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Everything posted by daveAustin

  1. They are all over the country, dude, including Bkk. You can't blame them for being excited; however shallow it is with Takki, these people have never been represented. As Mike says though, not much will change until the dinosaurs get scattered and we get the likes of big brain central Thanathorn in.
  2. Always baulk a bit at these Pattaya-centric topics... they are not Thailand and Thais! 🙂 Yes, there are asses like anywhere, but a simple road trip and breaking down is enough to tell one how generous of spirit the Thais in general are. Been toing and froing for almost 30 years and (putting my own countrymen in the equation), I know who I'd prefer to be surrounded by. Yes it is rare to get close enough to be considered brother material and be in the fold, but--although I'm probably a bit cynical and pessimistic by default--have had some great interactions off of strangers in Thailand. Bob, I often like your posts but your response up there is kinda typical of many expats here who have never got out there and properly mixed with the natives but think they know it all. Lighten up, dude.
  3. lol What an arse. Any PM that comes in and sorts these idiots out along with the soi dogs and crazy macaques that plague some towns will be a good PM. Forget the small stuff like hubs and china relations etc, that inconsequential stuff means nothing to normal people.
  4. Parliament being the operative word. i.e. NOT the people. She might be an amazing 'statesman', but her and her ilk deserve it to be tough because positions were bought/nicked etc.
  5. Dunno, she speaks decent English. Yingluck didn’t do much for me looks wise and her English was naff… on meeting Obama — “who (HOW) are you?” lol
  6. Well, I never! Almost like it was scripted. 🙂
  7. Not a big deal, extra charges are exorbitant, and she used her noddle here, but yes you would have to be a complete numpty to take charge of a stranger's bags.
  8. Goodbye, smiling donkey. It will be somebody as equally out of touch and switched off to the general populace, no doubt (possibly Takki’s brood), but at least we won’t have to be subjected to that ridiculous smiley face EVERY F day! 😉
  9. Agree with most of that. Our messed up societies drive people to it. Not an alcoholic and can go without whenever (usually do during the week), but went sober for several months on a couple occasions and it was incredibly grey and dull.
  10. To be fair, beings as there are literally thousands of special forces (active/retired), it wouldn't surprise me if a few made it on here... though they would/should generally keep quiet. As to the barstool sas... hmmm 😴 Same crypto, a huge number of people made big money since 2010 ish.
  11. It would make a difference, we wouldn't have to see that stupid smiley donkey face anymore.
  12. Of course people are pessimistic. They did not vote for this government or its fake pm and have seen their party of choice trounced in a kangaroo court. Third world politics.
  13. No they don't and no they don't! What a totally and utter donkey to retort to one of Thailand's most important partners like that. You do not speak for Thais in any way shape of form bar your own little cabal of dinosaurs. One of the saddest, most annoying politburo stooges if there ever were one. 🤮
  14. Yeah, get that. Not meaning in the literal aggressive sense, more so in one's general demeanour. You just have to look at the average farang in 7-11s etc interacting with staff and in trying to get their request across (and while standard practise in farangland--esp Russia), they don't see that they are being a bit pushy. Have also had your kind of scenario when I've been perfectly polite and had the cold shoulder, but very rare. Perhaps bad hair day, who knows. Generally find 7-11s to be a highlight of my day though. 😀
  15. Have seen local sparkies drive a nail into the wall-floor in a condo to sort washing machines (which must be grounded aside from the obvious as the drum will induce juice and give you a mild pisser) and it's worked fine. Wouldn't recommend it though.
  16. Your pointing out a flaw and thus causing loss of face was a bigger deal than her potentially losing a few baht. Farangs also tend towards being (unknowingly) aggressive/serious in such matters.
  17. Everything in moderation, half decent diet, right mind. If you can't exercise, at least stretch. Would posit minimising stress being number one since it taxes the whole system. And yeah, regular smoking ain't good.
  18. Do what you want but please do not corrupt Thais with obligatory out of control American-style tipping. It does not make you look generous and clever. They think you senseless and don't respect you. Personally never tip 'standard' khao man gai etc restaurants. Bars, usually after a few. Nice restaurants, yes, but within reason. Building maintenance etc, never, but give food/fruit whenever. Big deliveries yes. Blokes digging holes to put trees in garden yes. A few baht, smile and genuine wai goes way further than dopey big tipping.
  19. Idiots are causing strife and need to be dealt with, but many on the streets are ordinary people in peaceful protest that are disenfranchised with the way the country is going. They are overlooked by MSM (yes, you, BBC!) and are also labelled as being far right. It is pathetic. If Khan feels unsafe, it is his own doing. Stop abusing people!
  20. Spot on, Simon. He's not my favourite cup of tea, but the bloke has done more for the world than these left leaning, whining little children will ever do. They are labelling anyone that doesn't think like them as racist and/or dangerous. It has got to stop or it'll tip eventually and things will get ugly. His views on the UK riots and policing are close to home, which is why they are upset. On Yousaf, who is a closet xenophobe (but that's ok right because he is not white and speaks from the left) was ruining Scotland and was widely despised by them. Stop speaking, dude, and move on!
  21. I don't care. We all have issues and I like to help people, but would not ever contemplate putting my S on anyone else, least of all someone I'd just met. I have no time to worry about someone else's potential garbage in front of family and friends. Be a nice person and treat people with respect, first and foremost. If you are an ass on the outset, go and do one.
  22. Indeed. Have some great friends, but, looking back, many issues have typically been down to donkey westerners. Be especially wary in opening up and giving up one's time to stranger farangs. Some right ole misfits are out there.
  23. Troll topic. Go home, dude, then you can meet loads of pre-pats.
  24. Scoundrels. One of the worst parts of Thailand is packs of rough tuk-tuk and motosai riders sat around all day talking S about people. Yes yes yes there are good ones etc, but these numpties will hopefully be weeded out eventually.
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