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Everything posted by LALes

  1. Central/Robinson's Department Stores have all the major Thai brands in men's shirts. In BKK, go to the old Tokyu Department Store adjacent to MBK for better deals on closeouts from said brands. 3rd floor.
  2. I had enough of slob roomates in my 20s and determined to live alone after that. Never married either. Had a few regular girlfriends here and there but they also had their own places. I've been able to avoid serious drama in my life and have traveled the world solo. I have friends in Thailand I meet for dinners to get in the necessary social interaction but I consider myself a loner at heart and wouldn't have it any other way.
  3. Met a Filipina nurse in the elevator of Chungking Mansions back in 2000. We carried on a torrid affair on and off for two years, whenever I would come thru HK on my way to or from BKK. Although the handover was in 1997, HK retained a lot of its vibrancy for a few years. By 2001, though, the bloom was definitely off the rose.
  4. Food in South America blows. Chile has good, cheap, Haas avocados in abundance. They even put them in hot dogs. Place is a dead ringer for California. Vina Del Mar looks like Santa Monica and Valparaiso looks like San Francisco. No real falang community, however.
  5. The master plan is to widen the whole stretch of jomtien beach. The sand dredging boat is still out in the bay bringing in more sand.
  6. Speaking of enjoying your low season while you can, 120,000 Chinese expected to descend on our shores on Monday, the first day of visa exempt. Batten down the hatches@
  7. Ignorant Chinese tourists? Declining Chinese economy? Overblown movie hysteria? Whatever the reason, I, for one, am glad to have a low season again. Better enjoy it while you can. High season will be upon us in no time-Chinese or no Chinese.
  8. At 74, i don't really want to pack up and leave Thailand, but if they start taxing falangs on Retirement Visas just bringing savings in from a Western bank, that would suck big time. Still needs to be clarification on this point.
  9. Dollar hit 38 last October. I'd like to see that again this October. First, we have to hit 37. Baby steps. i bought 80,000 baht at 38 last year. Should have bought 280,000.
  10. He must have done some good work in the "Boss" case. When you're cited, it usually means you are singled out for commendation. Where's his citation for aiding and abetting?
  11. Another great innovation brought to you by Crimestoppers, Inc. Let's face it, if there weren't so many assaults, thefts and fights in the darkened recesses of Beach Rd, there wouldn't be any need for the floodlights.
  12. Taking a cue from Thaksin. He must not be rich, tho. He was probably going to Lo-So prison.
  13. Headline should read, One ethnic, Chinese foreigner lauds new visa.
  14. If this creep is guilty of what they say, I doubt he even has a collared shirt to wear to immigration.
  15. The road from Danang to Hue over Hai Van Pass is spectacular. Best way to do it is to drive. Don't get into the tunnel that goes thru the mountain. Take the old pass road if you can. I did it in an old Russian Lada back in 1993, before the tunnel was built to accomodate heavy trucks and busses. I'm not sure what the rules are about cars now.
  16. Time for China to ramp up the pressure for the Kra Canal. Its been on the drawing board for about a decade and they must be getting antsy by now.
  17. Make sure its a reputable seller with lots of reviews. I got scammed last year on a Lazada phone purchase. Lost 10,000 baht. Lazada will NOT back you up if you get scammed on their website unless it says Laz Mall Shop.
  18. Hey, Don't forget to patrol in Jomtien too. The boom box car jagoffs have been making a comeback this week, usually after 3 am.
  19. Drinking session and sketches of Hitler. Yeah, that's gonna produce an uplifting outcome.
  20. The late, lamented Ronnie's NY Pizza on Soi Nana was great. Covid killed it. If you want a slice of real NY Pizza, go to SOHO on Soi 11, up near the top of the soi. Maybe even better than Ronnie's was. It's not cheap-120 baht for a slice of cheese-but its really good. Pala is OK, if you like the thick, bready, square slice.
  21. "Tirelessly" looking to put a new condo or office tower on every unused parcel of land.
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