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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. Maybe they could designate the brand name and model.
    Would like to know what is so special about this 89 new microphones, beside the price of
    145,000 baht (4.500 US$) per piece.

    Matichon highlight the purchase and model number in blue.



    Guess it is the same model for about 1.700 US$

    + 90% import tax around 3500 US$

    Better if they have a public tender with three comparative offers.

    They could save money.

  2. Maybe they could designate the brand name and model.
    Would like to know what is so special about this 89 new microphones, beside the price of
    145,000 baht (4.500 US$) per piece.

    Matichon highlight the purchase and model number in blue.



    Guess it is the same model for about 1.700 US$

  3. I am still amazed what kind of view from responsibility some have here.
    To be the chairwoman of the NRC is the same as the captain's seat on a 747 Jumbo.
    The captain (YL) presents its flight path (the rice scheme).
    The weather experts say it is madness ever fly away, it will be impossible to achieve the goal.
    (There were countless warnings from subsidies experts that this rice scheme will never work.)
    The captain is insecure and has little experience.
    Then the CEO (Thaksin) of the flight company (PT) sends his co-pilots friends (PT-Ministers).

    Order: The flight must be conducted (they need the votes).
    The Fuel Tank officer (internal administrative officers) on the ground informed, that the fuel (money) will last for only half the distance.
    The chief mechanic (international subsidies experts) on the ground informed, that there is a hole in the fuel line (Corruption),
    and he expected that 30%-40% fuel (money) will leaking out.
    So the Jumbo starts.
    After the first quarter of the flight, the fuel gauges (BACC: no money) are already on reserve.
    The air traffic controllers (press, opposition in parliament) offer an emergency destination to bring down this madness flight.
    The captain ignored all warnings.
    The engines go out. Some passengers in their panic jump overboard (Farmers who killed themselves).
    The Jumbo crashes and the wreckage is widely scattered (rotten rice in the warehouses).
    The damage is incredible, lost the aircraft (700 Billions) and all passengers dead (rice industrie).
    The owners of the airline (the public) have to bear the loss.
    Miraculously, only the pilots survived.
    The pilots are now in court and refuse to testify.
    So what was it?
    - negligence?
    - malfeasance?
    - irresponsibly
    - supervision violation?
    If the defenders (lawyers) then say, the captain does not know how to fly an airplane,
    then I would suggest prison.
    • Like 2
  4. Good luck.
    Maybe they could also set up a website as like in India.


    Only to create awareness.

    China has its corruption problem easily solved with beheadings.

    Until to date corrupt officials and politicians in thailand have nothing to fear.
    The penalties, if it ever comes to a conviction, are a joke.
    Free on bail, appeal, counter-claim, sentence reduction, transfer to an inactive post and then case closed.
    Don Quixote's fight against the windmills was much more easy.

    • Like 2
  5. A major problem is that the NACC has little investigation power.
    They need to beg for every little piece of paper.
    Quite in contrast to some European tax investigation authorities,
    like Guardia di Finanza in Italy or the Steuerfahndung in germany.
    If there is sufficient suspicion and it is necessary, then they come with 200 or more specialists
    (accounting professionals, computer specialists, tax officers, interrogation psychologists) for a visit.
    All phones and computer lines of the suspects are blocked before.
    If someone does not cooperate, then they sent them immediately in Detention, so they can not warn other culprits.
    This kind of tax police brings the state more money than it costs.
    Guess in Thailand they would start in the Ministry of Finance.
    Full systematically, first the review of all money transfers over 100 Million Baht.
    Who signed the payment, which bank has received the money, for what and who are the account holders.
    Certainly they could identify a plot, a cluster or some persons with names.
    This is hard work but not rocket science.
  6. The Chinese firm paid Bt300 per sack of rice, rather than market price of Bt1,500-Bt1,555.
    Taking this into account, the men in question would make a profit of Bt20 billion.

    Mr Somkid Oensupa, Mr Ratthanit Sojirakul and Mr Lit Pojai to arrange for the rice to be taken out of the warehouses supposedly to be shipped out to the two buyers in China but, actually, the rice shipments were locally distributed and were never exported.

    One involved the Bt500-million cashier's cheque issued by Somkid Ruansupa, who lives in a two-storey house in Bang Khae.

    Further investigation showed that Nimon, Ruangwan and Somkid co-owned a Kasikornbank savings account No 001-0-03796-9. Bank records show money being transferred to this account in the morning and being withdrawn in the afternoon.

    What a heist

    • Like 2
  7. That is a very nice development.
    I hope there are more books published with interesting facts.

    published to date:
    Epic Corruption in the Rice Scheme: Dissecting Every Step of the Rice-Pledging Scheme
    next book:
    Thai Khemkhaeng projects, corruption allegations in the construction of 396 police stations and their rice-subsidy scheme.
    next book;
    How Central World burned down, the masterminds in the back
    next book:
    The true background on organization for the airport occupation
    next book:
    Factual report: How the money was actually used for flood management
    next book:
    The invisible elites behind the financing of political parties
    next book:
    The Top 100 of the corrupt rulers, their real wealth and their secret accounts.

    It's good that people know, what kind of greedy, ruthless and selfish politician types
    running still free around in this country.
  8. Dual-pricing is scaring tourists away.
    Maybe not the first-time visitors, but on the internet and among friends itself speaks around.
    - Lumpini Thai boxing: +1000 Baht
    - King Palace: +500 Baht
    - Wat Pho: +100 Baht
    - Siam Ocean: +500 Baht
    - Cable Car at Phra Nakhon: +150 Baht
    - Lanta Marine National Park: +360 Baht
    - Summer Palace Ayutthaya: + 70 Baht
    - Museum Siam Bangkok: + 200 Baht
    - National Parks: + 100 – 300 Baht
    - Massage Parlours: + 500 – 1000 Baht surcharge
    - restaurants with two price lists
    - and everyone else who try to rip you off here.
    + scams
    + crime
    + political instability
    + travel safety
    + rip off culture
    So the negative image effect will in long-term harm the tourism.
    I'm pretty sure that many tourists, instead of making a second visit, opt for another destination!

    I have never experienced a restaurant here with two price lists ?

    Where do you find them ?

    Here on the islands (Koh Samui, Koh Phangan, Koh Tao) there are many small restaurants with two menus.

    One in Thai and one in English.

    The prices on it are not the same!
  9. Dual-pricing is scaring tourists away.


    Maybe not the first-time visitors, but on the internet and among friends itself speaks around.

    - Lumpini Thai boxing: +1000 Baht

    - King Palace: +500 Baht

    - Wat Pho: +100 Baht

    - Siam Ocean: +500 Baht

    - Cable Car at Phra Nakhon: +150 Baht

    - Lanta Marine National Park: +360 Baht

    - Summer Palace Ayutthaya: + 70 Baht

    - Museum Siam Bangkok: + 200 Baht

    - National Parks: + 100 – 300 Baht

    - Massage Parlours: + 500 – 1000 Baht surcharge

    - restaurants with two price lists

    - and everyone else who try to rip you off here.

    + scams

    + crime

    + political instability

    + travel safety

    + rip off culture

    So the negative image effect will in long-term harm the tourism.

    I'm pretty sure that many tourists, instead of making a second visit, opt for another destination!

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