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Everything posted by RichardColeman

  1. I imagine there are thousands of fired employees and teachers erasing 'woke' positions on their cvs, hopefully they will never get employment again
  2. You really think they will look too hard and upset the 'probable ethnic/religious group' electorate responsible ?
  3. Best news this week was bernie sanders talking about forming a 2nd democrat party - nothing better than a split lefty vote
  4. Always wondered how employees - all over the world - can get hired if they cannot read the local language safety certificates and needs. Or explain to others in the local language the problems as they arise. Never employ a non speaking local language person.
  5. My wife is traditional Thai, someone that takes care of her man, but is not in servitude (if you know what I mean). She clean the house 3 times a day, washing everyday, lays out my clothes for wearing in the day and better clothes when we go out, cuts my nails, does the garden, cooks thai food I enjoy when I want it, tells me when its hair cut time, great mother, great wife, well educated (ex-teacher), does her wifely duties (hehehe). Great wife and best partner I have ever had - i actually married her 10 years ago after being together 20 days. Problem for a thai wife that is 'unique' is it probably applies to marrying someone with a great body 30-40 years younger than you. And that is the problem, they are too much upkeep, expensive. A 'dolly' will not take care of you. Man across the road from me is 75, his boo 29 - you really think his unique GF sees a future with him ?
  6. Don't get it, rubbish is free money ! Take it home, sell it ! We save it for 2 months - even take the neighbours recyclables and daughters shop rubbish, boxes from Tops/Big C - and sell it. Free 1,200 baht. I'm not a skin flint and we have like 3 houses and rubber plantation etc and hit the 65k we need per month, but hell, its FREE money ! Do, this and your basic rubbish bin is maybe one bin a week
  7. Yeah , great, but you really think thais will replace them in the workplace for the money these guys get ?
  8. 3 months prison for theft or 6 weeks sewer community service , 5,000 baht to all people they scammed, lifetime ban
  9. Oh, go back to watching CNN and MSNBC and give us all a rest
  10. Dress like a Tramp and wear 40,000 in jewelry . Don;t believe it
  11. Think those promoting more legalisation of drugs should also be pushing for a total gun ban. Cannot have the two together
  12. You want to buy a condo in a place that you cannot legally be a permanent resident and live daily at the beck and call of any new thai laws ? Go ahead, its your money. Would I ever sell my UK house and buy here ? Not a chance, I may be foolish but I am not an idiot. My advice would always be buy a property in your home country if you can and rent it out for both income and a safe haven if it all goes bits up here
  13. ................lack of amulet
  14. Agreed, that's why you need to be cautious with your 'new love'
  15. Face it, Putin will never be allowed to leave Russia as he will be arrested for war crimes. So he is either going to be 'killed' off by a moderate russian, or killed off by KGB style mafia or die and the war never ending. Every day the reparations bill gets bigger, Russia will have to pay so much as to be totally broke for generations
  16. Says a lot about UK social services when their employees are off partaking in illegal A class drugs.
  17. I read in one of the UK news sites or something that someone left soiled underwear on a washing line for months and it got reported for hate crimes of the neighbour. Madness. My own opinion is that all this stuff will go away - due to the amount of islamic terrorists on the UK watch list now, we will simply have to move coppers from the line to follow these people to and from mosques
  18. I have no objection to Trans people using men's bathrooms - AFTER - they have had their bits cut off. Up to that point they are just men in dresses and a potential threat to women
  19. Is it just me, or does 50% of the stories arriving in my e-mail from this site today revolve around road deaths and accidents ? I think in my opinion its just a way to reduce the population as there really is no reason they do not act on it, other than get paid overtime to 'save' lives at New Year !
  20. You mean as opposed to a brain dead socialist ? Things are looking up in my opinion. People moaning should start thinking that they are in a MINORITY , not the majority, YOU are out of touch with the majority now !
  21. Be fair, with the amount of Thais borrowing money they never pay back , they partially are
  22. One things for shore he did not go swimming
  23. How many stories this week about errant monks ? One a day at least now. Full of drunks, perverts, thieves, gamblers, assaults. Maybe they should have a new automatic 20 years sentence for breaking the a 'Monks terms of service' declaration when signing on !
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