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Everything posted by daveAustin

  1. Upset the 'wrong' people / not high enough mates.
  2. Indeed, but naive. Reckon you'd be singing a different tune if a loved one of yours were killed. Hear the appeal, but let's not forgive irrefutable murder, eh! Personally don't think a country is backward for having capital punishment. On the contrary, I think mine has gone backward for letting murderers back into society only to kill again, and that is exactly how some of the snowflakes in my once decent country would have it.
  3. Boomer alert! Not this again. Jeez, dude; just buy the F thing and put it down already! Am of the generation that made these things possible (not yours, btw, you guys didn't contribute much bar big pensions and property to enrich yourselves with if truth be told) and see their worth -- contact, location, travel, banking, pictures, reading, breakdowns, Thai immigration matters, Thaivisa, on and on and on -- but also know when to put it down. Life is tougher nowadays without one. Why not have it as back-up? To what end? Again, just get one and set the f'in thing down. Strewth! 🙂
  4. Nice story... had many good experiences like that. Was gonna say the balancing was likely off. Having worked alongside some of them, Thai engineers can be really switched on. Regards machine, all for keeping things going, but would dump it next time. Was a Zanussi lover until had direct drive LGs. Super quiet and reliable. The things have an alarm when finished or you wouldn't know!
  5. You could do all that and still not sleep. It's not that clear cut. Only hard graft and/or exercise gives me a proper night's sleep. Some people also do remarkably well on CBD or CBN oil. 'Forget the drugs' line is rather old and pukeworthy, as is folk telling folk what to do. Whatever works for someone, eh wot wot!
  6. The balanced individuals of the UK feel your pain. There will be more of this around Europe as normal people that didn't ask for it push back against naive left wing policies. Merkel should take a large part of the blame. But, of course, you are labelled as racist for questioning it. Absolutely nothing wrong with normal, means-based migration to this or that country, nothing at all, it's what enriches cultures and builds nations, but you absolutely CANNOT have undocumented people (typically abled males) with no intention of assimilating or contributing piling in and piling in. Genuine refugees, yes, but the majority of these are not refugees. If people cannot see this or think it's wrong to be concerned by it, then sorry you need your head read. If things aren't turned around soon, there will be strife on the streets and the ugly side of the Right will rise up. Who wants that rubbish?
  7. Indeed. Trump has been castigated and called every name under the sun. He's not a murderer, is he? How many wars did he start? It's pretty pathetic how people can't laugh and brush this kind of thing off. We have become a world of thin-skinned, hurt little children.
  8. LG's V20 probably closest to your old one. But rather than spend endless hours asking opinion, just go and get one of the best Samsungs out there... the S range probably. I'm all for saving a couple baht, but when time is ticking by -- toing and froing on here for example -- and for peace of mind and satisfaction, I know I will probably end up regretting going for tat. Look at processors and relevance a few years down the line. Physically go into a shop and plug in your headphones if it's that much of a priority. But I wouldn't discount this or that model because it might not have one since bluetooth headphones are always an option. On that score, it might be that the one you bought has a default volume setting to protect numpty users. Did you drill down into settings>sound (or whatever) and have a play around? Personally an iPhone boy, albeit may defect on the next phone, but won't go cheap... doing banking and pretty much everything else etc, and not worrying about hiding it away for Songkran. I wouldn't want a glitchy POS. Each to their own.
  9. Even though I very rarely touch it any more, it is indeed a win (all about letting people have CHOICE) ... b u t , did you have to bring the smiling dokey up? I'd just about cleared the nitwit out of my mind and now he's right back in it.🙄
  10. Get plaque removed and have a deep clean, then after brushing get some activated charcoal on there (couple minutes at a time). It'll take a few weeks but works by pulling out the tannins. Likely what is in tooth whitening products.
  11. Taking notice of anything the Chinese embassy or ccp put out… by default the answer will be ‘nothing to do with us!’ 😞 I mean, You may as well ask a soi cat or random mynah bird.
  12. He is the government capacity.
  13. I agree it should be legalised, but that's not the reason people fight. They still fight in Holland, Canada, Thailand and the parts of the US where it's legal. It is very easy to come by in the UK; the only criminality here is that it is still illegal due to the dinosaur element running things. This story just wouldn't happen. All psychedelics and weed should be immediately legalised everywhere.
  14. Because nothing good comes from smoking for both the user and anyone nearby. Alcohol on the other hand, we all know that a bottle a day keeps the doctor away. 😀
  15. They may imply that but it’s a bit naive to think they want to sell the F35 to Thailand. Main issues being because it is just too sophisticated for them and their over buddiness with China. With that, this article is rather cringe. 🙄
  16. Because of graft, overall cost, big brown envelopes and political pressure.
  17. All of which is junk and/or data copied/stolen to the nth degree. They get on with things, but always massive corner cutting and safety issues. They could not care less.
  18. I’m only surprised there’s not several other people and a dog on there.
  19. Umm, This is Thailand? 😋 Tell you what, he’ll be an anti-hero if he says Taxin (I’m a poet and don’t know it) the expats is vile and wrong. But we all know he hates us and that’ll never happen.
  20. I have no dog in the fight, but you see what you do with spiel like that (us 'true Americans') is create an us and them, like his supporters are not true Americans (whatever that is) and their opinion does not count. The divineness will not end until you guys get on and respect one another's opinion... pretty tough for those of a certain political bent. As to the actual story, dealing with misbehaving illegal immigrants should be the policy of any president, and I'm sure if Harris came up with it, people would be lapping it up. The same should be happening in the UK, but they instead turn on their own and brush illegals' dastardly deeds under the carpet.
  21. Indeed, give the police a miss until you actually need them, such as for a report or whatever. A lot of those guys are in it for the graft. Also, signing that while not consulting his wife was not smart. Perhaps he was trying the insurance con because it all sounds so bizarre.
  22. Yes it is frustrating, but, could be worse, look at Burma! My own country ain't much better. Don't trust any of them in power because, aside from the blatant graft, there's only a finite amount of money that has to be in more than one place and the bs that goes along with that facade. The monetary system is the corruptor of all!
  23. Transport options are so much better. The buzzing Wild West element at night might be history, but still a bit of fun on occasion. Old Bangkok is nice to wonder around still.
  24. While it would be nice to have these guys, esp Thanathorn, running things and the dinosaurs consigned to history, I would still take what is here over the potential for Thailand in following horribly Leftie wokish Western norms, effectively hamstringing the state with no opinion entertained. Oh, wait!
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