinion. Actual far right are proper racist creatures, sort of one and the same with the far left. Please avoid mixing right wing and the far right.
  23. Most people are the same regard their ego though Mike. The bloke is a tit but apparently is a very likeable chap amid his buddies. It's a shame he keeps saying the wrong things.
  24. He's just a gobshyte and probably doesn't mean half the stuff he says. Do hope she doesn't get on the bandwagon like certain other celebrities, though. De Niro went right down in my estimation. As Gervais said, 'you are in no position to lecture the public about anything'. Just do your thing and stfu!
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