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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. Seems that they are not going to be freed today after all.


    So how are some of your (well worn) predictions looking now?

    They are freed on bail since 2,5 month!


    However, it came to light that the youth confessed Ittison Tanprasert, head of a local youth gang up on Samui, has been two and a half months can roam freely on the island. His family made on August 21, a security deposit for the release and deposited as collateral country papers. The other accused accomplices are, according to the court for many weeks no longer in custody.


  2. So inflexible.
    Why they let not buy the students a lesson bundle per year.
    For example: 52 weeks x 10 hours = 520 hours per year.
    If a student wants to study more intensively he can do that.
    Besides, the student could have a schoolbook and the school will stamp or confirms the visited hours.
    Besides, the students can then travel inside the country (and spend money!!!), so as better to learn and practise the language.

    Sometimes I have the feeling this whole visa changes scare people away from visit Thailand!

    • Like 2
  3. didnt they have a taxi driver "witness" but he was an honest man and wouldn't play ball

    Here is the story:

    http://www.prachatai.com/english/node/4373 wai2.gifwai.gif

    THE NATIONAL Human Rights Commission will discuss next week what action should be taken after police again failed to answer a summons related to the much-publicised murders on Koh Tao.
    Despite the summons, police failed to come before an NHRC subcommittee last week and also yesterday.
    His subcommittee is looking into an allegation that two suspects, both Myanmar nationals, were tortured into confessing to the killing of two British tourists on Koh Tao.

    If the confessions as evidence disappear, the whole case is on thin ice.
    The actual course of events in the night of murder seems totally unclear without witnesses.

    It then remains only circumstantial. And this evidence there en masse and are very contradictory been disseminated in the press.

    Hopefully the real killers are caught and punished.
  4. If we had not realised it before, this is much bigger than just protecting his friend,the headman!!

    Supplying drugs to the 3 islands is a billion baht franchise, which the BIB under no circumstances will allow to be interrupted!!

    Day before yesterday, our friend here bought shares on SET for 360 million baht (in his wifes name) in a company called WAT.

    I read in BP 04.10.2014 that:

    National police chief Somyot Pumpanmuang has 246.4 million baht in assets and his wife has 128.2 million baht in assets. With the couple's liabilities of 18.8 million baht, their net worth is 355.8 million.
    His assets include a number of watches, rings and firearms as well as 12 famous Buddha amulets worth 25 million
    Did he sell all his rings, watches and Buddha amulets for the SET trade?

    Please can you post a link to the source?

    • Like 2
  5. http://www.amnesty.org/en/news/thailand-must-investigate-police-torture-allegations-and-not-violate-rights-tourist-murder-prob

    I must read this:

    Following the arrest of two Myanmar nationals for the murders of Hannah Witheridge and David Miller last month, a lawyer on the Myanmar Embassy’s legal team, who met the two, said that one of the men alleged police beat and threatened him with electrocution.

  6. I really do hope that Sean has told everything he knows to someone in the media. His run-in with the bar manager and frantic Facebook posts really were the catalyst for all the conspiracy theories. Imagine if we'd never heard from Sean. I wonder whether this case would have be wound up much sooner?

    Sean, why did you say the bar owner committed the crime?

    Sean, what did you mean when you said the bar manager was the 'leader'?

    Sean, you said that you were only guessing when you posted that David died defending Hannah. Yet you never said that you were only guessing when you named the murderer.

    Sean, you made these explosive claims to the world.

    What do you really know, Sean?

    Tell the world now!

    He's probably already sold his soul to the devil and his 'friends' plus these 2 poor Burmese kids down the river for i guess somewhere around £10k

    Will just have to wait for the documentary...

    Im afraid this is my suspicion too, threatening him was a failure so maybe a compensatory package worked??

    Speculation but, he has been quiet and that is not a good thing...

    Possible with #121 Dogmatix
    Would also fit with the McAnna story, the types of cuts, motorcycle wounds usually look different.

    He worked for a long time in the ACbar and knows the people.

    Maybe he was trying to calm down the rejected man on the beach.
    He got also some cuts and then ran bleeding away with his guitar.
    The traces of blood on his guitar, with a gradient from top to bottom are shown on the photo.

    Fits also, that he has seen washing his blood off that night.

    He has heard next morning that both are death.
    Would explain his FB statement that David defended Hannah.
    In the ACbar then, he met the two thai men, which probably made it clear that they will testify that

    he was also there and involved. Two powerful thai men testify against one foreigner.

    Then he fear for his life, send his statements and has left the island and then Thailand as soon as possible.
  7. what effects tourism ?

    First the article in the OP is complete nonsense and is a fine example of people in Thailand that don't have a clue thinking they do, tourists have absolutely no interest in what figures Thailand published about numbers - here is what matters

    - Safety

    - Value for money

    - exchange rate

    - double pricing

    - greed

    - over pricing

    - Infrastructure

    - cleanliness

    - environment

    - corruption

    - Mafia in tourist areas abusing tourists - scams

    The short term decline could probably be mostly attributed to the state of finances in other countries.

    Any long term decline trend is attributable to the list above

    As I have said many times before the Thai people have been making large sums from tourism for years but instead of using 10 - 20 - 30% of that and putting it back in to improve all of the above they can't get it into their pockets fast enough - pure greed without forward thinking

    Private sector has been building world class hotels and other accommodation but unfortunately once you step out into the city you are met with stench pollution filth danger corruption scams and abuse which they have done nothing to improve for years

    They need to get their heads out of their greedy asses and see it for what it is

    Paying the same price for a bottle of beer in tourist areas as people do back home is quite simply ridiculous - they have priced themselves out of business, a fine example would be waking street in Pattaya - price fixing exists and if you step out of the box you will be removed - a beer is 35baht in a 7/11 it should never be anywhere near 280baht no matter where your business operates

    That sums up the whole very good.
    Thailand was an exotic holiday destination with all its natural palm-fringed beaches.
    With the beautiful wide-set romantic beach huts.
    Calm, relaxing, with nice locals, healthy food and at good prices.
    At the beach, the palm trees are gone.
    Everywhere are now long rows of town houses made of concrete.
    The beaches are dirty, it stinks of garbage in the heat.
    It is loud, the locals are often rude and the food is bland.
    The prices are high for normal earners.
    The beaches are more and more dominated by the hotel chains.
    Many resorts are walled with 2 meter high concrete walls.
    The range of luxury accommodation is rising, but is not enough demand.
    It lacks a reasonable target group analysis and in a long-term development planning.
    • Like 2
  8. Word on the soi: he was having a drink in the early hours with a lady at or near Bar 4. Her boyfriend took exception. Backed with 3 buddies the fight began and continued at Nana Hotel. It was 4 on 1. One man is dead and Bar 4 is closed for a week.

    You've missed out the bit about him refusing to pay his bill which is apparently what started it. It ended when he received some assistance to fall from the 5th floor. Those who killed him are known in the area to the locals.

    After 48 hours, there is still no official statement from the investigating authorities?

    Not really a big news story, not sure what you were expecting. Not even sure this would classify as news in many places ... guy acting strangely and aggressively in one of the seediest areas of a country getting into a scuffle and dying, likely by offing himself. Beyond finding out who had earlier got into a scuffle with, not sure what more there is to report beyond autopsy results and toxicological reports which will take weeks if not months to be available and again not sure this rates as that newsworthy to be followed up on unless they find some mystery poison in him and turned out he was some kind of spy or foreign agent.

    Not really a big news story, not sure what you were expecting.

    I expecting the truth of what happened.

  9. Word on the soi: he was having a drink in the early hours with a lady at or near Bar 4. Her boyfriend took exception. Backed with 3 buddies the fight began and continued at Nana Hotel. It was 4 on 1. One man is dead and Bar 4 is closed for a week.

    You've missed out the bit about him refusing to pay his bill which is apparently what started it. It ended when he received some assistance to fall from the 5th floor. Those who killed him are known in the area to the locals.

    After 48 hours, there is still no official statement from the investigating authorities?

  10. According to another source, Prayuth: Knowing everyone behind attacks.
    The coup leader said he had the names of the supporters and financiers

    of the violent attacks in 2010 and in 2013 and this year, and he urged them to report to authorities.

    “You would be shocked and surprised if I revealed the names”.
    If so, why the public did not know the names?

    Why should they be named before they are arrested and charged ?

    Then let's hope that soon arrests are reported and the backers can not flee abroad.
    The masterminds are warned now.
    • Like 1
  11. I think the residents are concerned about their environment and the consequences of the mining industry.

    And they have every right to be concerned. I am not disagreeing with that.

    I am disagreeing with your statement that there is a conflict of interest. The minister no longer holds shares in Akkara mining. He is not "privately involved" with them.

    Conflict of interest with a question mark, please!

    So you're not trying to say there was a conflict of interest because he used to own shares?

    That he was an influential person in finance and in the mining industry until some days before, is undisputed.
    Now villagers demand the NACC to examine the independence.
    That there are exist relationships of the past is undisputed without naivety.
    Conflict of interest? (That is a question)

    Who knows what is previously expired there in the villages from mining.

    So i like that the NACC check this.

    Sounds cool.

  12. I think the residents are concerned about their environment and the consequences of the mining industry.

    And they have every right to be concerned. I am not disagreeing with that.

    I am disagreeing with your statement that there is a conflict of interest. The minister no longer holds shares in Akkara mining. He is not "privately involved" with them.

    Conflict of interest with a question mark, please!

  13. He sold his shares recently, as it is in the article.

    Is it good if the NACC checking this.

    An assets and wealth check should be obligatory upon every high official and politician.

    He most likely sold his shares when he became minister. As such he would no longer be "privately involved" with the company. Therefore, (back to your original comment) there would be no "conflict of interest".

    "used to be"

    Or you think the Villagers do a PR stunt?

  14. Perhaps the Minister of Industry gives the mining rights exclusive to companies at which he is privately involved?

    Which companies is he currently "privately involved"?

    Minister Chakkramont used to be a shareholder in the Akkara mining company or Akkara Resources gold-mining company.

    If you are Interested:


    "used to be", so in other words, "not currently".

    He sold his shares recently, as it is in the article.

    Is it good if the NACC checking this.

    An assets and wealth check should be obligatory upon every high official and politician.

  15. Perhaps the Minister of Industry gives the mining rights exclusive to companies at which he is privately involved?

    Which companies is he currently "privately involved"?

    Minister Chakkramont used to be a shareholder in the Akkara mining company or Akkara Resources gold-mining company.

    If you are Interested:


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