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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I read recently that on a global scale 95% of deaths by terrorist attacks claim the lives of Muslims....... alt=blink.png>

    And when people point out that in the "vast majority of cases Muslims are peace loving respectful people", then I ask why the (deleted by me) do they not do something about the ones that are not peace loving and respectful....?

    Why does it take the rest of planet earth to rush around saving lives and peacekeeping all over the place ?

    Now that the UK and USA are not joining in the fight the locals are having to do it themselves. i.e. Egypt in Libya and Jordon in Syria. And about time to.

    If these insurgents in the South want to live in a Muslim state. Why do they not just head more South? they then have the choice of Malaysia and Indonesia...easy.

    Maybe because they were living in a Muslim state before the Kingdom of Siam conquered the Muslims. Since the creation of "Thailand", Muslims have had to live under the shadow of a Buddhist government that actively promotes and protects Buddhism. Furthermore, the Thai Head of State must be a Buddhist.

    This justifies place the bombs?

    To kill school teachers?

    The beheading of monks?

    • Like 2
  2. That's generally the case with most individuals who seek out and join gangs. They are unable to fend for themselves or stand on their own two feet.

    Honestly, I don't think that's true at all.

    Many of the people who join motorcycle gangs do so for the brotherhood. In theory a fully patched member of a motorcycle club knows that whatever happens his fellow club members will be there for him, no matter what. And he can trust them with his life. It's not hard to understand the appeal, is it?

    The only other place a man can find such a bond is in the military.

    Don't flame me for saying that, I'm not talking about outlaw or non outlaw gangs here, just general motorcycle gangs.

    If you want to know more, just read "Out in Bad Standings" by Edward Winterhalder. It'll give you an insight into what a motorcycle gang is supposed to be all about.

    "And he can trust them with his life."

    That's a bit pathetic

    Isn´t it?

  3. Where all the billions come from?
    Hopefully they follow the money flow back to the source!
    Many try to launder their black money with investments into mines, land, hotels, resorts and stock market operations.

    For example, buy a resort/hotel with 100-rooms for 500 Million Baht.
    In the tax declaration, all rooms are fully booked throughout the/every year.
    Then they pay taxes legally for the hotel income (but in reality there are hardly any guests).
    The result is then clean (after tax) money.

    They must follow the money flow back to the source!

    • Like 1
  4. That's today the going style by a motorbike group president?
    With an Armani T-shirt and in short school turn pants?
    That's shameless.

    Do you think that Armani T-shirt and Rolex looking wristwatch are the real deal? Or Patpong specials?

    The Aussie press article does say he launched his own designer clothing label!

    Must be Patpong night markt specials, otherwise how he can run out of funds?

    A real gold Rolex brings easy $20.000US.

  5. Has he even been found guilty yet?

    What happens if he is found not guilty?

    Today, Pol.Lt.Gen. Pongpat was sentenced to 20 years for violating the Anti-Money Laundering Act. The jail term was reduced to 10 years because of his confession. His ex-deputy Pol.Lt.Gen. Kowit and four other defendants were sentenced to five years, and the sixth, a former chief of the Marine Police Division, was sentenced to one year and six months.

  6. You must not even do anything wrong.

    Small story:

    I good foreign guy with his local thai girl bought a nice pice of land with stunning ocean views.

    They build up some houses for rent and got there water from there nice thai neighbor.

    The nice thai neightbor sold his land to an a.....e.

    First thing the new neightbor did: was to cut the water pipe.

    Shit can happen.

    The most important advice I can give to the OP;

    You must know the local VIP´s and they must be really good friends to/for you.

    Like too have a lot of memories together, best to be a family member of them.

    I do not would like to call them Mafia.

  7. ...... have visited Jomtien a few times. I've often thought about buying a small bar, like the ones you see near the beach on Jomtien,

    - Sound like this would be your first bar, so no bar experience? (You know how to handle drunken idiots every night?)
    - In Jomtien, an area you are not "familiar" with? (You know from who you will take away customers?
    Many Thais see new competition as reaching into there rice bowl!)
    - No powerful local thai friends, they could help you, just in case?
    Without good connections to local VIPs - Forget it!

    • Like 1
  8. If it looks like a pig and smells like a pig then it must be a .?

    We all knew the G to G stuff was a political scam as were,deals such as Thaksin's Shin and Burma.

    The term G2G was used in order not to reveal details of the transactions. In fact most of the time they sold the rice to local traders that were friends of the Shin clan at very low price. They covered up these transactions by claiming that they sold rice to other governments and therefor couldn't reveal figures.


    Yes and Nattawut was very busy with his transport business.

  9. Estimated construction costs for Bangkok – Pattaya: Baht (100bn)
    before servicing, maintenance and operating costs.
    Estimated fare, let say 1.000 Baht per Person
    = 100.000.000 (100 Million) necessary Passengers, only to win back the cost of construction.
    Pattaya estimated visitors per year: around 7 Million.
    Lets say the train can attract 30% of all visitors for a single journey, is then 2 Millions
    2.000.000 passengers / 360 days = 5.500 passengers a day.
    So the construction cost recovery period would then 50 yeas without interest, before servicing, maintenance and operating costs.
    Travel alternatives and market conditions:
    - from the airport you can get a taxi for 2000 Baht to Pattaya, if 2 or more travelling together, the taxi is cheaper.

    Furthermore you do not have to go to the train station and have to wait for the departure of the train.

    The time advantage of the train can already be lost here.

    - Many bus and minivan companies have fare prices between 200-500 baht.
    There are already many pick-up / start points. Mo Chit, Sai Tai, Ekamai, Victory Monoment,
    Khao San, etc. Also here the journey to the departure station can be a deciding factor.
    - Many Pattaya visitors are weekend visitors and travel with there own cars,

    usually several people together in one car, it is cheaper and much more flexible.

    Just this simple observation makes it hard for me, to see here a return on investment.

    Where did you get those numbers from? You realize that with cost of labor these things are much cheaper to build in Thailand than in the first world right?

    People were going on and on about how the Airport link would be a failure because...numbers...just like they were going on and on about Skytrain. They continue to be wrong every time.

    see Post 28



  10. Estimated construction costs for Bangkok – Pattaya: Baht (100bn)
    before service, maintenance and operating costs.
    Estimated fare, let say 1.000 Baht per Person
    = 100.000.000 (100 Million) necessary Passengers, only to win back the cost of construction.
    Pattaya estimated visitors per year: around 7 Million.
    Lets say the train can attract 30% of all visitors for a single journey, is then 2 Millions
    2.000.000 passengers / 360 days = 5.500 passengers a day.
    So the construction cost recovery period would then 50 years without interest, before servicing, maintenance and operating costs.
    Travel alternatives and market conditions:
    - from the airport you can get a taxi for 2000 Baht to Pattaya, if 2 or more travelling together, the taxi is cheaper.
    Furthermore you do not have to go to the train station and have to wait for the departure of the train.
    The time advantage of the train can already be lost here.
    - Many bus and minivan companies have fare prices between 200-500 baht.
    There are already many pick-up / start points. Mo Chit, Sai Tai, Ekamai, Victory Monoment,
    Khao San, etc. Also here the journey to the departure station can be a deciding factor.
    - Many Pattaya visitors are weekend visitors and travel with there own cars,
    usually several people together in one car, it is cheaper and much more flexible.
    Just this simple observation makes it hard for me, to see here a return on investment.
  11. PM initiates idea to build high-speed trains to Pattaya and Hua Hin.

    This will probably lead to very high costs.
    To reach a cost-recovery revenue over the lifetime span, is more than questionable.
    The ticket price would probably be compared to other, alternative transport options, too high.
    The population (Pattaya / Hua Hin) and traffic numbers are simply too small.

    First, they should better renovate and modernize the existing railway network.

    • Like 2
  12. The whole thing is a very controversial issue.

    What worries me is that this double price system is prepared to splashing into the daily life.
    To charge non residents (mostly foreigners (tourists)) 10 times more.

    Our local chicken grill woman charge for long noses more.
    She does not even ask for my resident papers.
    Now I always send my Thai family to buy chicken.

    Yes it does not break the bank to pay 10 baht more
    But is that right?
    Is that fair?

    The avoidance of dual price systems would not raise this question.
    Simple as it is.

  13. You're absurd. All foreigners are supposed to carry their passports with them at all times, and all Thais are supposed to carry their ID cards or another acceptable form of identification at all times. So there's nothing absurd about requiring them to be shown, since everyone is already supposed to be carrying an appropriate ID. Also, not every nationality would have a different fee imposed. Perhaps only 20 out of the total number of possible nationalities would have a different fee imposed, many others would just be levied the same fee i.e. Samoa, French Polynesia, Vanuatu, etc. basically only the bigger nationalities would likely have a different fee imposed, besides, what are the chances of someone from say Papua New Guinea ever visiting a national park in Thailand anyway? And why should the fees need to be "updated"? They could just be kept static until an order declares they should be changed once a year or perhaps only once every 5 years.

    Hey as I already said, Italy DID this. I didn't make it up, they DID this. So if they were able to do it, it doesn't mean Thailand or other countries couldn't. It's not rocket science either.

    At border checkpoints the officers also have a manual printed list of nationalities detailing their visa, visa-free, VOA entitlements etc. so I don't see any reason why park officials couldn't implement a similar system. And oh, in case you forgot, there are these things called computers now where at the click of a mouse you could see what someone's entitlements are, rather than having to look through a printed list, like as if we were still living in 1965 as you might still be. What did you use to write your message then, huh?

    As I've maintained before and most other people have stated, being fair and not discriminating against anyone, entitling everyone to pay the same price would be best. BUT, a system where different people are charged different amounts depending on their nationalities, while still in a way a form of discrimination would be more reasonable than the current system and as I've stated before it has precedence. It's been done before, it's nothing radical. So stop blasting this relatively simple to implement idea and learn how to use Google.

    What Italy did in the past from what i can see is no longer true. One price fits all these days.

    "One price fits all these days"

    Far from it... Children and elderly get different prices - discrimination by age you could claim. Lower prices for disabled - why should they pay any less than able bodied people - isn't that discrimination against able bodied people? How about different rates for larger groups? Why should the individuals in a group of say 10 or more, pay less per person than those individuals in a large family group of 9? And of course Thailand, like some other SE Asian countries, also chooses to charge more to non-resident tourists, who it is reasonable to assume have much more disposable income than the 70 plus percentage (approx 48 million) of Thais who are classed as living below the poverty line. So one price doesn't 'fit all' these days.

    Any dual price system should be avoided.
    I am against dual price systems, doesn´t matter where it exists.
    It brings likely more injustice then justice.
    The compensatory justice for the disadvantaged, should done via the income tax system.
    Tax allowances for poor families, poor pensioners and disabled if their income is very low indeed!
    It is about government institutions like Parks that are financed by tax levies and extremely rare on entrance fees alone.
    Government institutions should be free or with an entrance price for all the same.
    I fully support the guide line from the EU:
    As an EU national, you cannot be charged a higher price than local residents when buying products or services anywhere else in the EU, unless the price difference is justified.
    Tourist attractions sometimes charge visitors a higher price than local residents. This is unlawful discrimination and you should not accept it.
    Now a price increase from 200 Baht to 400 Baht only for foreigner (or not residents) is 100%
    The price (40 Baht) for thais (or residents) is the same!

    Why no price increase about 100% too?

    Now every not resident tourist has the double income at home???
    To pay 1000 % more than a thai local (or resident) for the same good makes nobody happy!
    Especially when a holiday country wants to attract more tourists.

    But I think all residents who earn significantly more than the normal average Thai,
    will freely pay of solidarity the tourists (non resident) price, in the sense of poetic justice.
    Or not?
  14. The priorities from thai country girls are usually as follows:

    1. take care father and mother

    2. if she have, then her own children

    3. her brothers and sisters

    4. maybe her old village thai boyfriend

    5. all other family members

    6. her friends

    7. all village neighbors

    8. all animals on the farm.

    9. the house dog

    10. then you.

    Change your living situation far away from her family and/or change girlfriend.

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