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Everything posted by daveAustin

  1. Other than long term climate change, I wouldn’t put too much store in humans having any sort of day-to-day impact on the weather at large. We’re probably still 1-200 years away from being Class I status and having that sort of power. This is all just regional monsoon norms. It’s been a bit cooler, but may as well keep this thread open because it’ll be the same next year.
  2. Potentially having to pay taxes is a ball ache, not woke. Wokeness is a disease and is exponentially worse.
  3. Substitute ‘Thais’ and ‘tourists’ for ‘anyone’.
  4. this is a common trend. Learn Thai, go to Bangkok, keep fit, dress well, join a group, garner Thai friends. You’ll be beating them off with a sh’tty stick 🙂
  5. ... a Cnt. Anyone considering it must have low self esteem. Shave that rubbish off and just be clean for your women. Have some self respect.
  6. Dude, you have missed the boat. Aside from a personal choice, as far as fashion goes, beards are so done... it was a post-COVID 2020-2021 thing but is now old hat and will just make you look older. Each to their own, but very few guys can carry it off and not put 10 years on instantly. If you're not sure and are having a crisis or whatever, ponder this, women HATE facial hair on a bloke and it just makes you look like.
  7. Always impressed what they do for the kids here, esp on Children’s day… big gatherings, scrambling jets and such. Had some great days out when ours were growing up here. Didn’t even know it was a thing in my country, albeit in May. I was always told that every day is children’s day. 🙄
  8. Sex Pistols - Friggin in the Riggin … clean your house ‘coz there’s F all else to do’?
  9. Nice to read some good news on here for a change.
  10. Don’t lump in the UK. It might struggle but consistently spends more than the EU players, looking to 2.5%. Germany and France on the other hand have been taking the Michael for years. Most are hoiking contributions since Ukraine war but 5% is a joke. He’s either trying to shake it all up or trounce nato altogether, but the US gains a huge advantage from Europe and others from being part of nato, militarily and economically. He forgets all that.
  11. Just a misunderstanding, he only wanted to massage them. 😋
  12. Unfortunately many Thais, and Asians in general, have this type of mindset regards skin colour. It is institutionalised in them and is typically seen as not a big deal to knock people (Thais included) of colour.
  13. It sure is a mental disease. All people should be able to express opinion, but when it all starts going one way and freedoms are threatened, as the past few years have shown, something is wrong.
  14. Yep, although Starmer is a trickier prospect. He is one slippery robot and just does not care. Go Elon!
  15. Posting international is already exorbitant. Returned a letter to UK last year and it was something like 3-4x the cost with a 2-3 week delivery. EMS was well over 1000 baht, with ‘maybe’ one week delivery. Shocking. Never used to be this way.
  16. More woke. Thai coup.
  17. … or ill treated. On a trek in the north years ago, mahout repeatedly whacking the thing and it just had enough and charged into the jungle with us on its back, knocking into trees and other riders. Pretty scary. Took ages for it to calm down. They’re sensitive beasts, easily spooked. Always weary around them, trunk alone can do huge damage. What a thing to happen to the young lass. 😢
  18. Yep. Simon and his wishy washy ilk should look a bit more into it, though I guess when you are that far left gone, there's no reasoning. It is a shame they can't just be ignored, but unfortunately their puerile opinion counts more than any nowadays. Tommy may be antagonistic, but he says it how it is and at least the guy is born and bred and gives a S about the people of Britain. Of course, we can't have that can we, flag waving and whatnot! It is pathetic. Britain as we knew it is well gone (the brainwashed above have seen to that inside a generation) and you could not pay me enough to live there again. Apparently Musk reckons even Farage is too soft for not getting behind Tommy. Dunno about that, but I hope he brings the whole system down. If ever a once proud place was in dire need of a reboot...
  19. Pretty amusing to see the childish lefties getting all worked up and hateful (their standard MO). The people have spoken and don’t care for trivial trumped up 😋 charges. Get over your fragile egos and just move on.
  20. A bit of severe turbulence would sort them out! Seriously, if they don’t listen, captain should get on the blower insisting the cattle return to their seats. If ignored, land at nearest airport as an emergency. A budget airline wouldn’t ever do this of course.
  21. Not as much as I used to. Echoing Mike on meat quality... although never had food poisoning from it, main bugbear is overused palm oil and MSG. If you request to leave the latter out (if at all possible), it all of a sudden tastes very ordinary. On occasion though, no worries as with anything. Having said that, the guys pouring score over Thai street food will think nothing of getting hammered on crap beer every night of the week of course lol. Not impressed with Cambodia street food compared with Thai. Found them overly aggressive and ready to hoik up the price, though not huge experience. Good a topic as any btw. Shame you got so many dislikes for your trouble... perhaps posted to the wrong forum, or more likely people in this space now prefer to just talk about women and football. 🙂
  22. Me neither. Many clearly do it for 'likes', others bored with no life, others drunk and don't know what they're doing, others unhinged, others just plain manchild stock etc etc, and all of the above. Then you get the numpties bunging in laughing emoticons when someone has been killed. Seriously worry about this forum at times. Those that have not been and don't where Chiang Mai is, it is in the north amidst mountains and 'dirt' bikes are ten-a-penny and as legal to ride on the road as a Honda Dream. Just because one chooses to do so does not mean they are an idiot or are riding idiotically. if this guy was, then fair enough, but for all we know he wasn't.
  23. As will be the continued systematic dilution of cultures and degradation of Western society.
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