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Everything posted by LALes

  1. Which bank gave you 5 mil? Was that with a foreign ATM card?
  2. Whatever you do, stay out of Jomtien in high season. The baht Bus is a nightmare for 3 months or more.
  3. Last I remember, you could only take out 2 million dong from an ATM. That still the case?
  4. American Express card was quite useless in Danang. OK at a few restaurants but no hotel would take it and no bank wants to deal with it, either. Visa is much better. I always take a combo of dollars and baht so I am ready for any situation. Gold shops are best for exchange.
  5. Hallelujah! A little common sense prevails for a change. The last thing this country needed.
  6. I'm reminded of Allen Dulles, the ex-CIA chief, heading up the Warren Commission investigation into JFK's murder. Fox guarding the henhouse.
  7. Look, I'm no expert but it doesn't take an expert to realize that all our falang problems don't amount to a hill of beans in this crazy mixed up country. Maybe not today and maybe not tomorrow but soon, and for the rest of your lives you'll have to deal with this Chinese triad problem. Will we always have Bangkok? Only if brave men like Chuvit stand up and be counted.
  8. It is precisely the lack of law enforcement why I am against the 4am closing. It has nothing to do with drunks on the road and everything to do with drunks in the neighborhood keeping everyone awake with their obnoxious howling and lack of concern for anyone but themselves. The proposed 4am law limited to "entertainment districts" is all right in theory but will never be enforced by Thai authorities. Every 2-bit neighborhood bar will be riding the coattails of the big clubs and residents will have no recourse.
  9. He's an idiot, for sure, but I'll take everyone in power who will try and stop this 4 am nonsense.
  10. Make sure to bring all bankbooks for the year in question with you to Immigration so they can see if you went below the 800K threshold. Also, get bank letters from both accounts if they are both pertinent. I just renewed with 2 letters and 3 bankbooks since I needed a new bankbook on one of the accounts. No problem at all as long as you know the drill.
  11. He's got to be kidding. Smoking weed may lead to traffic accidrnts? There is no proof of that. What there is proof of is that drinking causes traffic accidents. How come he's not trying to close down "drinking rooms"?
  12. Thankfully, a moment of sanity by the govt. refusing to bow to the alcoholic lobby.
  13. Every week we get this push for 4 am closing. The alcohol lobby cares not one wit about the people. Just keep pushing for more and more profits and who cares about the people who live in the neighborhood.
  14. Didn't mean to offend the good people of Siem Reap. Haven't been there for 20 years so its good to know they have a handle on things. I just assumed (wrongly) that things usually go downhill. Sorry. Comment was more directed at Pnom Penh.
  15. I wholeheartedly agree with your proposal. Unfortunately, we long time Thailand expats know all too well about the enforcement problem. I'm sorry, but it seems like the only answer to this 4 am deal is to kill it.
  16. Can we just stop this nonsense once and for all? If you can't get in your boozing before 2 am, move to Cambodia or some other s#$thole that allows alcs to run the country.
  17. At least it wasn't those dirty falangs causing this ruckus this time.
  18. Alcoholic losers trying to make public policy. What a disaster.
  19. Putin at Impact Arena. Tickets on sale now. Getting the old band back together.
  20. Way more American males avoided the draft during the Vietnam War than Russians avoiding the Ukraine War. Some went to Canada, some went to Sweden and the more fortunate, like myself, stayed in University for 4 or more years. America learned an important lesson from the Vitnam War...never use a draft to fight an unpopular war. Just impoverish the lower class and have them enlist when there are are no other job options.
  21. You've got your work cut out for you trying to get a baht bus up Theprasit. Rare, indeed.
  22. I'd like to see the Vegas odds. Much more accurate than some local clown spouting off.
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