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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. Stupid law.

    1. The amount of the punishments are in no relation to other offenses.

    2. Not the smoking on the beach should be punished but the throw away of garbage. The environmental awareness of many tourists is far higher than that of many Thais.

    Many tourists collect their garbage and bring it to the garbage bin.

    If there are any at all.

    3. Some smokers roll their cigarettes themselves without synthetic plastic filters. From these cigarette rests there is less danger to the environment than from every 7-11 plastic bag.

    Thailand should choose more smarter law makers.

  2. 5 hours ago, scratchy said:

    Over a decade now koh phangan was absolutely full of tourists, you could easily find a basic wooden backpacker bungalow on the beach with a bed and a hammock on the porch for 150-250 baht and people could stay for the long term. It was all you needed to see out the European winter.

    Somewhere along the time line greedy locals saw many resorts in samui and phuket and thought they could make more money if they thought they could attract a higher status tourist, cutting down the natural surroundings we come here for and building concrete monstrosities 10 times the price of a wooden bungalow, trashing what we came here for. was it any surprise no one could afford to stay there for the winter?

    Haad rin is now a ghost town, a shadow of its former self destroyed by greed, granted 3-4 days around full moon time it's busy again but quickly goes dead.

    Smart operators set up backpacker hostels further inland than the beaches we would stay on prior so no one status for the long term but they are a lot of fun for young backpackers and it's laughable that the locals are livid.

    I recommend they should go back to basic wooden bungalows with a mattress and a fan inside with a hammock on the porch and charge a realistic price then the island could be busy all year, air conditioning and lcd tv's in concrete bungalows in the beach are a curse for local tourism.





    Spot on.
    I know this island for 25 years and the development is sad.
    Haadrin, with one of the nicest beaches has got lost 15 years ago, when many owners have started to built concrete row houses on the beach properties. Today Haadrin looks more like a slum then a Holiday Destination.
    The same has happened years ago with Mae Hat, prior has national park Level in front from Koh Ma. Now there are spread ugly concrete resorts which have bolted the beach accesses with high walls and barbed wire.
    Now the same happens with Chaloklam, formerly the last nice and natural fishing village of three islands Samui, Phangan and Tao. Now with a illegal high built Hotel construction, which looks like a toilet.
    The last development are concrete houses near the beach with 4-metre-high concrete walls around.
    At Tong Nai Pan Noi is the same.
    Nature shaved away and concrete in poured.
    Soon also Koh Phangan will be destroyed by corruption, greed and money laundering.
    And often the big Investors coming from the mainland and give a s..t for the Island born natives.
    In Thailand it is all about money.

  3. 17 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:

    I don't think any sane person could believe this lot are clean. In fact the military are probably the most corrupt of the lot. However, what was not expected was that they would be so in your face with their corruption. I doubt even their supporters could find an excuse for Prawit. 


    This watch thing is only the tip of the iceberg.  The bank accounts, properties and various other assets held by the generals and their relatives (if revealed to the public) would make Prawit's watch collection seem the equivalent of mini lego set.  But out of sight is out of mind. So we have to hammer on about the matters we know about - which makes me wonder why there is no further news on Prayuth's brother's house. The fact of the matter is this will never be pursued. And Prawit will not lose his job. These men have no shame. And the irony is that most Thai people, and even many ex-pats have no idea what is going on, and have bought into the fake narrative they have created about cleaning things up. Talk about deflection. Maybe these clowns are smarter than we give them credit for!

    Anyone who pays or must pay taxes in this country can only be annoyed with those thieves who claim to be good and honest.

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