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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. 1 minute ago, MobileContent said:

    To the OP thank you for sharing.


    Just register a language school, file it as well with the Education Ministry and explain the situation to tiehter the PYB or Kamnan to talk to the authorities (Immigration). Also in all those years you must had build some type of local contacts and it would be good to have those contacts now activated.


    I don't think the authorities want to to kick you out of the country as they would have done it already.


    Let your wife handle the authorities and negotiate an outcome that is acceptable for everyone.

    It also does not hurt to apply for a work permit. Ok, there are missing documents. At the moment of your application you have 30 days to provide the missing documents. So bring the whole first to hover.  Normally you get a receipt for your applicationWill help you win time. 

    • Like 2
  2. 56 minutes ago, JoeW said:

    Absolutely correct. Operating a legal business ain't so hard if you follow the rules and are able to go with the "flow". It's just a matter of actually wanting to operate a legal business instead of taking the easy way out.

    For foreigners married to a Thai person, they already allow us to stay in Thailand under a non-immigrant o visa which is easily obtained. Starting your own business or finding a job if you're qualified is not so difficult.

    In your preaching, you are 100% right.
    This should have been heard by the OP 16 years ago.
    Now it's too late.
    This is now about concrete damage limitation and behavioral tips.

  3. 3 minutes ago, dbrenn said:

    You are right in that this may be the time to close down, and a decision should be made sooner rather than later - if the New Year present to the informer is refused and no negotiations are possible. If, on the other hand, the present is gratefully received and a discussion commences, then why shut down?

    I too would not go that way.
    In the medium to long term he becomes extortionable.
    I would also avoid any "friendship" with corrupt officials.
    If his thai wife can not carry on the business alone, it is better to close the store than get caught up inflagranti.
    There are certainly other ways to make money (online teaching or attempting a legal employment at a government school).  For self-protection, I would at least get the documentation for a workpermit and put it ready. Even to get legal advice would make sense. Usually the officials are often more friendly and helpful than some posters here.

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  4. 1 hour ago, Grubster said:

    No they don't, usually after adding several drinks to the bin of the drunkest guy in the bar that is alone, He protests the bin and gets beat unconscious, normal procedure. I would love to set bars up for this, they do it all the time and many just pay the doubled bin and move on. Which is the smartest option at that point.

    Overcharging and double counting is practice in all red light districts around the world.
    What is also often forgotten by drunks is, that some of the male bar employees have relationships with the girls in the bar.  If one then behaves like a wild boar and touches the wrong girl too often.
    A fuse can burn through.
    It is never good in a red-light district to drink yourself unconscious.

  5. 29 minutes ago, possum1931 said:

    I am not making up excuses for the Thais who are responsible for the beating, but gangs of them do not turn on single Farangs for no reason.

    Who knows?
    Maybe to much Yabaa?
    A wrong word?

    A misunderstanding?

    They sell the tourists without end drinks, but are unable to deal later with the drunks.
    The doormen are not trained in anti escalation and are not trained at all.
    There are almost always little gangsters and thugs.
    And always in the group against an individual.
    This is the image nothing else.


  6. 3 hours ago, lopburi3 said:

    Does anyone check anything before putting it online?  This covers access to "forum home" icon for those of us using enlarged screens (most of us).  And now we have two "more" selections to navigate.  So now have to click on "home" to remove drop down menu and then "forum home" to read the forum.  

    Even with this maneuver I get this green overlapping menu not closed.

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