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Everything posted by daveAustin

  1. Never got on well with AIS or their site/app, and one cannot topup AIS cards at 7 or so I was told. DTAC has always worked well for me. Curious to not want connectivity though (oldie?) as easy done as a package nowadays and you never know when you'll need it while out n about.
  2. It’s mostly not, only the egoic human mind makes it so. We will either die and be nothing or ‘die’ and revert back to something else, possibly ethereal… the ‘we are spiritual beings in an irrelevant physical form, not the other way around’ thing, of which many subscribe to. You may, however, die and come out of a wicked trip surrounded by your alien buddies smoking bongs, only for them to say, “So, how was it for you?!” If the latter and there is a creator, one is unlikely to be judged as there is no datum to base anything on, i.e. it ain’t fair. Free will and all that. The bible and the rest of it says otherwise for control of the masses by fear. Decent dad, when available. 😉
  3. Thing is, the plebs in power here will never have to rub shoulders with, or live next to, hordes of angry Russians. I’m sure there are many decent folk among them and cannot blame them for running from little nutty Botox boy, but the current Thai leadership have their agenda and couldn’t care less if Thais get put out. I wonder if politicians the world over would be so quick to allow in masses of this or that group if they had to share the burden on their street.
  4. Millions of Chinese and Russians. How lovely. Thailand used to be so nice.
  5. Why is there even a committee involved in this? A group of self-interested retards with their own agenda, no less. This government is weak.
  6. Nasty. Reckon we’re in for heat records worldwide this year. Central/northern Thailand won’t be a nice place to be.
  7. Ahh, the old ‘if you hurt my image by telling the truth I’ll Sue you’ nugget. Thais love that one.
  8. As others, only okay if it’s right next to you and initially cool down/dehumidify room with aircon. Mine just became a glorified fan/drinks holder in the office before it went on the rubbish tip.
  9. A nod, smile or quiet sawadee kap would be better, if you can see they’re up for such an exchange. Thais can be incredibly uptight about the potential for losing face if they get into a conversation in English and mess it up, so they invariably stay quiet. The hierarchical thing is not really a thing in that instance where foreigners are concerned. But lifts are a funny one in any country, and it can be especially rude to hijack and put locals on the spot with a hi/hello... and particularly if you’re the flip-flop wife-beater-wearing type. Imagine doing the same to a commuter on the NY subway or London Underground! They’d think you a crackpot and take a sidestep. 😀 In the lift scenario here, I’ll typically only say something first if I think they’ll be receptive, and in Thai. Invariably it’s the other way around.
  10. Where is the gamble? As in any game, there is a winner and a loser. Derr. Pro snooker players have been banned for throwing matches, frames even. But, yes, the government here only calls it gambling when they don’t get their cut. Double standards.
  11. Derr. He’s making a point. Whether competing or not, this would piss me off too. They possibly don’t want foreigners running with them, but are likely doing it to avoid serious runners coming in and routinely nicking all the proceeds. Thais don’t like us taking their land either 😋. If it shakes you up, tell them you don’t like being singled out and stop running with that wishy washy group.
  12. If you are any sort of opposition in Russia, you will have all sorts slung your way and be blamed for everything to the nth degree. Even if the above were a thing, it would pale in comparison to what little botox napoleon has done. Murdering thousands for a start. But that’s ok, right!
  13. It wouldn’t matter what name one put forth, with that kind of sentiment confirmation bias would have you shoot down any and all named. As a pm, Thanathorn could be running things here, Navalny in Russia—both decent people. With the latter rightful leader in Russia, all you’d need then is to replace the cancerous ccp with a few good men (or one) and the world would instantly be a happier place. Anyone who thinks that utter egotistical pissant of a guy running things in Russia is a cool dude, or justified in what he is doing, or feels any empathy for him whatsoever (Carlson, Brand, Chomsky etc) seriously need to get their head read. You are being played!
  14. B’stards! Russia’s best chance of being good and joining the international community. Not quite the same here, but he is Thailand’s Thanathorn or Pita.
  15. A shame cannot go in the army here till 20, a two year stint would sort him out. Only child and boy, likely spoiled? Easy done. Dunno if in-laws could help… send the monks around to rid of potential ghosts. Probably better off with you out there. Sort citizenship, then the army.
  16. Too tiresome and messy. Real athletes do need to relax though but don’t know how they’d hide weed from screening. Tyson was using right through his career, albeit massive amounts of Charlie. Go Mike!
  17. People walking into to 7 expecting to take a beer back to hotel ‘n suchlike.
  18. Somebody with half a brain and some power needs to bypass the silliness (meetings with whom about what?) and make it happen. Not selling at these times DOES NOT STOP PEOPLE DRINKING; one just can’t buy at 7-11 and big stores. Restaurants and bars still serve it, other shops still sell it, people have caches of the stuff, people still DUI at these times and crash. All it does is frustrate and perplex tourists who want an afternoon livener while make Thailand look stupid and backward. The powers that be are just too afraid to pull the pin.
  19. Fair play to her; social media and YouTube revenues aside, not so easy to do that kind of thing nowadays. Being a woman, however, there is always a backup option for making money. The option for blokes in that situation is usually to go for a dive.
  20. Not three bad at all. Certainly way out of his league. She was probably a bit of a dish back in her day.
  21. ^^^ They shouldn’t be though 😋 I see ‘pm’ never mentioned the issue with these cheaper products and quality, or lack thereof. Doesn’t want to upset his brothers too much I guess.
  22. Some twit would get offended by fresh air and sooner have it banned! Why not have police do their job and police usage in public areas?
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