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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. It further alleged that about one-sixth of that cost, or Bt123 billion, went to politicians involved in the rice-subsidy project. Baht went to involved politicians.

    How much of the stolen money was brought back up again today from these corrupt politicians?

    Why the government wait so long to recoup his money?

    I think only a firing squad will discourage this type of behavior.

    Unbelievable there is little public outcry or or the general population "up in arms".

    Yes is crazy.

    No or only little outcry in the public.

    Is Baht

    ------------------------------- = 1.835 Baht per Thai.

    67.000.000 Thais

    Every Thai citizen has been robbed statistically for 1,835 baht.
    Wonder that the population accepts this theft so calmly.

    If the Thais could calculate, they would normally sharpen the knives

  2. He admitted that he was driving at "a very high speed," but insisted that crash took place because another car stopped in front him suddenly,....

    He brings not only himself, but other innocent people in danger.

    Driving License revocation for at least 2 years.

    At least 100 duty hours in an emergency hospital or in an ambulance.
    Give him time to collect brain residues and torn legs and arms from the streets,
    so he can learn what reckless driving means.

    Renewed driving license exam only with IQ test.
    Maximum fine.

    Hopefully the other driver sued him for psychological damages to millions.

  3. It further alleged that about one-sixth of that cost, or Bt123 billion, went to politicians involved in the rice-subsidy project. Baht went to involved politicians.

    How much of the stolen money was brought back up again today from these corrupt politicians?

    Why the government wait so long to recoup his money?

  4. Once again she shown dignity and grace and she has really rattled you yellow junta dem supporters and mainly because not only because she a Shinawatra but a woman.

    Really have a look at jamie he claimed she is a convicted criminal I have asked him time after time to list her convictions past and present yet he can't and yet now seeks the attention of the mods to try and get posts removed that he doesn't agree with.

    Well the underlying truth is that the people elected the PTP and Yingluck and her party and no matter which way you slice they are the government elected by the people and people supporting this sham should be ashamed.

    We have a winner for the Biggest Load Of Shit Post Award !! Your Crap will be sent in the mail, enjoy it. Lol

    He forgot to mention that the earth is flat and is located in the center of the solar system.

    • Like 1
  5. No matter what kind of electoral system exists, the basic requirement is that only honest people are selectable,
    which are willing to have a full scrutiny about their past and their finances including a public review of the origin of assets with
    matching tax declarations before they come on election lists.

    No criminals and/or corrupt people on electoral lists!
    No criminals and/or corrupt people in government, parliament or as a civil servant!
    Excluded are all persons from Parliament and from electoral lists which
    a have criminal records.
    b running free on bail.
    c were already banned from parliament in the past.
    d against are corruption or crime cases opened.

    Important is, to make it impossible for all criminals and corrupt people to have access to public offices or public money.
  6. You can not teach monkeys to drive a car.
    So an IQ Test should be mandatory.
    Thailand must try to take all this crazy, lunatic drivers of from the streets.
    It is like to give a 3-year-old a gun with life ammunition to play.
    Do not get me wrong, there a many good drivers here,
    but they must filter out the brain dead idiots.
    In fact, not everybody is able to drive a car save.

  7. Anyone knows that parking your car on a highway is risking your life. Since this water truck was hardly moving, it is akin to parking your car on the middle of the highway. Slow moving vehicles obviously should not be on a highway. You can blame the driver of the van for speeding, but in this case it's clear what caused the accident, the water truck!

    I used to work for the police in the UK and took a police driving test there. One of the first things the examiner told me after the test was that if you cannot stop safely and without changing lanes then you are driving too fast for the road conditions.

    Correct driving speed: one must always be able to stop within half the sight distance.

    The Minivan driver has not adhered to this principle and is clearly driven too fast.

    It does not matter what type of barrier appears on the road.

    In this case it could have be also the last car, staying in a traffic jam queue.

    Who crash into a car from behind, is the culprit.

    To maintain the correct safety distance and traffic conditions adapted speed,

    many drivers simply have not learned it here!

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