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Posts posted by Ferangled

  1. They could take them home and save the GPS position then bring it to school to map each pupil's house location. Field trips to the local shops or parks etc.

    Does google have a map of Nakhon Nowhere?

    Google Earth?

    It's a relatively minor project, easy to miss, involving satellite imagery of the entire planet. Is Nakhon Nowhere on the moon?

    You don't say! Actually you do! When you find Nakhon Nowhere, please post the GPS co-ordinates, and if you come across it, Atlantis would be interesting.

    Oh I get you, you weren't making the point that those living in the middle of nowhere had nothing to gain from geographical knowledge, you were just being <deleted>. Understood.

  2. I note that several respondents state that foreign governments should recommend that their nationals not visit Thailand, yet these very same people are either resident in Thailand or are visitors. Think about it. The respondnets are aware of the "dangers" and yet still travel to or reside in Thailand. The warnings about jetski scams are on every major travel website. Most governments have advisories on their related websites and yet there are still people that will go and rent the jetskis. What exactly would a restrictive recommendation from a foreign government accomplish?

    People have the option of not renting the jetskis. There iis absolutely no excuse for someone that has been ripped off by the jet skis to whinge. These people are engaging in irresponsible behaviour to begin with (and yes, the rental of the jetskis is a stupid selfish act because they are used in areas filled with swimmers, damage the environment with the noise and gas spillage and encourage organized crime, because it is common knowledge who and what is linked to the rental scams) and we're supposed to feel sorry for these renters? If a person wants to be irresponsible and has been warned, then tough tittie. Getting ripped off is well deserved and I have no sympathy.

    Yes, the taxis and tuk tuks on Phuket rip tourists off. Is it as serious as the current LIIBOR scandal that once it unravels will show that multiple banks have cheated millions of people over the years? I don't think so. Overcharging someone A/US/C $20on a taxi ride is not worth a massive retaliatory response. Intervening when foreign nationals are harmed is justified. Unfortunately, in many cases, foreigners have engaged in irresponsible acts or have been responsible for their own demise (e.g. driving a motorbike without a helmet, transacting with nefarious types, associating with prostitutes). These "bad" foreigners make it very difficult for foreign governments to intervene. We've had several cases of foreigners stealing and making false claims. Everytime that happens, it undermines the efforts of the foreign diplomatic corps to protect the law abiding respectable foreigners. Visitors have to take control of their own destinies. It is their choice to take the junket to Thailand and to interact with many of these dangerous locals. It is common knowledge that their is lax approach to maritime safety and yet one will see tourists heading out on boats in dangerous weather conditions. All the foreign intervention in the world will not transfer common sense to some people.

    You are right. Better than solving all of the above mentioned issues, better that all the tourists stay away, so they can't get scammed, hurt, disappointed or possibly killed.

    Personally I would prefer that tourists coming to Thailand start doing so with their eyes wide open and remember to bring their common sense with them...

  3. That's my understanding of the situation too, like you say it makes sense that they'd bring the change in gradually. I'm sure there will still be a slew of customers with older receivers/ cards by the time the full switch over takes place, despite a concerted effort to swap out all customers to the new receivers!

  4. Am I right in thiinking that this is the same as in the UK? Refusing to perform a breath test is an offencce?

    No, as they have been proved to be not 100% accurate. You can request a blood test instead I understand.

    I have been advised, by a UK police officer, that if caught drink driving when you know you are likely to fail a breath test, to refuse it and demand to be taken back to the station for a blood test. They then have to call in a doctor to perform the test and the time this takes is often enough for you to sober up and pass the blood test, especially if late at night as is usually the case.

    He then suggested to me that you could always pretend to faint at the sight of the needle when the doctor does eventually arrive, at which point they have to wait for you to be conscious before continuing with the test... apparently all the regular drink drivers know this...?! Unfortunately those likely to commit crime are usually the ones that know the loop holes to get away with it...

    The U.K sounds pretty soft, where I am from you do not get to pick and choose just how you will be tested. Sure you can have blood test if you want that is your right and the police must facilitate it but first you must undergo a breathe test and if you refuse you will be charged. The blood test is also at the defendants expense unless it is the police who request it. Also the prosecution and the courts rely on the results of the breath test and not the blood test which may have been taken hours after the breath test when the driver is on the decline. I have also known many blood tests taken very shortly after the breath tests to be actually far higher. When a person has been drinking they build up to a peak so if you are breath tested you may not have reached your peak blood alcohol concentration. Once you reach that peak you will then remain there for a period of time before your body starts to break down the alcohol. It normally takes about an hour for a healthy fit body to break down 0.01 grams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood. .05 is the limit in which a driver can be charge in Australia so that means it would take approx 5 hours for a person with a blood alcohol reading of .05 to get back down to .00

    I think most systems are open to loop holes in this respect. It's usually quite easy to play the system if you know the rules inside and out. In Oz you could take the breath test, get the evidence dismissed on the grounds you've been using an alcohol based mouth wash/ breath freshener, then do whatever you can to stall the blood test. If you can stall long enough to pass the blood test, the breath test result could be argued as inaccurate.

    The latest I have heard is that drink drivers are much more prone to simply run when in a situation likely to result in a breath test/ prosecution for drink driving, mainly accidents. The penalties for leaving the scene of an accident are generally far less severe than for drink driving and this has created a trend in simply running rather than facing up to the charge. Then of course you can argue at a later date that it wasn't you driving, your car was stolen etc and no one can prove if you were over the limit or not.

    What you say about blood alcohol break down rings true, and I recall being told similar; that in the case of a real binge often waiting a few hours will actually worsen the result. That said if you are borderline an hour or two can make all the difference. While in your example it would take 5 hours for the alcohol to dissipate fully, only an hours delay would be necessary to test under the legal limit...

    The sad fact is that those needing to play the system generally know how to do so, while those that don't end up getting charged & prosecuted. Personally I loathe drink driving and the irresponsible cretins that do it but simply slapping large penalties on offenders isn't addressing the route issue. In both Oz and the UK there is a culture of pub life and alcohol abuse, it's the accepted norm for people to drink large amounts regularly and it's changing this perception that will lead to results in reducing drink drivers.

    While we live in societies where the majority will happily sit on barstools, necking pints whilst discussing the horrors of drug abuse, making absolutely no connection with the drug they are abusing and the illegal substances the youths are abusing (often ironically because they are too young to go to the pub/ buy alcohol and the illegal drugs are easier to get hold of), there will be little change in what is considered "socially acceptable" behaviour. Even those that on the face of it criticise those that do drink and drive, generally do so hypocritically, in full knowledge that they've done the same on many occasions.

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  5. I was going through some details on the update and it seems that the update is not regarding mpg4 or encryption but more for the reason that most digital or HD channels from other countries are H.264 and the boxes we had or used are not H.264 stream compatible. I have a few Dreamboxes / Astro and a few True setups at different locations so Im waiting to see what happens. I did think mpg4 was the norm though.

    H.264 is video encoding compression. This is exactly what the switch over is going to entail and why they had to change out their boxes. They are changing the compression on the sat to fit more HD channels on the limited bandwidth and they do that through compression.

    Again, this has nothing to do with encryption which is a totally other subject all together.

    H.264 and mpg4 are encoding and irdeto is encryption.

    encoding is NOT encryption

    I understand the point you are making but was under the impression that part of the reason for the change to the new Truevision HD PVR receivers, was that Truevisions were in the process of changing from irdeto encryption to NDS / Videoguard...

  6. Am I right in thiinking that this is the same as in the UK? Refusing to perform a breath test is an offencce?

    No, as they have been proved to be not 100% accurate. You can request a blood test instead I understand.

    I have been advised, by a UK police officer, that if caught drink driving when you know you are likely to fail a breath test, to refuse it and demand to be taken back to the station for a blood test. They then have to call in a doctor to perform the test and the time this takes is often enough for you to sober up and pass the blood test, especially if late at night as is usually the case.

    He then suggested to me that you could always pretend to faint at the sight of the needle when the doctor does eventually arrive, at which point they have to wait for you to be conscious before continuing with the test... apparently all the regular drink drivers know this...?! Unfortunately those likely to commit crime are usually the ones that know the loop holes to get away with it...

  7. ?? What are you going on about, you kept replying directly to me asking for more information, now your blaming others for dragging this thread off topic?!!

    Information I notice you never seem to wish to reveal..

    The fact that True HD boxes can network recordings between boxes over a network is a neat feature.. i mean its only catching up with dreambox features of 5 ears ago but hey.. Nice to know.

    How much more information can I give you?! Go and get a new True receiver and try for yourself, it's hardly rocket science. I've already listed all the connections and explained how I've achieved this, what more do you expect? In return you have come across quite arrogant and unreasonable.

    Why you expect so much from True as a satellite TV provider I don't know, it's not like any similar companies are giving you these functions as part of their subscription service, that's why people invest in systems like the dreambox, that and the obvious piracy issues... but by doing so you shouldn't be surprised when you encounter issues.

    It's not in the satellite TV providers interest to support a system that enables you to broadcast their content illegally. Is that such a surprise? Of course they were going to shut it down. The writing has been on the wall for a long time, similar issues have come up in other countries as sat tv providers start closing loop holes which lose them revenue and in turn drive up sub costs for all legal customers.

  8. Wow. You really are one angry screwed up person! I have had True now for six years or so and apart from issues like the failure to secure the Euros, for which I absolutely hold them responsible, I have had no problems at all with their administration. If you talk to them right you get good service. Anything thats gone wrong with my system (replacement boxes etc) has been replaced promptly, with minimum fuss, their staff have always been polite and charming, but maybe thats because I try to be polite to them!!

    Just because you dont like the company doesnt give you the right to steal their signal. Thats a bit like saying if you go to Tesco and the assistant is rude to you, you are entitled to go back and shoplift from them!!

    You call me screwed up! <deleted> You are definitely an apologist for True, no questions about it. How much do they pay you to write this garbage? Get your rose coloured glasses off and see the truth. I said it before but you choose not to listen. If True provided a reliable service at a reasonable cost I would be the first in line to re-sign. How come in Singapore I could get internet and cable TV for less than half the cost in Thailand? Yes INTERNET and TV. Typical Thai greed is the answer. In Singapore satellite dishes are banned so TV has to come via cable. Much more expensive than satellite to install on behalf of the provider but then you wouldn't agree would you. What do I get here? A crappy satellite signal that dis-appears every time some rain falls. Worse than crappy picture quality all the time. I am repeating myself here but if True provided decent service at a reasonable cost there would be no need for alternatives. Rather than fix the problem True have decided to go after the alternatives. Motive? Income. Simple. Wouldn't it be simpler to fix the basic problem? Service and quality of product. I hope that there are some folks out there who can crack True's signal within days. Reep as you sow True

    Perhaps because Singapore represents a completely different demographic to Thailand and the two are totally incomparable as satellite TV markets... as you rightly say, Singapore is actually a cable service. How can you compare the two?!

    It's a shame that you have had such a terrible experience with True. If you don't like their service I suggest you don't use it. I and many others have different experiences and on balance believe that for the money it's a pretty good service and the addition of these extra HD channels is a welcome improvement. It doesn't mean we are "True apologists" or being paid by True to post. That's just a bit delusional.... everyone that doesn't agree with me is being paid to do so?! You do seem a bit detached from reality!

    You also seem quite confused having raged about how terrible the service is you now want to watch it illegally?! Why bother if it's such a terrible service, just use a legal alternative... or is the real issue that you resent paying what is fairly standard pricing compared to other sat providers offering similar content? Does it not occur to you that we would all get much better service and value for money if so many didn't take advantage of illegal services?

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  9. So how does blocking the US use of U Tapao help change that exactly?!

    I know, we'll piss off the world's largest superpower, give them more reason to believe that Thaksin represents the best ally to them and less reason to believe that they'll ever get cooperation from the Dems... Way to stick it to the US! History has shown us what a great idea that is...

    It is a mater of morale. You don't help a country starting murdering people.

    But I doubt morale was ever a point in recent Thai history (Vietnam war, supporting Pol Pot, etc etc).

    China is closer to Thailand. They aren't a superpower like USA, but since a long time very friendly with Thailand.

    Of course if you look at the Democrats:

    Making Russia complete upset

    Ignoring China that much that it is unpolite

    being insulting to Myanmar


    not making the USA angry doesn't sound like a concept. Make the big and the small powers angry is surely wrong.

    Sorry but I don't understand what you are trying to say.

    Who's murdering people? Do you mean it's a matter of morality or are you talking about the morale of the Thai people... Either way I still don't understand your point in reference to the deliberate block of US request to use U Tapao or the issuing of a US visa to Thaksin...

  10. But this is drifting massively from the subject..

    I was simply responding to the multiple posters saying "all you TV thieves deserve it" when my complains have essentially nothing to do with stealing content, and everything to do with the desire to push the edge and build a better system. Trues actions will make that harder, and hamper the final product. so much so I may not include true in the system, probably will, but 'live TV' is becoming a lesser aspect of the overall package.

    Really with CNBC / Bloomberg / CNN / BBC / And AJ.. thats 90% of my live TV viewing covered.. Sure its handy to just flick around to a discovery or nat geo or turbo when you have nothing in mind to watch, but if they want to make that difficult ?? Its hardly a huge deal to make sure you have a stack of docu TV on the server. Endless reruns of top gear isnt hard to find.

    ?? What are you going on about, you kept replying directly to me asking for more information, now your blaming others for dragging this thread off topic?!!

    I thought we'd finished yesterday but you kept picking at it... your first post you critiqued a product you'd never even seem <deleted>!!! Enough, I have work to do... stump up for a proper True receiver and work out how to plumb it into your redundant dream box system yourself.

  11. Where it kicks ass.. Is the look and feel.. The animated menus, the online meta data, etc etc..

    The end user look of the system, the skins and mods, not seen anything so visually / stylistically possible with any of the manufacturer systems.

    You really need to get out more then!

    Anything is possible, the look and feel is 100% down to the programming and nothing to do with the hardware/ software constraints. I create all my home layouts from scratch, they are as good as the time and effort put into them. The same goes for the XBMC skins/ guis. It's just ignorant to suggest that XBMC gives you more visual/ stylistic possibilities than using a dedicated control system could and indicates that you really don't know what you are talking about.

  12. Comparing XBMC and crestron is just naive. One is media PC software, originating from using the XBOX as a media server, the other is a range of software and hardware that is ultimately configurable to do anything from interfacing with BMS to controlling your lights. Which do you think NASA use in their facilities...? I'll give you a clue, it's not XBMC!

    Agreed crestron is a control system.. But I have no use for large swathes of its power.

    In a media distribution setup, I think xbmc provides a far better overall look and feel than the crestron systems I have seen used and demo'ed.. That said I have been in asia a long time and it must be 5 years since I tested a crestron setup, I fully expect it has improved but have a bias that I think active user communities, with open sourced projects, are far more able to solve these kind of problems than top down control organisations.

    Its also not to be missed that an xbmc media system would run to maybe 10th the cost. For what I feel is superior final product. The last crestron touchscreen I used looked very turn of the century. Pure 'buttons on a screen' style interface.

    You need to catch up with the times, Apple and Samsung have had a massive impact on the AV control industry and driven expectations higher. You're quite correct, the touch screens from all the control system manufacturers look very outdated. So why use them?!

    Take the best of both worlds, the best processor with the best touchscreen. It's not like crestron and XBMC are competing products, they are incomparable. You could use crestron to control your XBMC and everything else in your house besides, using whatever touch screen suits you, be it an iPad, iTouch or a Samsung Galaxy...

    As for the layouts on crestron panels or any panels for that matter, that's 100% down to the programmer. What's quite ironic is that most of the best XBMC skins have been developed by crestron guys on the side! I have used XBMC for years, had the original version running on one of the original xboxes, it's a great, open source project but not to be confused with professional AV control solutions.

    There are advantages and disadvantages to all open source projects, a major one being support from the key manufacturers will always be limited, why? Because they're not making money from it.

  13. Again I understand some of your points but have you ever considered that you can use a crestron processor with non crestron equipment/ touchscreens - iphone, ipad, itouch, samsung galaxy etc? The crestron/ AMX screens are pretty redundant these days as they are shockingly expensive and poor quality when compared to Samsung/ Apple offerings... only the larger screens still have a real market share for global control etc.

    Most control systems use direct IP comms where applicable, but certain devices are only controllable via IR. In the UK you can now control Sky over IP, doubt it will be long before we have control of the True receivers over the network too. IP comms certainly has advantages but don't pretend this is an XBMC only feature...

    XBMC kicks no professionally programmed and installed control system anywhere... it's not even comparable. Where crestron is installed AV control is just one function it can perform. Lights, HVAC, water heaters, pumps, CCTV integration, remote monitoring/ logging, intercomms, security interface etc the possibilities are endless with a proper configurable control system and expandable infrastructure. The key is picking and choosing the right product for each component, based on function, price and performance. You really can't beat having crestron processing at the heart of your system. It gives the ultimate flexibility.

    None of this changes the fact that your dreamboxes are now redundant for viewing Truevisions... so your cost comparison is pretty mute. How much have you spent on redundant hardware?! As is the fact that you are trying to compare a system which you evidently don't understand and can't program yourself with one you have set up and built DIY. My system cost nowhere near the figures you are quoting and I have programmed and installed it myself, sourcing most of the equipment from ebay... I only use one crestron component, an old processor, which cost me c.$500 2nd hand and it controls a hell of a lot more than the True receivers!

  14. Sorry, I was trying to offer you some free advice; you have given snippets of information about your system and I have responded accordingly. I know a fair amount about media pcs and XBMC but clearly that's not what 99% of members of TV are using. There's no need to be so facetious. I was trying to make my comments relevant to all on the forum effected by this issue not specifically you and your setup of which I have no direct knowledge of.

    You come across as the most dangerous type of DIY AV enthusiast, one that knows a little but thinks he knows the lot and so builds a system based on limited knowledge having no awareness that he's gone down the wrong route and was inevitably doomed from the start... I just hope you're not installing these concoctions for paying customers! This change in service has been well known and publicised for quite a while now... I'm surprised you didn't consider this issue months ago rather than waiting for Dday and then complaining about it.

    Comparing XBMC and crestron is just naive. One is media PC software, originating from using the XBOX as a media server, the other is a range of software and hardware that is ultimately configurable to do anything from interfacing with BMS to controlling your lights. Which do you think NASA use in their facilities...? I'll give you a clue, it's not XBMC!

    I personally hate the iPad, it's a huge, clumsy device that makes for a terrible remote, I do use iTouches, iPhone and smaller android panels though, which lend themselves well as home controllers due to the size... IMHO if you use an iPad as a remote you may as well use it as a screen to watch the content too, it's that cumbersome! Style over substance.

    You really sit in a dark room with a 120 projection screen and light your face up with the iPad every time you want to change volume/ channel etc?! That wouldn't be an acceptable solution for most cinemas where you want a discrete control that won't disturb every viewer with each and every button press.

    Personally for media servers I use kaleidescape over any home made XBMC solution but that's because I can afford to do so and buy legal content. I have a large collection of CDs, DVDs, and Bluray and the ease, reliabilty and convenience of the kaleidescape system makes these instantly available to all members of my family, with minimum of fuss. I know that I can go away and my wife will still be able to use the system and the children will have access to only children's content via the childs remotes. I'm not about to suggest that everyone spends so much time or money on their systems. Some are fortunate to be affluent and have a degree of technical knowledge, most aren't.

    Personally I haven't had any real issues with True's service staff - I have encountered a similar issue to you but it took c.15 mins to resolve with some patience and common sense. We cancelled the sub, they returned the initial deposit and we started a fresh contract at the new address. They gave me 2,000 bt back for the cancelled sub, we then gave the same 2,000 bt back as deposit for the new system. Sometimes you just need to use a bit of out of the box thinking to achieve your aims here, rather than just repeating a request countless times and getting nowhere...

    Are you sure it's not a language/ attitude problem here?! Reading back your comments you have a tangible attitude in your written style let alone on the phone/ in person...

    You may have noticed that I made suggestions and was quite deliberate in my wording eg. I presume, I suggest etc. You then tell me I've made a bunch of incorrect assumptions about you despite you specifically asking me for information. What world do you live in?!

    I must say if I was a True technician I would not have the greatest patience dealing with someone with such an obvious attitude problem and would likely fob you off with any excuse just to get you off the phone. That's evidently what's happening to you...

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  15. I understand where you are coming from but personally I avoid this type of system in favour of a user based centrally located rack, switching out to screens/ speakers from one point if possible. Generally in the larger villas you have less users than rooms/ screens so actually this makes more sense financially and the end result is much more stable and flexible. Of course this depends on the extent of the AV and, as you mention, if you are using a control system. For me that's the start of the system, what will you have as your remote in each room, what do you want to access/ control in each room etc

    This said at 2,800 bt for 4x receivers even a large villa based on local systems is pretty affordable. In my opinion anyone with 4x TVs in their house should be able to afford 700 bt per TV monthly for a True sub! As you get larger this becomes more pertinent. 8x TVs in one house? Well that's getting towards an extravagant house, if they actually have 8 users then what's the issue with paying 5,600 bt a month, it's still only 700 bt per person using the system....

    The reality though is once you get up to 8 TVs and over, you usually have half that number of users, the AV budget is larger and it's usually time to start looking at central systems based on user sources and a proper control solution. At that point sharing of recorded content becomes irrelevant because you simply pick your own receiver/ HDD wherever you are in the house, so Dad has access to his documentaries everywhere without having to scroll through Junior's collection of Cbeebies recordings etc.

    Horses for courses I guess...

  16. Its a real cheats charter isnt it? None of you seem to want to pay the legitimate price for the legally provided True service do you? You all want to hook up to some pirate feed or other via some box or other but the ultimate aim for all of you is to get True services under the counter for a cheaper price.

    Ironically, a lot of you then complain and moan about the fact that True programmes/ channels arent good enough....and yet in truth, youre not paying for it so you dont have a leg to stand on!!

    Er.. 2500 a month thanks..

    And having a continual set of crappy customer service.. Eg I moved 2 years ago, they moved the mailing address but not the install address.. I have emailed, phoned, and been on at them maybe 10 times for over 18 months.. Er yes, er we cant do that on our system, er a manager will call you back.. And now, because of their ####p, they want to charge me 2000b extra to apply a new system install to do the HD changeover.

    No. I dont think so.

    2,800 bt for 4x receivers, monthly. That's a bargain in terms of legal satellite subscriptions. That's 4x Platinum subs, 4x receivers, 2,800 bt... 700 bt a receiver, monthly.

    Your dubious legality mates generally cost more than that and if you invest in their hardware of course you run the risk of it being totally redundant when the authorities catch up with them, giving you a bunch of expensive paper weights! If you don't your left having to rig up media PCs to run the software and then output to your screens, which isn't exactly the most satisfying customer experience... what's that you want to change channel, get off the couch and go back to the PC or invest even more money for a wireless keyboard and mouse...

    Let's say you pick just one service, Ex Pat TV. If you buy the hardware for 4x set top boxes at 8,000 bt each, that's 32,000 bt. Then 450 bt a month each, 1800 bt a month. How long will these guys actually be running? No one knows, it's fairly clear the service is legally dubious as you can't even access iPlayer outside the UK without a spoof IP via proxy... and the content is very limited and the feed poor quality compared to True. You can't even get HD content yet and when you do, how long it will it last?

    The 2,000 bt True are asking you for is presumably the deposit for the HD receiver... so you expect them to provide you a shiny new box completely free of charge and with no insurance that you won't just steal the box, cancel the subscription and move again?! If you have an old True receiver to trade in they should waive this fee, they did for me.

    As for the customer service, well yes, English is a struggle, this is Thailand. Like I say I have found a reliable technician in my area and retain his mobile number. He speaks some English but we talk in Thainglish! I'm afraid that's just a reality of living in a country where English isn't the first or even second language... I suggest that you pick up some Thai language skills or get a Thai friend to help you on the phone.

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  17. Incidentally you can network the HDD connections from each True receiver to a shared HDD, giving you a single large storage for all recorded content, shared between receivers... took a bit of faffing about to set up but something that you can't do with most other sat receivers...

    the new box I havent used, only followed the universally poor reviews on here.. Inability to even rearrange channel lists etc..

    It has a network port ?? Or how does it network to a shared HD.. Are the HD recordings encrypted or can they be accessed with non true playback devices ??

    It does have a network port but the HDD access is via USB and SATA connections. The HD recordings are encrypted and accessible only via other True receivers.

    If you haven't even used the new receivers (which aren't all that new anyway, have had mine for quite a few months now), I don't see how you can make this statement - "But as I am also more concerned about quality, I will not use their (getting worse each version) boxes."

    Clearly these receivers are much better in terms of quality than any previous release. These are HD receivers with PVR functionality, made by Samsung, much improved menu/guide function etc. Obviously the big improvement being that these are HD, with HDMi and optical audio outputs. They also retain all the legacy connections, component video, composite video and analogue audio. I also quite like the fact that they use an external HDD, leaving you the choice as to how large a storage device you want to connect and meaning any HDD failure is separate to the actual receiver.

    This coupled with the release of another 17 HD channels this month, free for existing customers, on both satellite and cable platforms put True streaks ahead of the competition in my book.

    The new box is the first box I havent used, mostly as I have my setup nicely integrated into a home theater and home media network. Recordings from one point are available to the whole network. TV live streams are available to the whole network.. Etc etc etc.. Its media distribution to multizones. Thsi while the true boxes were kludgy as all hell.

    Can you explain how the new boxes network then.. As this is a crucial feature for me. Networking the TV feeds for live distribution is what I do now but even the records and viewing of PVR over the network is a help.

    The STB has a NIC, and a hard disk option for PVR.. It can then 'see' other true boxes on the network and shares the recorded files over to any point ?? Its this viewing archiving and distributing of the recordings over the network as you say I am most interested in.

    The best possible connection for sat TV on a decent home theater setup is to run HDMi directly from the sat receiver to your AV receiver, then out HDMi to your screen/ projector...

    For the monthly cost of 2,800 bt for four receivers, it would be much easier for you to retain your existing setup but have Truevisions HD PVRs locally, as separate inputs on your screens/ AV receivers. Can you elaborate at all on what equipment you are using? How are you streaming your existing TV feeds? Presumably you are using netbooks or similar at each local position to pick up your "streams" and feed out locally to screens?

    The True receivers don't network traditionally and this is not a feature that True have installed for me, although given they have network ports there might well be a way to use these for a more traditional network!

    The new receivers use USB (for power) and SATA (for data) connections for the external HDD not the network port. These are then paired with the receiver and a phone call to True activates the recording functions of the receiver. I have successfully setup 4x individual HDDs connected locally to the receivers, which in turn are connected back to a single large storage unit. All the HDDs are my own property, bought separately from True and installed/ set up by myself.

    Effectively each receiver thinks it's looking at a single HDD but they are configured to file share back to the main storage. Like I said it took some faffing about but it works. This said we have a separate movie server, so in practice this is used more to watch stored content than the receivers, which are generally there for "live" content access.

  18. I cant get the 5.1 surround sound to work. Its like it only comes in stereo. Anyone else having issues like this?

    Only certain channels will support 5.1 unless you set your receiver/amp to 5 channel stereo or similar. HBO HD definitely works in 5.1 but you must be connected either optical audio or HDMi, not analogue audio (the red and white connectors) which are stereo only...thumbsup.gif

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  19. Ferangled, while I agree with most of your comment, i was under the impression that the True receivers were rented, not free. I bought one many years ago, and I'm currently looking to replace it.

    You're quite correct they are "rented" as part of the subscription payment, usually requiring an initial deposit (2,000 bt?) which is refundable should you cease using the service. You can actually buy the receivers from them but I wouldn't recommend this. If you have a "rented" receiver you qualify for free upgrades to later release receivers. I believe that you can still trade in your old receiver even if you bought it, for a new HD one, but you won't own the new receiver... unless you pay the extra to buy it, which I wouldn't recommend; if it breaks it's your problem, if a rental one breaks they'll replace it FOC.

    Service obviously varies from province to province but I've found with all Thai companies it's about finding one individual working there that has the truly rare characteristic called common sense! I have a friendly local technician's mobile number for each service I use - True, TOT and 3BB. Any issue I call them, never the company line and I generally get same day resolutions.

    I have been burnt by buying one of the original True PVRs... which although still working is now redundant given the release of the True HD PVR. I still use it with no subscription for FTA channels, when they're not being hijacked by other sat providers in dodgy dealings and switched off....!

    I was offered the option of trading this in for a new HD PVR but I have a bunch of the kids favourites stored to the HDD and I can't copy the content over to the new receiver... and I quite like using it as a free tuner for FTA sat channels on True with the added benefit of having ready access to Kung <deleted> Panda etc to calm the screaming hordes if necessary!

  20. Lol, satellite dishes/cable are so passé.

    True are diabolical in every sense of the word. They actively seem to be trying to destroy their farang customer base as much as possible. Long may it continue. They don't deserve to profit from us for such a lacking service.

    The fact people have said they've already put away their GMM boxes is very unsurprising. What a waste of money. GMM management will be looking at the True behemoth and be trying to emulate them and all their business practices, whilst waging petty wars and grudge matches with them at the same time. What a lovely position for the clientele to be in!

    What amazes me is that you fellas haven't worked out how to use the internet yet, to fulfill all your television needs. All countries, all channels, all major sporting events, all in HD. Easily found.

    It's all there, with small fees included, if you get the right things. Cheaper than subscriber packages that you're tied down to for months, cheaper than the shitty boxes you get and have to eventually return.

    If you're out in the sticks with poor internet choices then I feel for you. If you're in a internet friendly area and are dependent on the Thais for your TV, then I really feel for you too. If you're having to get hooked up with Astro, which I understand is a bit of a headache as they're Malaysian, I equally feel for you.

    Learn how to use the internet to get what you need and drop 'em. They don't deserve your hard-earned money.

    I've used the internet to watch television in HD for several years now at 1/3 or less of the cost of a contract monthly and I'm never tied into it.

    (I can't go into great detail in this thread about what you can do as TV rules don't allow it. My friends P. Roxy, V. P. Enn. and X. Patty V., can all help you though if you need it.)

    Exactly what international DL speeds are you getting?!

    I am familiar with your friends, have used them all and none give me anywhere near the consistency, reliability of my trusty Truevisions HD PVR or even as much content. You get access to all premiership football games with pre match build up and English commentary in HD over the internet? Really? How many goals have you missed as the image freezes and audio continues, disjointed from the picture?! Even your mate X Patty V can't offer a consistent service and they're streaming content that is free in the UK over local servers...

    For less than 3,000 bt a month I have 4x True receivers in my house, I can pause live TV, record content on any receiver and share it with the other receivers in the house. This month I will get access to an additional 17 channels of HD on all 4 receivers for free... what do you expect from a satellite provider? Free coffee and blow jobs? I think True are doing a good job of providing decent content at reasonable rates. They are the only Thai company driving Thai TV into the 21st century...

    I don't know what the poster banging on about Grammy releasing 6 HD channels is going on about - the receivers they forced people to buy for the Euros don't even have component video outputs let alone HDMi! Total rubbish. At least with True you don't have to buy the receiver so when an updated model is released you just give the old one back and get a new one, free...

    I get the impression that some people will simply never be happy and just take each and opportunity to moan about anything, whether relevant or not.

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  21. Incidentally you can network the HDD connections from each True receiver to a shared HDD, giving you a single large storage for all recorded content, shared between receivers... took a bit of faffing about to set up but something that you can't do with most other sat receivers...

    the new box I havent used, only followed the universally poor reviews on here.. Inability to even rearrange channel lists etc..

    It has a network port ?? Or how does it network to a shared HD.. Are the HD recordings encrypted or can they be accessed with non true playback devices ??

    It does have a network port but the HDD access is via USB and SATA connections. The HD recordings are encrypted and accessible only via other True receivers.

    If you haven't even used the new receivers (which aren't all that new anyway, have had mine for quite a few months now), I don't see how you can make this statement - "But as I am also more concerned about quality, I will not use their (getting worse each version) boxes."

    Clearly these receivers are much better in terms of quality than any previous release. These are HD receivers with PVR functionality, made by Samsung, much improved menu/guide function etc. Obviously the big improvement being that these are HD, with HDMi and optical audio outputs. They also retain all the legacy connections, component video, composite video and analogue audio. I also quite like the fact that they use an external HDD, leaving you the choice as to how large a storage device you want to connect and meaning any HDD failure is separate to the actual receiver.

    This coupled with the release of another 17 HD channels this month, free for existing customers, on both satellite and cable platforms put True streaks ahead of the competition in my book.

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  22. I'm no do gooder but I come from a software background and am naturally anti-piracy. If you use a service you should pay for it.

    I have been paying for it.. Full platinum and ever add on. In fact I presume I am still paying for it, even tho my card is no longer working. So feel entirely justifed 'cracking' and encryption I am paying for.

    But as I am also more concerned about quality, I will not use their (getting worse each version) boxes..

    PVR, streaming the MPEG feed as a network stream, etc etc.. Secure the system any way they like but theres too many other options for media consumption these days to let them dictate it.

    What's worse about the new Samsung HD PVR compared to previous True receivers?!

    If you really want to steam MPEG feeds (why you would when you are so concerned about quality I don't know), you could always do so via an external network device connected to the HDMi out of the receiver... but when you can get additional receivers/ subscriptions so cheaply why would you not just have a receiver at each TV location running directly in HDMi, giving you the best possible picture quality?

    Incidentally you can network the HDD connections from each True receiver to a shared HDD, giving you a single large storage for all recorded content, shared between receivers... took a bit of faffing about to set up but something that you can't do with most other sat receivers...

    • Like 2
  23. As I understand it Truevisions are adding a whole bunch of HD content this month, free for existing customers with the new Samsung HD PVR receivers... (which were also free for existing customers with old SD receivers....).

    Not sure why True get such a bad rap on here, they're the only decent Sat choice. The new receivers are fine, shame you have to buy your own HDD to access recording functions but at least they are getting up to date with HD channels and recording options. Service isn't great but that's hardly exclusive to True, this is Thailand, how many companies give good customer service response here? Ever tried Apple's service department in Thailand, True look like consummate professionals in comparison!

    The subscription is pricey compared to the local cr@p offerings but not with comparable Western sat providers like Sky. If you have more that 1 receiver it actually gets quite cost effective - you can have 4x independent receivers for 2,800 baht a month! That's way less than you'd be paying with Sky or similar...

    I'm quite happy with their service, all the premiership games in HD, Discovery and Nat Geo in HD, plenty of childrens content, including Cbeebies... a God send for peace and tranquillity at home, all the major news feeds, a bunch of HD movie channels and ThaiTV for the missus... who offers anything comparable in Thailand? Astro from Malaysia perhaps but can't get the HD receivers here easily, let alone legally...

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