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Jai Dee

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Everything posted by Jai Dee

  1. I would recommend the MINIX NEO A2 Lite Wireless AirMouse. I have had one for the past 4 years now and it has been used with about 4 different Android boxes... very reliable. It also uses a USB connection.
  2. There are plenty of alternatives to Torrent Galaxy. Have a look at Ninja Unblocked for example.
  3. Several reported off-topic and argumentative posts have been removed.
  4. Two unhelpful troll posts have been removed. Give the OP a break please... he/she is obviously a newbie to Pattaya (by mentioning those two places) and seems to be seeking genuine advice from the forum.
  5. Have you had a look at this pinned topic in this forum?
  6. Excellent news!
  7. A post containing a personal attack on another member has been removed. Further flaming will result in a revocation of posting rights. Be warned and take heed please.
  8. Several off-topic posts have been removed.
  9. If you don't want to go the internet streaming route you can try an inexpensive terrestrial digital TV service first. It just needs a small aerial pointed at the nearest tower. https://www.lazada.co.th/thaisat-td-9e-ninety9watch-i227199041-s347388182.html
  10. What version of Kodi are you running @1948wjm? If you are running 18.x which used Python 2 then that may be the problem. Kodi 19 uses Python 3 and if your addons are configured to auto-update then this may have caused the problem. There is a topic about IPTVAU and IPTVMERGE in the Kodi Support Forum with input from Matt Huisman (the author of the addon/repo) here. Matt has recently rewritten parts of his addon/repo and you can download the latest version here: https://r.aussieaddons.com/repo-1.2.0.zip
  11. Do you mean the IPTV AU addon for Kodi (being a free IPTV addon from the SlyGuy Repository for watching Australian channels)?
  12. Your TX6 can certainly do the job and as soon as you get used to it you will love it! I too had a WDTV box many years ago, and migrated to an Android box when it died... I never looked back! Just try to follow Bruno123's suggestions of clicking on your Settings 'cog' and go by the icons shown in the video he posted... hopefully you will get it set to English by yourself.
  13. The Tanix TX6 android box seems to come with good reviews and will certainly out-perform your old WDTV box. Although it comes with HDMI 2.0 support your Yamaha receiver only supports HDMI 1.4 so do not waste unnecessary cash on upgrading your HDMI cables. As suggested by Bruno123 you can use either the Kodi app, or the VLC Player app, or the MX Player app to play your media files with subtitles. All of these apps will play your media files... you just need to decide for yourself which one you prefer to use. To change the setup language to English would not be a difficult task for a native Thai speaker... it is very similar to changing the setup language on a TV. Do you know any Thai people that could help you with that? Alternatively if you took the box with it's power adapter into somewhere like Tukcom and ask one of the Android box vendors there (and offer them 100 baht), they could change it for you in less than a minute. /Edit - the specs on your TV indicate that it is a Full HD model (1080p) so don't waste your time trying to download and play 4K content (even though your TX6 Android box can play it).
  14. An off-topic troll meme and several replies have been removed.
  15. A troll post and a reply have been removed.
  16. A couple of argumentative troll posts and replies have been removed.
  17. That looks like something my niece would enjoy. I can only find 720p versions... is it available in 1080p?
  18. I think that would be your best option... a return/refund on the basis of the box being limited in function and incompatible with current apps/software. You could call it an "expired item" or it is "defective" from Lazada's valid return reasons: For a new box I would recommend the MECOOL KM6... or if you can afford it the UGOOS AM6B Plus.
  19. It would seem that there are issues with this particular box and they are not limited to Kodi. YouTube videos and the HBO Max app also freeze for some users. It appears to be ROM related. See here.
  20. I'm guessing that it might not. @topt Try side loading Kodi 18 Leia and see if that works. You can download previous Android version of Kodi here.
  21. A couple of unhelpful troll posts and replies have been removed.
  22. Moved to the Pub. /Moved.
  23. Several off-topic and argumentative posts have been removed.
  24. Several reported troll posts and replies have been removed.
  25. DVB (Digital Video Broadcast) subtitling was introduced in the mid-1990s as a means of standardising the transmission and display of multiple languages subtitling on TV signals. Sending subtitles as bitmap images overcame a number of problems with character sets and fonts, especially for complex and pictographic languages (like Thai). In Scandinavia back in the early 2000's HD channels had DVB subtitles and SD channels had Teletext subtitles. In the data stream DVBSubtitles and/or Teletext were automatically detected in the DVB Data stream and streamed into the network, however these days teletext subtitles is so "oldschool" that there is not much current demand. The current and best method of displaying subtitles within Kodi is to use a subtitle addon instead and get real subtitles on demand. OpenSubtitles or Subscene are 2 of the more popular subtitle addons. These can either be streamed or downloaded as a SRT file or SubRip Subtitle file. It is important to note that the .srt file must have the same filename as the media file and reside in the same directory for it to work with Kodi... for example the following list of English language subtitle files for the movie Prey (2022): All of the above .srt files need to be paired with similarly named .mkv files (or .mp4) in order to work.
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