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Posts posted by tomacht8

  1. 19 minutes ago, Stargrazer9889 said:

    With Trump the policy is really, Trump first, his family and friends second and third then

    America and the rest.

    but actually, Trump does not have any friends, or more precisely only temporary friends.
    If the friends are devoted, serve him well, then he likes to use them.
    If his "friends" are no longer of use or criticize him, they automatically become his enemies.
    This may be good for a while in his private, construction business world, but saddling as POTUS with this mentality on independent states, where friendships exists over 50-60 years of history, is deadly. <

    On international stage, nobody takes Trump seriously anymore.
    The only thing that remains is the military power and the economic power as potential threat, which he did not create himself, but uses only for himself.

  2. 9 hours ago, Estrada said:

    FACT: There is NO Trade Deficit against the United States, the US does not take into account all those huge US companies who manufacture overseas and only send their profits back to the the US, if forced to do so. For instance, if US companies manufactured all their products such as Apple, Nike etc, in the US, then perhaps a Trillions more Dollars would be added to the US Export figures. However, companies manufacturing overseas only return profits but add to the US Import bill 100% of the wholesale or intercompany price.

    In the United States, the Bureau of Economic Analysis measures and defines the trade deficit. It defines U.S. imports as goods and services produced in a foreign country and bought by U.S. residents. It includes all goods shipped to the United States, even if produced by an American-owned company. If a product crosses U.S. Customs and is intended to be sold in America, it is an import. This is unfair as illustrated by the Trump's manufacturing Trump products in China using low cost labour and materials and then shipping them back to the US. for Instance Trump's "Make America Great Again" red caps and ties, Ivanka's products. Apple were able to takeover the world mobile phone market from Nokia by Manufacturing in China. This is what Trump calls "Fair Trade"


    In addition, digital commerce is not valued or taken into account accordingly.
    Here has the EU a huge trade deficit with the US.


     According to BEA

    (Bureau of Economic Analysis )

    2014, US branch office sales in the EU alone amounted to approximately $ 157.7 billion in information services. In the same year, EU branches in the US sold only $ 55.3 billion in information services, creating a theoretical EU deficit of $ 102.4 billion. According to Eurostat, the EU even had a deficit of US $ 152.8 billion towards the US in information and communication services provided through foreign branches.


    The whole is a quite complicated matter with many detection and demarcation problems.
    Whether Trump can understand the digital trade problem at all? I have my doubts.

  3. 13 hours ago, InfinityandBeyond said:

    Love all the Dr. Evil suits. 

    It's the new "La Tyrannie" Spring '18 Collection. 

    Are the assortment of bright jelly bean colours meant to trick the population into believing that this mob has their best-interests at heart? 


    Is this one of the dangerous Sleeper cells you hear so often?

  4. 14 hours ago, nahkit said:

    Quite a story if anyone has been following it.


    The first wife of Banyin also died in a similar car accident. The stockbroker who is accused of forging the transfer documents claimed to be the mistress of  Chuwong and said he gave her the shares because she was carrying his child. She said she knew Banyin but wasn't close to him.

    DNA testing done after the birth of her child showed Banyin to be the father (according to The Nation), guess she was a lot closer to him after all.


    Has all the makings of a good soap opera.

    I can remember the story, with the alleged crash test that should be done there, how someone could die in a crash against a tree at 20 km / h, but that must have been years ago. The snail's pace of justice is considerable in some cases. Now he flys on bail.

  5. 37 minutes ago, moontang said:

    the Canadians have been taxing dairy from the US at 270%...guess the MMS missed that, and they must have missed the interview with Abe, who stated US/Japan relations are stronger than ever, and Trump is doing a great job.  Meanwhile, the bitter European   hypocrites don't have a leg to stand on.  Taxing Jack Daniels?  as if they haven't been taxing it to death?  Will on!y hurt their own.

    Guess you're wrong. A trade war will hurt everyone.

    • Like 1
  6. 1 hour ago, buick said:

    i think one of the easiest tariff's to understand is a tariff on german cars imported to the US.  they are luxury vehicles, the price increase is not going to hurt the consumer (such consumer is likely wealthy).  and i question whether it would even reduce the volume of sales of german cars in the US.  so it will not hit the bottom line for the german car makers.  they just pass the cost right on to the US (wealthy) consumer.


    there is a large trade deficit on autos btwn the two countries.  increasing the tariff would be a way to reduce that.  why would germany reject this ?  i don't think it is outrageous for the US to ask for the trade deficit to be reduced. 




    In discussions, the US was offered to lower the EU tariffs for cars if the US would do the same on trucks. The US did not want that.


    In return, the euro states should introduce the taxation of US Internet giants in the EU by turnover. This is to prevent the prevailing practice that companies such as Google, Amazon or Facebook to reduce their profits in Europe or move to low-tax countries.


    or the group Apple makes huge profits in the EU. But only paid 0.18% tax on his profits in 2016.

    Make trade fairer, ok. But not as a one-way street for a selfish US bully.


    and finally.
    Trump has asked exactly this question.
    Bully trump did not know that tariffs are EU tariffs, and Germany can not alone decide about it.

    Inability, ignorance and rude behavior unfortunately characterize the current potus.

    • Like 1
  7. 1 hour ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

    Ha *****g ha ...... please explain how Britain benefits greatly from EU funding when Britain is a net contributor


    Is it because we are so well advised by EU bureaucrat's as to how to spend the 50% of our contribution that we get back in subsidies .... yer 'aving a larf, 'aint ya

    do you really think the uk politicians and uk economists were stupid over 40 years and have not seen any benefits as a net contributor? 


    Look at the evolution of statistical per capita income over 40 years. however, the distribution within the UK is bad. look at the gini coeficents. But the EU can not do anything about how the wealth is distributed within the UK.


    In addition, the uk bureaucrats have been sitting in all EU committees for over 40 years, determining where the money ends up like.


    the results of the EU to this day are also the results of the

    participation of the UK!

    • Thanks 1
  8. Sometimes it is sad to read how less some few critics know about the eu in detail. 


    Britain benefits greatly from EU funding.
    Although the United Kingdom spends more on the EU budget on paper than it gets, the country benefits greatly from the grant money from Brussels. In the years 2007 to 2013, Great Britain received more than seven billion euros for research and innovation programs. Two only small examples, which are likely to determine the daily life of tens of thousands: The British creative industries, especially filmmakers and a total of 52 cinemas, have been funded in the past two years with 40 million euros. And then there is the Erasmus Plus program, which in 2014 supported more than 36 000 British students in their EU stays abroad.

    5.2 billion euros are already earmarked for 2020 for British agriculture and rural development and 4.9 billion euros for social projects. In addition, there are 206 million euros for initiatives against youth unemployment. Not to mention the almost six billion euros of the regional development fund, which primarily supports research and innovation.


    At the end, populists can talk shit about every project. But innovative, constructive suggestions are not there. Sad.

  9. 10 minutes ago, Eloquent pilgrim said:

     "When the uk becomes a third state" ..... sorry, I don't understand this, when the UK becomes a third state of where or what ?

    Would you be kind enough to explain ..... thanks 

    How u call a not eu member state?

    Third-country nationals (formerly partly also third-country l, spanisch nacional de tercer país, italienisch cittadino di un paese terzo, französisch ressortissant de pays tiers, niederländisch onderdaan van een derde land) is a legal term from the asylum and immigration law of the European Union. It is essentially used to designate those nationals who are excluded from the right to freedom of movement under European law.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 39 minutes ago, evadgib said:

    Nice data.

    Development from 2015 to 2016.

    Any idea how high the share of EU funding for research and development in digital and high tech projects within the UK was?

  11. 12 minutes ago, phetpeter said:

    The only problem is the time its taking to leave, Just shut the door, tell them to whistle for the cash, and tell the buggers leave and you wont be let back if you don't have a tax paying job or are sponging with free housing and dole money. 18 months later new deals will be in place, and UK will be happy again, You really think EU countries won't work with the UK, or except out workers and holiday makers? Refuse to do business? Not a chance, in fact the only reason its dragging on is the EU is scared other members will start to leave, if they don't make it seem differcult to leave.

    absolutely right. only the rules of cooperation will change accordingly. That's what it's all about. When the uk becomes a third state, the rules of cooperation will have to be renegotiated. That this usually lasts longer has already got around among most of the brexiteers.

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