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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. 5 minutes ago, marino28 said:

    At whishbeer now is 805 thb for box of 12 62cc or 990 thb for box of 24 32cc plus vat. If the price is correct than is 41.25 thb for one small leo + Vat. Almost 45 thb .           

    I thought the 805 Baht price was for a box 24 Bottles of small Leo (before VAT)
    990 for a Box of small Leo (24 Bottles in a box) before VAT?
    Holy crap.
    That is sharp then.

  2. 15 minutes ago, marino28 said:

    I don't know how much was yesterday. But now at whishbeer 1 box of Leo is 805 thb + Vat

    So it is net 33,54 Baht per bottle.
    With VAT 35,89 per bottle.
    In the gastronomic calculation one beats so 100-200% on it.
    So it is something between 71,78 - 107,67 for a small bottle Leo in a bar.
    In the trade calculation one is satisfied with low margins as far as the quantities are ok.

  3. A tax increase, which ultimately pays the final consumer, extracts money from the purse from the normal citizen.
    This money is then used by the government for its projects.
    So the purchases and projects of the current government are well known.
    Whether the whole thing goes in the right direction, one can have its legitimate doubts.
    Ultimately, this tax increase affects massively the poor and not so much the rich.

  4. 2 minutes ago, indieke said:


    There is nothing positive  on a tax increase.  What use to wine (lol) over it?  So at least, I try to take it as well as possible. And sure, the Baht has been 50.  But I prefer the tax increase, how much I hate it, to a baht that was predicted not so long ago to fall to 30.


    There is nothing to do about it, the pill is even bitter, if you know that people deciding this are even not elected.  A lot of things have changed, these last 10 years. Rarely to the good, as in every country. In Thailand, the waters are more and more polluted, we are not  feeling welcome, Chinese and Russians have taken our place.  Still we find enough pleasure to come, even we are sad about these changes.


    Meanwhile some people are counting their days to their next trip. I still come to Thailand 4 months a year, so I enjoy what is still fine.

    I live here over 20 years.
    Have already experienced many exchange rates ups and downs.
    This tax increase hits especially the normal Thai people, who just do not earn so much.
    Foreigners with a good income from outside or tourists who have their budget may do not even notice this tax increases.


  5. 1 minute ago, indieke said:

    If April is quoted 35, 07, it is not the average buying quote. It is the difference between buying and selling.   Then this also means, just like the average a year, not every day of the month, you will get this.  So in reality if the average is 35.07, you get more around 34 (so also 33.7). on some days. I know I was in Phuket, and we drove around to find the best rate. On that holiday, we got close to 35, but remember very well, that all I got at one point was below 34. The reason was also, as it was a bad rate at that time, I waited to change, hoping I get more, when opposite happend. Also the difference between a bank, a money-changer (where I usually go),  Superrich can be important .  Creditcards, will take you more. Cost on processing in Thailand, then from your bank at a shitty rate. But that has nothing to do with my statement.


    The Thai bath is officially 39.55. But siam bank indicates 38.8!  Better rate at Super cheap.  So if I am saying that there is a huge difference between the rate today, and my holiday in March - April 2015, that compensates TODAY the rise in taxes, I think there is truth in it.


    And how you transformed a positive not on the subject in something negative....

    Take it easy.
    I remember times when i get for 1 Euro over 50 Baht.
    I'm sorry, on a tax increase I can generally see nothing positive.

  6. 1 minute ago, indieke said:

    Ok lets stay positive. All this is taxed too much, certainly if you compare prices of other goods-services in Thailand.  For beer, it will still not ruin you if you drink in moderation. 

    For wine, I have air stops, so, I try to drink less.  For wine under 1000 Bht a bottle of something drinkable,  will go up from 800 bht to 920.


    Now 2 years ago, I had for one euro 33 bht, now 39, so it will be around the same.  Wine, and beer are too expensive, and have been for a a couple of years.  Pretending this tax is for health reasons is bs.  I would even say, it is easy money, on someone's addiction. Worse, there are going to be accidents.  Because, bars will put in their cocktail shit, that is not even alcohol. Poor people, mostly Thais then, will try strange brewed beverages, that will made them sick. So health? I not think so.


    Is there no expert on this board, who knows more about the "fruit wine". Some say it is not a mixture with juice at all, and only made believe to avoid taxes, other say it unhealthy shit. I love a few glasses of wine in the evening, but not to make me sick. The Mar y Sol is drinkable (but not to make me enjoy it, like some better bottle wine), but I really would like to know waht is really in teh case....

    You sure 2 years ago 33 Baht = 1 Euro?

  7. 10 hours ago, observer90210 said:

    you could not be more true!!....hi end ladies are highly fun loving and enjoy more then one could imagine, what you suggested..and for free:cheesy:!!!....mainly to take revenge on their rich husbands who do overtime with the office girls!!...


    in fact ST & LT prices will slash if the female hi-enders start their kitty parties in Thailand!:welcomeani::clap2:

    It is exactly like that.  Many of the hi end girls have in their lifes the time and the money to do the whole circus  like yoga, fitness, healthy nutrition, facelifting, botox, silicone implants, waxing, sexy french underwear,  etc.
    Many are slim and good looking in the appropriate lighting.
    Even many give the suitable candidates free drinks. 
    A pleasant change to the standard "you buy me Ladydrink" procedure.

    I do not understand the entire criticism of this cunning plan, to fly in such girls.:laugh:


  8. 35 minutes ago, aright said:

    Just a reminder........He's the man.....He did an excellent interview on radio4 this morning. When asked if he worried about the uncertainty as a result of Brexit he said business is all about uncertainty and uncertainty spells opportunity. He also said  the uncertainty is caused by Barnier refusing to respond to the UK's positive proposals.



    James Dyson has opened 2017 a new technology center in Singapore. The UK technology company has invested 352 million euros in the research facility and plans to increase the number of employees on site by 50 percent. The engineers will work on state-of-the-art manufacturing, software and robotics solutions in the perfectly equipped laboratories.


    Company founder James Dyson explains: "It is no coincidence that we are investing further in Singapore. Here, the smartest minds in the world work on the development of artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, flow dynamics and vision systems to unite hardware, electronics and software.


    From the UK as location, he does not seem so enthusiastic.

    • Like 1
  9. 42 minutes ago, soalbundy said:

    I'm a remainer and I agree, it has to become like the USA, one federal state, it is what I would like to see. As for the EU imploding, I don't think so, the Euro is gaining in strength and production is on the rise,even in the southern countries which shows investor confidence, unlike the pound which is dropping like a stone and even that isn't having much of a positive effect on exports. The EU is a work in progress, it will evolve as it has to, the UK is a dinosaur living on the past glories of crushing the life's blood out of other countries and is being kept alive by foreign firms still (for how long) producing in the UK, even the great British icon Rolls Royce (cars) is owned by BMW, it was interesting to hear a British reporter asking one of the board members how to spell Rolls Royce during an interview when it was being sold.

    I find the basic idea of a common Europe also good.
    Common strict external borders, also a common European army, freedom of movement within Europe, free choice of residence, etc.

    Admittedly not everything is perfect.
    I am a clear opponent of the current immigration policy.
    Europe has its own problems.
    Europe does not have to import all the economic problems of Africa and the Near East into his home. Would go so far, that the handing over of a European passport is only possible, if family ties exist. If not, at the earliest after 15 years the hand out of a European passport is possible with proof of a successful integration and an oath to the flag / constitution.

    I see Europe here mainly in the context of the overpopulated planet and the upcoming struggle for resources. The big opponents such as China, the USA and in the future India position themselves much more closed and aggressive. Just think of the current big up buying wave of fertile fields, water resources and technology worldwide.

    If Europe does not manage to position itself in a closed formation, in the worst case, it will fall apart again in small states, then Europe has nothing to say on the world stage.


    • Like 2
  10. 2 hours ago, pitrevie said:

    Are you that naive that you think withdrawal from the EU means the end of farming subsidies? The hard right of the Tory party will make sure that their farming constituency is taken care of just like they did prior to us joining the EU.

    Well, hopefully there will be no delays in payments if the EU stops funding, and then the UK has to organize the subsidies themselves.
    Then the cake will be redistributed between the Brexit winners. :laugh:

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