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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. Dumb questions. How can such a senior officer not have security clearance? How can an immigration police delay departing flights selectively ?

    Something strange here.

    yes something in the story missing or wrong.

    Maybe without boarding pass he could not enter the waiting area,

    or they would not let him in the VIP lounge.

    Guess that pissed him off

    because he has no security clearance for it? Unlikely. Possible he want in the VIP lounge and full service there and they refused to serve him black label without being customer. But that would be a complete different story.

    I am sure that he, as a non-passenger, can not accompany his wife to the seat on the plane.

    Without any special reason it is already final at the boarding counter (where they scan the boarding passes, before the passengers waiting room) for him as a non-passenger.

    That are the rules.

    Maybe that did not fit with his inflated ego.

  2. It is quite surprising as sales and rent contracts longer then 3 Years must be writen in Thai for the public land office.
    They write then on the Channot or Nor Sor Sam Paper you name as the renter and the contract number.
    As a consequence, even the public land Office, then legalize an illegal purchase.

    It would be as well possible then to sue the public land office.

    Overall the land and housing markets, employment in construction, building supplies, etc. will be hit hard in the future.
    Message is clear: As a private person do not invest in Thailand!

  3. ..... The report also claimed that high ranking police and Army officers were involved in giving permission for the Tao Poon casino to continue to operate in the beginning of February.....

    Furthermore, it revealed that 11 Baccarat tables had been set up to cater to hundreds of gamblers with daily turn-around in the hundreds of millions of baht.

    Big business, but in Thailand illegal.
    100 and more players - invisible?
    That's a little bit like the 500 missing super cars in the customs department.

    Maybe there are exists two identical casinos.
    One for the raids with dust, and the other for play.
    On the same level with David Copperfield and Harry Houdini.

    Who is involved then?

  4. Well, of course, they can make all the new laws they like, but will the police actually enforce them?

    The previous excesses of political rallies could have been nipped in the bud had the police moved in and stopped them. In fact, during the previous rallies the RTP were MIA.

    I seem to recall a officer getting his legs blown to pieces when the PDRC scum threw a grenade at police lines. Every man and his dog knew heavily armed military were embedded amongst the PDRC looking to spill a bit of blood to provide justification for a coup. Yingluck handled the situation exceptionally well as we can see by the fact that even though the military kangaroo court is in full swing there has been not a single charge laid against the last democratically elected government of Thailand for its treatment of criminal protestors. Lets of course also not forget that the courts ruled the police could not take action against the protestors as the protestors had a right to hold the nation to ransom to their own fascistic desires. Thailand woes are all consequences of the military overstepping its role since 1932.

    This is like one image from a running movie.

    Do you remember the massacre of Trat?

    Where the police officer enters the stage and said: He has good news?

    • Like 1
  5. As per a Cabinet resolution last September, seized ivory items would either be burned, returned to the country of origin or stored for further study.

    OMG, burned?! Why?!

    Have they not heard of supply and demand. Burning up supply only puts pressure on the demand side.

    The lovely elephants (assuming), have already made their sacrifice. They should sell those items into a proper market at a high price and use the proceeds for their efforts to stop the illegal ivory trade. Let the sacrifice amount to something good.

    I support your thought to 100%

  6. Why they do not solve this problem easily.
    Carry all gambling furnishings, which covered in layers of dust, to the aircraft carrier with no aircraft HTMS Chakri Naruebet.
    Put some little plush on it, and pull the boat in neutral waters.
    Legalize gambling on that ship.
    All players must show their IDs and declare the amount of gambling money they carry.
    The data will send also for documentation to the tax department in order to avoid misuse for money laundering.
    That would be a multiple win win situation.
    - Players could legally play and no longer need to go to Macau or Cambodia.
    - The profit from the casino would not go into dark pockets, instead the state could finance some renovations of hospitals and schools.
    - The army budget would be relieved from the maintenance costs for the vessel.
    - The TAT would have a new rich target group: gamblers, and could gain market shares from Macau´s and Cambodia´s gambler market.
    - The transportation cost to the gambling vessel should be the same for all;
    Thais, Residents, tourist, foreigners, non residents, all have to pay 5.000 Baht admission.
    With helicopter service: 10.000 Baht, the ice on the cake for VIP´s.
    I guess a legal casino can easily bring in Bt500 million for the society.
  7. I think this is a form of practical demonstration law.

    In many countries of the world, there is a right to demonstrate.
    This is a fundamental right.
    And demonstrations must be registered before.
    Police must plan to block the streets from traffic, etc.

    Furthermore then we must ask, who decides whether a demonstration can take place or not?
  8. The sociology examines societal discrimination and differentiated here include between structural, institutional and linguistic discrimination. Thus, in contrast to the social-psychological research on prejudice it comes to social conditions and causes that are not reducible to individual settings. In the law, the term is more narrowly defined and refers only to the differentiation because of certain enumerative listed reasons. Sociology and law so use the term in a normative way.
    Unequal treatment, inequality, unequal rights, discriminator
    Social inequalities and social discrimination based on factors that influence are the stakeholders (right of access to education, income level, social behavior), tend to be more accepted or tolerated as not individually modifiable factors and triggers of discrimination (race, gender, disability, age . or sexual preferences), there is a high level of acceptance for favors that the position of other not deteriorate (Example: Adults without children are not disadvantaged by that children receive discounted or free admission to a facility).

    As to reflect the different pricing for Students, if UK students fees are capped at £9k a year whilst foreign students will be charged £12k on average.

    Then it is a dual price system.

    Furthermore it is then a discrimination if the students get an identical product.

    I doubt that.

    Maybe the foreign students get special language courses, or the visa is included, etc.

    The universities in the UK will not be give themselfs such an open-Flange with regard to a possible discrimination.

    While the product: Entrance in a national park, is an absolutely identical product.

    For example, if in the tourist price an English-speaking guide would be contained, then we would not have this discrimination discussion.
    Anyway i do not want to go off topic from:


    I can assure you with absolute 100% certainty that International students do not get any 'extras' included in their courses. Indeed as far as language is concerned it will be a condition of their offer for a place that they will have a reasonable standard of English. The cost of their visa or any other travel or subsistence is not included in their fees. Indeed to obtain their visa they will have to also provide proof of funds to support themselves throughout their studies. The product that International students receive for their 30% average higher price is exactly identical to the product that a UK student receives. It is exactly as you say, a dual price system based on nationality with UK\EU students, being charged on average 30% less than International students.

    So how can it be wrong and discriminatory as some are claiming for Thailand to practice dual pricing , but apparently perfectly OK and above board in the UK, and possibly other EU countries, for Universities to rip off hundreds of thousands of foreign students with the Governments approval?

    Unless of course you are just being hypocritical and using the 2 tier system in Thailand as an excuse to involve in some Thai bashing..

    When asked about the Scottish Government's plans, the European Commissioner for Education, Androulla Vassiliou, commented that any attempt to treat Scottish students and non-Scottish students differently could be regarded as:
    a covert form of discrimination on grounds of nationality [...] conditions of access to education, including tuition fees, fall within the scope of EU law and any discrimination on grounds of nationality is prohibited".[66]
    I support this opinion.

    See 3.8 Fees
    ….There is an exception in the Equality Act for discrimination authorised by other statutes and linked to place of residence. This allows England, Scotland and Wales each to charge different admission fees to students dependent on whether they are resident in that country.
    There actually exists a discrimination which is legally protected by a derogation.
    And I'm sure that the foreign students just feel discriminated against, same as the tourists which have to pay 10 times more for entry.

    Last note:

    Please stop to downgrade other opinions, or bend them,

    like: ........but apparently perfectly OK and above board in the UK

    I am in general against dual price systems,

    No matter where it exists or occur.

    and I am still of the opinion that:

    Thai National Parks ordered to charge foreigners tenfold

    is a discrimination and can not be legitimized. by an existing, discriminatory exemption in the UK university fee system.

    Last thought:

    You wrote:

    ...... to rip off hundreds of thousands of foreign students with the Governments approval?

    i say:

    ......to rip off hundreds of thousands of foreign tourists with the Governments approval.

    Same Same

    A discrimination!

  9. The sociology examines societal discrimination and differentiated here include between structural, institutional and linguistic discrimination. Thus, in contrast to the social-psychological research on prejudice it comes to social conditions and causes that are not reducible to individual settings. In the law, the term is more narrowly defined and refers only to the differentiation because of certain enumerative listed reasons. Sociology and law so use the term in a normative way.
    Unequal treatment, inequality, unequal rights, discriminator
    Social inequalities and social discrimination based on factors that influence are the stakeholders (right of access to education, income level, social behavior), tend to be more accepted or tolerated as not individually modifiable factors and triggers of discrimination (race, gender, disability, age . or sexual preferences), there is a high level of acceptance for favors that the position of other not deteriorate (Example: Adults without children are not disadvantaged by that children receive discounted or free admission to a facility).

    As to reflect the different pricing for Students, if UK students fees are capped at £9k a year whilst foreign students will be charged £12k on average.
    Then it is a dual price system.
    Furthermore it is then a discrimination if the students get an identical product.
    I doubt that.
    Maybe the foreign students get special language courses, or the visa is included, etc.
    The universities in the UK will not be give themselfs such an open-Flange with regard to a possible discrimination.
    While the product: Entrance in a national park, is an absolutely identical product.
    For example, if in the tourist price an English-speaking guide would be contained, then we would not have this discrimination discussion.
    Anyway i do not want to go off topic from:

  10. Cartam enim sceleratos?

    Pardon for criminals?

    That has nothing to do with justice.

    This is a perversion of good and evil.

    The evil will be rewarded?

    What is the difference between a robber who robs a bank and a robber who robs public funds?

    There must be no differences in the justice!

    If the robber admits and returns completely his booty, then they should get a milder punishment.

    The honest people do not have any interest in a reconciliation from evil people!

    If they want a real reconciliation, then they must put out all the bad (criminal) apples.

  11. Of natural resources, Thailand has actually for all target groups everything.
    But it falls short in the planning, management and implementation.
    Usually only quickly cooked ideas and little thought outs.
    I suspect that there are no coordinated short- medium- and long-term development plannings.
    1 Year 2-4 Years longer 4 Years
    Target Groups Actions / goals Actions / goals Actions / goals
    short term medium term long-term
    Backpackers ? ? ?
    Sex tourists ? ? ?
    Families with children ? ? ?
    China bus tourists ? ? ?
    Medicine tourists ? ? ?
    Pensioners/Longstayers ? ? ?
    Honeymooners ? ? ?
    Thai Tourists ? ? ?
    and more Groups
    What are the structures of each target group?
    Desires, needs, budget, length of stay, revisitation rate, share of total tourism revenue, etc.?
    Also unclear!

    Et quo vadis Thailand?
  12. Interesting how this issue: Dual price system
    is controversial and diverges.
    Another negative aspect of dual price systems is the possibility of abuse.
    For example:
    Two white Caucasian first time tourist come to a NP.
    Thais working in the tourist industry are quite good in spotting newbies.
    The two tourists pay 800 Baht and get entrance.
    For the staff is there the opportunity to put 720 baht into their own pockets and the
    two visitors were officially booked for 80 Baht as Thais.
    Maybe that could be also a reason why the official numbers of tourists are so low in the parks?

    i think this has been covered before.

    i know of one case at Khaeng Krachan where they USED to have a sign at the main office telling foreigners that they would get the "Thai" price on production of D/L or similar proof of living in Thailand. at the same time the guy on the entrance further up was insisting that foreigners pay the full amount. He clearly had the opportunity here to pocket the difference.

    BTW - you didn't have to say "white" - all Asian people may look the same to you, but Thai people can tell the difference.


    No worry, 100% all asian people look not the same for me.

    The possibility of abuse is given here.
    And the temptation is quite large for a single employee (who earns officialy a salary between 300-400 baht a day).

    10 tourists booked as thais/residents brings 3.600 Baht a day.

  13. Interesting how this issue: Dual price system

    is controversial and diverges.

    Another negative aspect of dual price systems is the possibility of abuse.

    For example:

    Two white caucasian first time tourists come to a NP.

    Thais working in the tourist industry are quite good in spotting newbies.

    The two tourists pay 800 Baht and get entrance.

    For the staff is there the opportunity to put 720 baht into their own pockets and the

    two visitors were officially booked for 80 Baht as Thais.

    Maybe that could be also a reason why the official numbers of tourists are so low in the parks?

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