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Everything posted by daveAustin

  1. It is getting ridiculous. Modern olympics is watered down liberal gone wild tat. The olympics were the feat of man, not fake blokes thinking they're women beating the sht out of women etc. Let's bring it back to norm and JUST have main runs (up to 1500), jumps, javelin & discus, and perhaps a bit of swimming. One week, tops. Much of the rest is silly and costs big. Break dancing and BMX? Why not include snooker and darts? Or even walking in a straight line. How about photography--how many pictures can one take in 5s. Wine tasting? The brilliant ancient Greeks will be turning in their grave and Paris has taken it to another low. Junk. JingThing will be along in a minute to put me right. 😴
  2. Gawd, tripe boomer dino alert. ‘I’d never have a smartphone, I don’t do emails, I wouldn’t poke her with yours’ etc etc 😋 Pretty much anything done anywhere online with any device nowadays potentially sets you up to be ‘seen’ unless you know what you’re doing and care enough. Despite its foibles and Apple’s annoyances (and user competence to get caught out), the iPhone is still the most secure.
  3. Until it goes too far and you have all n sundry sticking their oar and are utterly hamstrung that you might say the wrong thing and be cancelled… as is the case with my sad sack of a country. This ruling is of course completely wrong and MFP would have done wonders for Thailand. But going hellbent for the defamation change so early was a huge mistake. That will take a generation or more to move on with.
  4. Thailand going backwards again. 🥲
  5. It always has had a dark shadow over it as a tourist destination.
  6. Well it happened and there’s footage to prove it. I was also recently on that plane from Bkk and it was similar to this until it reached altitude. Surprised to hear it hasn’t been sorted. Very poor from Thai.
  7. Your last line made sense. She is good (albeit we're all obliged to adore her, right) and has gone through some sh,t, but has made herself look silly here. Trump being the tool that he is, why lower herself and alienate with half her country's populace? On famous people, Ricky Gervais (who is actually quite liberal) said it right... "if you do win an award tonight, don't use it as a platform to make a political speech. You're in no position to lecture the public about anything"... "If you win, come up, accept your little award, thank your agent, and your God and F off!"
  8. ... and enter, he/she/they. Some will just brain freeze, as said, and almost don't want to understand. Bit naff at a hotel reception though, but she probably very rarely hears a farang speaking Thai in a place like Lanta. If op sat down with her and she got her head around it, she'd have clicked. Doing the 'do you speak Thai?' to a Thai when they do the above is very satisfying though. 😋
  9. Nope. They've got a crap job nowadays, esp in the UK which is a right old mess regards unwanted immigration (typically caused from past governments--Blair!). Many of those cops probably agree with the protesters but their hands are tied. And the MSM (you, BBC) has a tendency to show the dastardly deeds of the local 'mobs' while conveniently keeping quiet on the huge gangs of Gazans/muslims stirring up trouble.
  10. Gotta watch dem overpriced beets. 😋
  11. Indeed, usually just a few hours. A multi-day, Thai-style funeral in the UK would be exorbitant.
  12. More so acknowledges and knows how to talk to the bloke to put off wars, methinks. On Ukraine though, Trump is a tool.
  13. There are bots everywhere. Forum software nowadays is sharp enough to see and clear it, but it also generates them revenue so they may let it slide. But yes, any nik overtly siding with the Russian machine or Chinese politburo are erring toward bot or troll status.
  14. 🤣 Probably that guy 😋 Take any reviews anywhere nowadays with a massive pinch of salt, esp food and shopping. Buy something off Lazada with amazing reviews, weeks later falls to bits, same Amazon. With food, generally go past the place and see how busy etc, but can never tell with Thailand. I've had some of the best food from places that are empty. Anyway... something named 'cheap Charlie' can never be a good thing, surely. Op should pm owner of group and say 'your food sucks, go F yourself!'. 👍
  15. Buddhism 101 = no desire. Thai Buddhism: let's do the lottery and get loads of money.🙄
  16. Phrayut was a complete and utter numpty army dolt that made innumerable Thais poor with his dumb policies and covid overreaction. But, despite all his failings and incompetence, he is still a better alternative than THE other numpty (Takki) and his smiling donkey stooge who are failing on every level.
  17. There is that, but (besides motorways and main highways) the roads in Thailand make my 'first world country' roads look like a joke. I know where I would rather drive. Also, as soon as you get all of the above you might just end up with BORING, staid West. No thanks. Thailand is right where it should be. Careful what you wish for, dude. 🙂
  18. Reckon they are only taking heed because of potential loss of sales, although it could be a cunning ploy to get them more noticed--purposeful contentious ad, lots of noise, revoke, new ad etc. These marketing folk (esp Apple ones) know what they're doing. If they are genuinely remorseful, then it is a sad indication of our prissy times and the Thais that are genuinely upset should have a good look in the mirror and try to laugh at themselves more. Guess it's a sign of a growing up people. We all know the place is advancing well, but don't need to be told so every two minutes, eh what what. 🙂
  19. 🤣 But cigarettes are tickety-boo, right? Typical brown-nose tobacco stooge. Donkey.
  20. 😴😴 Don't think he is. He's a complete tosspot, but labelling him a racist is just a convenient slur by the Left. They also overdo the 'hate' line. Lefties use racism and hate so often that it doesn't mean anything anymore. Believe he had more black and minority peoples in his administration than Obama. His rhetoric and the way he delivers irks people but he just says it how it is. Why are there so many farang lefties in Thailand? Don't know that there are. There are clearly many on here, however. Each to their own. People can be what they want. Just allow others to have an opinion.
  21. Thai defence minister demands US offset details for F-16 jets lol
  22. Stay home, Chinese people, it’s too expensive here. Much better to stay put. 😋
  23. Can’t have anything encroaching on the tobacco industry now can we! If it were a health issue, then cigarettes would also be banned.
  24. They should take heed because many feel the same. Duty free here used to be okay but is now borderline extortionate. They are just glitzy shops with high prices, and the arrivals are/were a waste of time. This is why they are closing, because people don’t fall for it. If you want good prices, get duty free when leaving your home countries. For Brits, pre-booking Heathrow has great prices and all sealed.
  25. Too right! Doctors and medical facilities are very good in Thailand. What a cheek. Tell you what, Takki, if you’re that crook, why don’t you just FO to the knacker’s yard!
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